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psiflow - interatomic potentials using online learning

Psiflow is a modular and scalable library for developing interatomic potentials. It interfaces popular trainable interaction potentials with quantum chemistry software and is designed as an end-to-end framework; it can orchestrate all computational tasks between an initial atomic structure and the final accurate interatomic potential. To achieve this, psiflow implements the following high-level abstractions:

  • a trainable interaction potential (e.g. NequIP or MACE)
  • one or more phase space sampling algorithms (e.g. biased NPT, geometry optimization)
  • a reference level of theory (e.g. CP2K using PBE-D3(BJ) + TZVP)

These three components are used to implement online learning algorithms, which essentially interleave phase space sampling with quantum mechanical energy evaluations and model training. In this way, the entire (relevant part of the) phase space of the system(s) of interest may be explored and learned by the model without ever having to perform ab initio molecular dynamics.

See what it looks like on Weights & Biases!

The main channel through which you will analyze psiflow's output is Weights & Biases. Click here to check out a few completed runs, in which we learn the energetics of the molecular proton transfer reaction in a formic acid dimer! For more information on the example as well as a full walkthrough on how to obtain the reaction free energy based on a single input structure as starting point, check out the Jupyter notebook.

Scalable execution

Psiflow workflows can be executed on large HPCs and/or cloud computing infrastructure. The individual QM calculations, model training runs, and/or phase space sampling calculations are efficiently executed on hundreds or thousands of nodes thanks to Parsl, a parallel and asynchronous execution framework. For example, you could distribute all CP2K calculations to a local SLURM cluster, perform model training on a GPU from a Google Cloud instance, and forward the remaining phase space sampling and data processing operations to a single workstation in your local network. Naturally, Parsl tracks the dependencies between all objects and manages execution of the workflow in an asynchronous manner.

Citing psiflow

Psiflow is developed at the Center for Molecular Modeling. If you use it in your research, please cite the following paper:

Machine learning Potentials for Metal-Organic Frameworks using an Incremental Learning Approach, Sander Vandenhaute et al., npj Computational Materials, 9, 19 (2023)

Atomic data

In psiflow, a set of atomic configurations is represented using the Dataset class. It may represent training/validation data for model development, or a trajectory of snapshots that was generated using molecular dynamics. A Dataset instance mimics the behavior of a list of ASE Atoms instances:

from import Dataset

data_train  = Dataset.load('')         # create a psiflow Dataset from a file
data_subset = data_train[:10]                   # create a new Dataset instance with the first 10 states
data_train  = data_subset + data_train[10:]     # combining two datasets is easy

data = Dataset.load('')
train, valid = data.shuffle().split(0.9)        # shuffle structures and partition into train/valid sets
type(train)                                     # psiflow Dataset
type(valid)                                     # psiflow Dataset
The main difference between a psiflow Dataset instance and an actual Python list of Atoms is that a Dataset can represent data that will be generated in the future.

Parsl 101: Apps and Futures

To understand what is meant by 'generating data in the future', it is necessary to introduce the core concepts in Parsl: apps and futures. In their simplest form, apps are just functions, and futures are the result of an app given a set of inputs. Importantly, a Future already exists before the actual calculation is performed. In essence, a Future promises that, at some time in the future, it will contain the actual result of the function evaluation. Take a look at the following example:

from import python_app

@python_app # convert a regular Python function into a Parsl app
def sum_integers(a, b):
    return a + b

sum_future = sum_integers(3, 4) # tell Parsl to generate a future that represents the sum of integers 3 and 4
print(sum_future)               # is an AppFuture, not an integer

print(sum_future.result())      # now compute the actual result; this will print 7 !
The return value of Parsl apps is not the actual result (in this case, an integer), but an AppFuture that will store the result of the function evaluation after it has completed. The main reason for doing things this way is that this allows for asynchronous execution. For more information, check out the Parsl documentation.

