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Psiflow is designed as an end-to-end framework for developing interatomic potentials. As such, it has a number of dependencies which should be available in order to be able to perform all steps in the workflow. The following table groups the main dependencies according to how they are used in psiflow:

category name version uses GPU uses MPI
QM evaluation CP2K >= 2023.1
PySCF >=2.4
trainable potentials MACE 0.2.0
NequIP 0.5.6
Allegro 0.2.0
molecular dynamics OpenMM 8.0
PLUMED 2.9.0
YAFF 1.6.0
miscellaneous Parsl 2024.02.12
e3nn 0.4.4
PyTorch 1.13.1
ASE >=3.22.1
wandb 0.15.8
Python 3.10, 3.11


To alleviate users from having to go through all of the installation shenanigans, psiflow provides a convenient portable entity which bundles all of the above dependencies -- a container image! Whether you're executing your calculations on a high-memory node in a cluster or using a GPU from a Google Cloud instance, all that is required is a working container engine and you're good to go. The vast majority of HPCs and cloud computing providers support containerized execution, using engines like Apptainer/Singularity, Shifter, or Docker. These engines are also very easily installed on your local workstation, which facilitates local debugging.

Besides a container engine, it's necessary to install a standalone Python environment which needs to take care of possible job submissions and input/output writing. Since the actual calculations are performed inside the container, the standalone Python environment requires barely anything, and is straightforward to install using micromamba -- a blazingly fast drop-in replacement for conda:

micromamba create -n psiflow_env -c conda-forge -y python=3.10
micromamba activate psiflow_env
pip install parsl==2023.10.23 git+
That's it! Before running actual calculations, it is still necessary to set up Parsl to use the compute resources you have at your disposal -- whether it's a local GPU, a SLURM cluster, or a cloud computing provider; check out the Execution page for more details.

Containers 101

Apptainer -- now the most widely used container system for HPCs -- is part of the Linux Foundation. It is easy to set up on most Linux distributions, as explained in the Apptainer documentation.

Psiflow's containers are hosted on the GitHub Container Registry (GHCR), for both Python 3.9 and 3.10. To download and run commands in them, simply execute:

# show available pip packages
apptainer exec oras:// /usr/local/bin/ pip list

# inspect cp2k version
apptainer exec oras:// /usr/local/bin/ cp2k.pmsp --version

Internally, Apptainer will store the container in a local cache directory such that it does not have to redownload it every time a command gets executed. Usually, it's a good idea to manually change the location of these cache directories since they can end up clogging your $HOME$ directory quite quickly. To do this, simply put the following lines in your .bashrc:

export APPTAINER_CACHEDIR=/some/dir/on/local/scratch/apptainer_cache

If your compute resources use SingularityCE instead of Apptainer, replace 'APPTAINER' with 'SINGULARITY' in the environment variable names.

Weights & Biases

To ensure psiflow can communicate its data to W&B, add

export WANDB_API_KEY=<your key from>
to your .bashrc.

AMD GPU support

As the name of the container suggests, GPU acceleration for PyTorch models in OpenMM is currently only available for Nvidia GPUs because the compatibility of conda/mamba with AMD GPUs (HIP) is not great at the moment. If you really must use AMD GPUs in psiflow, you'll have to manually create a separate Python environment with a ROCm-enabled PyTorch for training, and the regular containerized setup for CPU-only molecular dynamics with OpenMM.

A ROCm-compatible PyTorch can be installed using the following command:

pip install --force torch==1.13.1 --index-url


While a containerized setup guarantees reproducibility and is faster to install, a fully manual setup of Psiflow and its dependencies provides the user with full control over software versions or compiler flags. While this is not really necessary in the vast majority of cases, we mention for completeness the following manual setup using micromamba:

CONDA_OVERRIDE_CUDA="11.8" micromamba create -p ./psiflow_env -y -c conda-forge \
    python=3.10 pip \
    openmm-plumed openmm-torch pytorch=1.13.1=cuda* \
    nwchem py-plumed cp2k && \
    micromamba clean -af --yes
pip install cython==0.29.36 matscipy prettytable && \
    pip install git+ && \
    pip install git+ && \
    pip install e3nn==0.4.4
pip install numpy ase tqdm pyyaml 'torch-runstats>=0.2.0' 'torch-ema>=0.3.0' mdtraj tables
pip install git+ && \
    pip install git+ --no-deps && \
    pip install git+ --no-deps && \
    pip install git+
pip install 'psiflow[parsl] @ git+'
This is mostly a copy-paste from psiflow's Dockerfiles.