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Psiflow makes it extremely easy to build complex computational graphs that consist of QM evaluations, model training, and a variety of phase space sampling algorithms, among others. If your Python environment contains the required dependencies, you can execute any of the learning examples just like that:

Model training, molecular dynamics, and reference evaluations will all get executed in separate processes; the main Python script only used to resolve the computational directed acyclic graph (DAG) of tasks. However, local execution is rather limiting because the evaluation of an average learning workflow requires large amounts of several different computational resources. For example, QM calculations typically require nodes with a large core count (64 or even 128) and with sufficient memory, whereas model training and evaluation require one or more powerful GPUs. Because a single computer can never provide the computing power that is required to execute such workflows, psiflow is intrinsically built to support distributed and asynchronous execution across a large variety of resources (including most HPC and cloud infrastructure). This means that while the entire online learning workflow is defined in a single Python script, its execution is automatically offloaded to tens, hundreds, or even thousands of nodes. Configuration of the execution resources is done using a single Python script; It specifies the following parameters (among others)

  • the number of cores to use for each CP2K singlepoint evaluation, as well as the specific OpenMP/MPI parallellization settings;
  • the project ID from Google Compute Engine, if applicable;
  • the computational resources to request in a single SLURM job, if applicable. This includes walltime, core count, and memory, as well as e.g. the maximum number of molecular dynamics simulations that can be executed in parallel in a single job;
  • the execution of specific module load or source env/bin/activate commands to ensure all the necessary environment variables are set.

The execution parameters in the configuration script are strictly and deliberately kept separate from the main Python script that defines the workflow, in line with Parsl's philosophy write once, run anywhere. To execute the zeolite reaction example not on your local computer, but on remote compute resources (e.g. the Frontier exascale system at OLCF), you simply have to pass the relevant psiflow configuration file as an argument:

python frontier.yaml      # executes exact same workflow on Frontier

The following sections will explain in more detail how remote execution is configured.

Parsl execution

Before you continue, we recommend going through the Parsl documentation on execution first in order to get acquainted with the executor, provider, and launcher concepts.

Execution definitions

All execution-side parameters are defined in a configuration file using concise YAML syntax. Its contents are divided in so-called execution definitions, each of which specifies how and where a certain type of calculation will be executed. Each definition accepts at least the following arguments:

  • gpu: bool = False: whether or not this calculation proceeds on the GPU
  • cores_per_worker: int = 1: how many cores each individual calculation requires
  • max_walltime: float = None: specifies a maximum duration of each calculation before it gets gracefully killed.
  • parsl_provider: parsl.providers.ExecutionProvider: a Parsl provider which psiflow can use to get compute time. For a ClusterProvider (e.g. SlurmProvider), this involves submitting a job to the queueing system; for a GoogleCloudProvider, this involves provisioning and connecting to a node in the cloud; for a LocalProvider, this just means "use the resources available on the current system". See this section in the Parsl documentation for more details.

Psiflow introduces three different execution definitions:

  1. model evaluation: this determines how and where the trainable models (i.e. BaseModel instances) are executed. In addition to the common arguments above, it allows the user to specify a simulation_engine, with possible values being yaff (slow, legacy) and openmm (faster, new in v2.0.0). Older versions additionally allowed users to perform certain calculations in float64 (which might be relevant when doing energy minimizations) but this has been removed in v2.0.0; all calculations are now performed in float32.
  2. model training: this definition determines where models are trained. It is forced to have gpu=True because model training is always performed on GPU (and in float32) anyway.
  3. reference evaluation: this determines how and where QM evaluations are performed. Because most (if not all) QM engines rely on MPI (and sometimes OpenMP) to parallelize over multiple cores, it is possible to specify your own MPI command here. It should be a function with a single argument, which returns (as string) the MPI command to use when executing a QM evaluation. Its default value is the following lambda expression (for MPICH as included in the container):
    mpi_command = lambda x: f'mpirun -np {x} -bind-to core -rmk user -launcher fork'

For example: the following configuration ensures we're executing molecular dynamics sampling using OpenMM as engine and on 1 GPU / 4 cores, whereas reference evaluation is performed on 4 cores. If a QM singlepoint takes longer than 10 minutes (because our system is too big or the SCF has trouble converging), the evaluation is gracefully killed.

  cores_per_worker: 4
  simulation_engine: 'openmm'
  gpu: True
  gpu: true
  cores_per_worker: 4
  max_walltime: 10
whereas this one ensures we're using YAFF as backend, on a single core, without GPU. In addition, it ensures that all nontrivial operations are executed using psiflow's container image (because you rightfully don't want to bother installing PyTorch/OpenMM/CP2K/PLUMED/... on your local workstation).
  engine: 'apptainer'
  uri: 'oras://'
  cores_per_worker: 1
  simulation_engine: 'yaff'
  gpu: true
  cores_per_worker: 4
  max_walltime: 10

Remote execution

The above example is concise and elegant, but not very useful. As mentioned before, psiflow is designed to support remote execution on vast amounts of compute resources, not just the cores/GPU on our local workstation. This is particularly convenient in a containerized fashion, since this alleviates the need to install all of its dependencies on each of the compute resources. As an example of this, consider the following configuration:

  engine: "apptainer"
  uri: "oras://"
  cores_per_worker: 1
  simulation_engine: 'openmm'
    partition: "cpu_rome"
    account: "2022_069"
    nodes_per_block: 1    # each block fits on (less than) one node
    cores_per_node: 8     # number of cores per slurm job
    init_blocks: 1        # initialize a block at the start of the workflow
    max_blocks: 1         # do not use more than one block
    walltime: "01:00:00"  # walltime per block
    exclusive: false      # rest of compute node free to use
    scheduler_options: "#SBATCH --clusters=dodrio\n"
  cores_per_worker: 12
  gpu: true
    partition: "gpu_rome_a100"
    account: "2022_069"
    nodes_per_block: 1
    cores_per_node: 12  
    init_blocks: 1      
    max_blocks: 1       
    walltime: "01:00:00"
    exclusive: false
    scheduler_options: "#SBATCH --clusters=dodrio\n#SBATCH --gpus=1\n"
  max_walltime: 20
  cpu_affinity: "alternating"  # avoid performance decrease in CP2K
    partition: "cpu_rome"
    account: "2022_069"
    nodes_per_block: 1
    cores_per_node: 64
    init_blocks: 1
    min_blocks: 0 
    max_blocks: 10 
    walltime: "01:00:00"
    exclusive: false
    scheduler_options: "#SBATCH --clusters=dodrio\n"
Each execution definition receives an additional keyword which contains all information related to the 'provider' of execution resources. In this case, the provider is a SLURM cluster system, and 'blocks' denote individual SLURM jobs (which can run one or more workers). The keyword-value pairs given in the SlurmProvider section are forwarded to the corresponding __init__ method of the Parsl provider (here for SLURM). Check out the configs directory for more example configurations. since you do not need to take care that all software is installed in the same way on multiple partitions. This setup is especially convenient to combine with containerized execution.

For people who chose to install psiflow and its dependencies manually, it's important to take care that all manually installed packages can be found by each of the providers. This is possible using the worker_init argument of Parsl providers, which can be used to activate specific Python environments or execute module load commands.