The actual atomic configurations are stored as a Parsl future, in an attribute of the Dataset object. Actually getting the data would require the user to make a .result() call similar to the trivial Parsl example above. Let's go back to the first example and try and get the actual list of Atoms instances:

data_train = Dataset.load('')
atoms_list = data_train.as_list()                   # returns AppFuture

isinstance(atoms_list, list)                        # returns False! 

atoms_list.result()                                 # this is the actual list

data_train[4]                   # AppFuture representing the configuration at index 4
data_train[4].result()          # actual Atoms instance
If the initial XYZ file was formatted in extended XYZ format and contained the potential energy, forces, and stress of each atomic configuration, they are also loaded in the dataset:
data_train[4].result()                      # actual Atoms instance
data_train[4].result().info['energy']       # potential energy, float
data_train[4].result().info['stress']       # virial stress, 2darray of shape (3, 3)
data_train[4].result().arrays['forces']     # forces, 2darray of shape (natoms, 3)
While not that important for the user, it is worth mentioning that psiflow extends ASE's Atoms functionality with a few additional features, mostly for internal convenience. Practically speaking, this does not really change anything for the user, but we mention it for completeness.
from ase import Atoms
from import FlowAtoms

snapshot = data_train[4].result()   # convert Future of snapshot to actual snapshot
isinstance(snapshot, Atoms)         # True; FlowAtoms subclasses Atoms
type(snapshot) == Atoms             # False; it is not actually an Atoms instance
type(snapshot) == FlowAtoms         # True

Trainable potentials

Once we know how datasets are represented, we can start defining models. Psiflow defines an abstract BaseModel interface which each particular machine learning potential should subclass. In addition, psiflow provides configuration dataclasses for each model with reasonable defaults.

  • NequIP : implemented by NequIPModel and NequIPConfig
  • Allegro : implemented by AllegroModel and AllegroConfig
  • MACE : implemented by MACEModel and MACEConfig

The BaseModel interface ensures that each model implements the following methods

  • initialize: compute energy shifts and scalings as well as the average number of neighbors (and any other network normalization metrics) using a given training dataset, and initialize model weights.
  • train: train the parameters of a model using two separate datasets, one for actual training and one for validation. The current model parameters are used as starting parameters for the training
  • evaluate: compute the energy, force, and stress predictions on a given test dataset

The following example illustrates how Dataset and BaseModel instances can be used to train models and evaluate errors.

from import Dataset
from psiflow.models import NequIPModel, NequIPConfig

# setup
data_train = Dataset.load('') # load training and validation data
data_valid = Dataset.load('')

config = NequIPConfig()
config.num_features = 16        # modify NequIP parameters to whatever
model = NequIPModel(config)     # create model instance

# initialize, train, deploy
model.initialize(data_train)            # this will calculate the scale/shifts, and average number of neighbors
model.train(data_train, data_valid)     # train using supplied datasets'./')        # saves initialized config and model to current working directory!

# evaluate test error
data_test       = Dataset.load('')      # test data; contains QM reference energy/forces/stress
data_test_model = model.evaluate(data_test)     # same test data, but with predicted energy/forces/stress

errors = Dataset.get_errors(        # static method of Dataset to compute the error between two datasets
        properties=['forces'],      # only compute the force error
        elements=['C', 'O'],        # only include carbon or oxygen atoms
        metric='rmse',              # use RMSE instead of MAE or MAX
        ).result()                  # errors is an AppFuture, use .result() to get the actual values as ndarray
Note that depending on how the psiflow execution is configured, it is perfectly possible that the model.train() command will end up being executed using a GPU on a SLURM cluster, whereas model deployment and evaluation of the test error gets executed on your local computer. See the psiflow Configuration page for more information.

In many cases, it is generally recommended to provide these models with some estimate of the absolute energy of an isolated atom for the specific level of theory and basis set considered (and this for each element). Instead of having the model learn the absolute total energy of the system, we first subtract these atomic energies in order to train the model on the formation energy of the system instead, as this generally improves the generalization performance of the model towards unseen stoichiometries.

model.add_atomic_energy('H', -13.7)     # add atomic energy of isolated hydrogen atom

model.add_atomic_energy('O', -400)      # will raise an exception; model needs to be reinitialized first
model.reset()                           # removes current model, but keeps raw config
model.add_atomic_energy('O', -400)      # OK!
model.initialize(some_training_data)    # offsets total energy with given atomic energy values per atom
Whenever atomic energies are available, BaseModel instances will automatically offset the potential energy in a (labeled) Dataset by the sum of the energies of the isolated atoms; the underlying PyTorch network is then initialized/trained on the formation energy of the system instead. In order to avoid artificially high energy discrepancies between models trained on the formation energy on one hand, and reference potential energies as obtained from any BaseReference, the evaluate method will first perform the converse operation, i.e. add the energies of the isolated atoms to the model's prediction of the formation energy.

Molecular simulation

Having trained a model, it is possible to explore the phase space of a physical system in order to generate new geometries. Psiflow defines a BaseWalker interface that should be used to implement specific phase space exploration algorithms. Each walker implements a propagate method which performs the phase space sampling using a BaseModel instance and returns the final state in which it 'arrived'. Each walker has a counter attribute which defines the number of steps that have elapsed between its initial structure and said returned state.

Let's illustrate this using an important example: molecular dynamics with the DynamicWalker. Temperature and pressure control are implemented by means of stochastic Langevin dynamics because it typically dampens the correlations as compared to deterministic time propagation methods based on extended Lagrangians (e.g. Nose-Hoover). Propagation of a walker will return a metadata namedtuple which has multiple fields, some of which are specific to the type of the walker.

import numpy as np
from psiflow.sampling import DynamicWalker

walker = DynamicWalker(
        data_train[0],      # initialize walker to first configuration in dataset
        timestep=0.5,       # Verlet timestep
        steps=1000,         # number of timesteps to perform
        step=100,           # frequency with which states are sampled
        start=0,            # timestep at which sampling is started
        temperature=300,    # temperature, in kelvin
        pressure=None,      # pressure, in MPa. If None, then simulation is NVT
        seed=0,             # numpy random seed with which initial Boltzmann velocities are set

# run short MD simulation using some model
metadata = walker.propagate(model=model)

The following fields are always present in the metadata object:

  • metadata.state: AppFuture of an Atoms object which represents the final state
  • metadata.counter: AppFuture of an int representing the total number of steps that the walker has taken since its initialization (or most recent reset).
  • metadata.reset: AppFuture of a bool which indicates whether the walker was reset during or after propagation (e.g. because the temperature diverged too far from its target value).

The dynamic walker in particular has a few additional fields which might be useful:

  • metadata.temperature: AppFuture of a float representing the average temperature during the simulation
  • metadata.stdout: filepath of the output log of the molecular dynamics run
  • metadata.time: AppFuture of a float which represents the total elapsed time during propagation.

When doing active learning, we're usually only interested in the final state of each of the walkers and whether the average temperature remained within reasonable bounds. In that case, the returned metadata object contains all the necessary information about the propagation. However, the actual trajectory that the walker has followed can be optionally returned as a Dataset:

metadata, trajectory = walker.propagate(model=model, keep_trajectory=True)
assert trajectory.length().result == (1000 / 100 + 1)   # includes initial and final state
assert np.allclose(                                     # metadata contains final state

Parsl 102: Futures are necessary

This example should also illustrate why exactly we would represent data using Futures in the first place. Suppose that the walker.propagate call is configured to run on a SLURM job that has a walltime of only ten minutes. At the time of submission, all psiflow knows is that, at some point in the future, it will receive a chunk of data that represents the trajectory of the simulation. It cannot yet know how many states are precisely going to be present in that dataset; for that we would have to actually wait for the result. This waiting is precisely what is enforced when using .result() on a Future. For example, if we would like to find out how many states were actually generated, we'd use the dataset.length() function that returns a Future of the length of the dataset:

length = trajectory.length()    # will execute before the trajectory is actually generated
length.result()                 # enforces Python to wait until the MD calculation has finished, and then compute the actual length
See this page in the Parsl documentation for more information on asynchronous execution.

Successful phase space exploration is typically only possible with models that are at least vaguely aware of what the low- and high-energy configurations of the system look like. If simulation temperatures are too high, simulation times are too long, or the model is simply lacking knowledge on certain important low-energy regions in phase space, then the simulation might explode. In practice, this means that atoms are going to experience enormous forces, fly away, and incentivize others to do the same. In an online learning context, there is no point in further propagating walkers after such unphysical events have occurred because the sampled states are either impossible to evaluate with the given reference (e.g. due to SCF convergence issues) or do not contain any relevant information on the atomic interactions. While there exist a bunch of techniques in literature in order to check for such divergences, psiflow takes a pragmatic approach and puts a ceiling value on the allowed temperature using the max_excess_temperature keyword argument. If, at the end of a simulation, the instantaneous temperature deviates from the nominal heat bath temperature by more than \(T_{\text{excess}}\), the simulation is considered unsafe, and the walker is reset. Statistical mechanics provides an exact expression for the distribution of the instantaneous temperature of the system as a function of the number of atoms N and the temperature of the heat bath T (hit ctrl+R if the math does not show up correctly): $$ 3N\frac{T_i}{T} \sim \chi^2(3N) $$ in which the chi-squared distribution arises because the temperature (i.e. kinetic energy) is essentially equal to the sum of the squares of 3N normally distributed velocity components. Its standard deviation is given by: $$ \sigma_T = \frac{T}{\sqrt{3N}} $$ This means that for very small systems and/or very high temperatures, the system's instantaneous temperature is expected to deviate quite a bit from its average value. In those cases, it's important to set the allowed excess temperature sufficiently high (e.g. 300 K) in order to avoid resetting walkers unnecessarily.

In practical scenarios, phase space exploration is often performed in a massively parallel manner, i.e. with multiple walkers. The multiply() class method provides a convenient way of initializing a list of BaseWalker instances which differ only in the initial starting configuration and their random number seed. Let us try and generate 10 walkers which are initialized with different snapshots from the trajectory obtained before:

walkers = DynamicWalker.multiply(
        data_start=trajectory,              # walker i initialized to trajectory[i];
for i, walker in enumerate(walkers):
    assert walker.seed == i                 # unique seed for each walker

states = []                                 # keep track of 'Future' states
for walker in walkers:
    metadata = walker.propagate(model=model)   # proceeds in parallel!
data = Dataset(states)                      # put them in a Dataset
If the requested number of walkers is larger than the number of states in the trajectory, states are assigned to walkers based on their index modulo the length of the trajectory.

Besides the dynamic walker, we also implemented an OptimizationWalker which wraps around ASE's preconditioned L-BFGS implementation ; this is an efficient optimization algorithm which typically requires less steps than either conventional L-BFGS or first-order methods such as conjugate gradient (CG). Geometry optimizations in psiflow will generally not be able to reduce the residual forces in the system below about 0.01 eV/A because of the relatively limited precision (float32) of model evaluation. Previous versions did in fact support float64, but since the ability to perform precise geometry optimizations is largely irrelevant in the context of active learning, we decided to remove this for simplicity. Similarly, psiflow does not offer much flexibility in terms of integration algorithms because this is typically not very important when generating atomic geometries for online learning. The important thing is that the system has enough flexibility to explore the relevant parts of the phase space (i.e. allowing energy and or unit cell parameters to change); how exactly this is achieved is less relevant. For precise control of downstream inference tasks with trained models, we encourage users to employ the PyTorch models as saved by in standalone scripts outside of psiflow.

Bias potentials and enhanced sampling

In the vast majority of molecular dynamics simulations of realistic systems, it is beneficial to modify the equilibrium Boltzmann distribution with bias potentials or advanced sampling schemes as to increase the sampling efficiency and reduce redundancy within the trajectory. In psiflow, this is achieved by interfacing the dynamic walkers with the PLUMED library, which provides the user with various choices of enhanced sampling techniques. This allows users to apply bias potentials along specific collective variables or evaluate the bias energy across a dataset of atomic configurations.

Variable names in PLUMED input files

For convenience, psiflow assumes that all collective variables in the PLUMED file have a name that starts with CV; CV1, CV_1, CV_first, or CV are all valid names while cv1, colvar1 are not.

In the following example, we define the PLUMED input as a multi-line string in Python. We consider the particular case of applying a metadynamics bias to a collective variable - in this case the unit cell volume. Because metadynamics represents a time-dependent bias, it relies on an additional hills file which keeps track of the location of Gaussian hills that were installed in the system at various steps throughout the simulation. Psiflow automatically takes care of such external files, and their file path in the input string is essentially irrelevant. To apply this bias in a simulation, we employ the BiasedDynamicWalker; it is almost identical to the DynamicWalker except that it accepts an additional (mandatory) bias keyword argument during initialization:

from psiflow.sampling import BiasedDynamicWalker, PlumedBias

plumed_input = """
bias = PlumedBias(plumed_input)        # a new hills file is generated

walker   = BiasedDynamicWalker(data_train[0], bias=bias, timestep=0.5)  # initialize dynamic walker with bias
metadata = walker.propagate(model)                                      # performs biased MD
Note that the bias instance will retain the hills that were generated during walker propagation. Often, we want to investigate what the final bias energy looks like as a function of the collective variable. To facilitate this, psiflow provides the ability to evaluate PlumedBias objects on Dataset instances using the bias.evaluate() method. The returned object is a Parsl Future that represents an ndarray of shape (nstates, ncolvars + 1). The first column represents the value of the collective variable for each state, and the second column contains the bias energy.

values = bias.evaluate(data_train)       # compute the collective variable 'CV' and bias energy

assert values.result().shape[0] == data_train.length().result()  # each snapshot is evaluated separately
assert values.result().shape[1] == 2                             # CV and bias per snapshot, in PLUMED units!
assert not np.allclose(values.result()[:, 1], 0)                 # bias energy from added hills
As another example, let's consider the same collective variable but now with a harmonic bias potential applied to it. Because sampling with and manipulation of harmonic bias potentials is ubiquitous in free energy calculations, psiflow provides specific functionalities for this particular case.
plumed_input = """
walker = BiasedDynamicWalker(data_train[0], bias=PlumedBias(plumed_input))  # walker with harmonic bias
state = walker.propagate(model=model).state

# change bias center and width
walker.bias.adjust_restraint(variable='CV', kappa=2, center=200)
state_ = walker.propagate(model).state

# if the system had enough time to equilibrate with the bias, then the following should hold
assert state.result().get_volume() < state_.result().get_volume()
Finally, psiflow also explicitly supports the use of bias potentials as defined numerically on a grid of CV values:
import numpy as np
from psiflow.sampling.bias import generate_external_grid

bias_function = lambda x: np.exp(-0.01 * (x - 150) ** 2)    # Gaussian hill at CV=150
grid_values   = np.linspace(0, 300, 500)                    # CV values for numerical grid

grid = generate_external_grid(      # generate contents of PLUMED grid file
        'CV',                       # use ARG=CV in the EXTERNAL action
        periodic=False,             # periodicity of CV
plumed_input = """
bias = PlumedBias(plumed_input, data={'EXTERNAL': grid})   # pass grid file as external dependency
Note that metadynamics hills files cannot be shared between walkers (as is the case in multiple walker metadynamics) as this would violate their strict independence.


PLUMED interfacing is not supported for the OptimizationWalker because (i) it is rarely ever useful to add a bias during optimization, and (ii) the optimization is performed in ASE, and ASE's PLUMED interface is shaky at best.

Level of theory

Atomic configurations should be labeled with the correct QM energy, force, and (optionally) virial stress before they can be used during model training. The BaseReference class implements the singlepoint evaluations using specific QM software packages and levels of theory. Its main functionality is provided by its evaluate method, which accepts both a Dataset as well as a (future of a) single FlowAtoms instance, and performs the single-point calculations. Depending on which argument it receives, it returns either a future or a Dataset which contain the QM energy, forces, and/or stress.

_, trajectory = walker.propagate(model=model, keep_trajectory=True)    # trajectory of states

reference = ...                           # initialize some Reference instance, e.g. CP2KReference (see below)
labeled = reference.evaluate(trajectory)  # massively parallel evaluation (returns new Dataset with results)   
assert isinstance(labeled, Dataset)
print(labeled[0].result().info['energy']) # cp2k potential energy!

labeled = reference.evaluate(trajectory[0])     # evaluates single state (returns a FlowAtoms future)
assert isinstance(labeled, AppFuture)
assert isinstance(labeled.result(), FlowAtoms)
print(labeled.result().info['energy'])          # will print the same energy
The output and error logs that were generated during the actual evaluation are automatically stored in case they need to checked for errors or unexpected behavior. Their location in the file system is kept track of using additional attributes provided by the FlowAtoms class (which is not present in ASE's Atoms instance):

assert labeled.result().reference_status    # True, because state is successfully evaluated
print(labeled.result().reference_stdout)    # e.g. ./psiflow_internal/000/task_logs/0000/cp2k_evaluate.stdout
print(labeled.result().reference_stderr)    # e.g. ./psiflow_internal/000/task_logs/0000/cp2k_evaluate.stderr
Reference instances provide a convenient interface of computing the absolute energy of an isolated atom:
energy_H = reference.compute_atomic_energy('H', box_size=5)
energy_H.result()   # about -13.7 eV


The CP2KReference expects a traditional CP2K input file (again represented as a multi-line string in Python, just like the PLUMED input); it should only contain the FORCE_EVAL section, and any TOPOLOGY or CELL information will be automatically removed since this information may change from structure to structure and is automatically taken care of by psiflow internally. Do not use absolute filepaths to refer to basis set or pseudopotential input files. Instead, you can simply use the corresponding filenames as they appear within the CP2K data directory.

from psiflow.reference import CP2KReference

cp2k_input = with file('cp2k_input.txt', 'r') as f:
reference  = CP2KReference(cp2k_input)

Sometimes, you may wish to perform energy-only evaluations. For example, in some implementations of post-HF methods such as MP2 or RPA, evaluation of the forces can become much more expensive and is generally not efficient. In those cases, it is possible to perform energy-only evaluations of atomic structures, provided that you have expressed to psiflow that it should not try to parse any forces from the output file. This is done by providing a properties argument during initialization of the Reference instance.

reference_Eonly = CP2KReference(cp2k_input, properties=('energy',))
reference_Ef    = CP2KReference(cp2k_input, properties=('energy', 'forces'))

state = reference_Eonly.evaluate(atoms)     # only contains the potential energy; not the forces
state = reference_Ef.evaluate(atoms)        # contains both energy and forces (default behavior)


The PySCFReference expects a string representation of the Python code that should be executed. You may assume that this piece of code will be executed in a larger Python script in which the correct PySCF molecule object has been initialized. The script should define the energy and forces Python variables (respectively float and numpy.ndarray) which should contain the energy and negative gradient in atomic units.

See below for an example:

from psiflow.reference import PySCFReference

routine = """
from pyscf import dft

mf = dft.RKS(molecule)
mf.xc = 'pbe,pbe'

energy = mf.kernel()
forces = -mf.nuc_grad_method().kernel()
basis = 'cc-pvtz'
spin = 0
reference = PySCFReference(routine, basis, spin)