Source code for quickff.valence

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# QuickFF is a code to quickly derive accurate force fields from ab initio input.
# Copyright (C) 2012 - 2018 Louis Vanduyfhuys <>
# Steven Vandenbrande <>,
# Jelle Wieme <>,
# Toon Verstraelen <>, Center for Molecular Modeling
# (CMM), Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium; all rights reserved unless otherwise
# stated.
# This file is part of QuickFF.
# QuickFF is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# QuickFF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <>

from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import

from molmod.units import *
from molmod.ic import bend_angle, _bend_angle_low, dihed_angle, _dihed_angle_low

from yaff.pes.ff import ForceField, ForcePartValence
from yaff.pes.vlist import *
from yaff.pes.iclist import InternalCoordinateList
from yaff.pes.iclist import Bond, BendAngle, BendCos, DihedCos, DihedAngle, \
    OopDist, SqOopDist
from yaff.pes.dlist import DeltaList
from yaff.sampling.harmonic import estimate_cart_hessian

from import term_sort_atypes, get_multiplicity, get_restvalue, \
from quickff.log import log

import numpy as np, re

__all__ = ['ValenceFF']

class Term(object):
        A class to store easy-accessible information about a term included in
        the valence force field
    def __init__(self, index, basename, kind, ics, tasks, units,master=None, slaves=None, diag_term_indexes=[]):
        self.index = index
        self.basename = basename
        self.kind = kind
        self.ics = ics
        self.tasks = tasks
        self.units = units
        self.master = master
        self.slaves = slaves

    def is_master(self):
        return self.master==self.index

    def get_atoms(self):
        'Get the ordered list of indexes of the atoms involved'
        atoms = None
        ic = None
        if self.kind==3:#cross
            #check if one of ics is dihedral
            for testic in self.ics:
                if testic.kind in [3,4,12,13,14,15]:
                    ic = testic
            #check if one of ics is angle
            if ic is None:
                for testic in self.ics:
                    if testic.kind in [1,2]:
                        ic = testic
            #only bonds in ics, either r01,r12 or r01,r23
            if ic is None:
                assert self.ics[0].kind==0 and self.ics[1].kind==0, 'IC other than bond, bendangle, bendcos, dihedangle or dihedcos in cross term. Not implemented!'
                a0 = self.ics[0].index_pairs[0]
                a1 = self.ics[1].index_pairs[0]
                if   a0[1]==a1[0]:
                    return [a0[0], a0[1], a1[1]]
                elif a0[0]==a1[1]:
                    return [a1[0], a1[1], a0[1]]
                    return [a0[0], a0[1], a1[0], a1[1]]
            ic = self.ics[0]
        assert ic is not None
        if ic.kind==0:#Bond
            atoms = ic.index_pairs[0]
        elif ic.kind in [1,2]: #bend
            a0 = ic.index_pairs[0]
            a1 = ic.index_pairs[1]
            atoms = [a0[1], a0[0], a1[1]]
        elif ic.kind in [3,4,12,13,14,15]: #dihedral
            a0 = ic.index_pairs[0]
            a1 = ic.index_pairs[1]
            a2 = ic.index_pairs[2]
            atoms = [a0[1], a0[0], a1[1], a2[1]]
        elif ic.kind in [10,11]: #oopdist
            a0 = ic.index_pairs[0]
            a1 = ic.index_pairs[1]
            a2 = ic.index_pairs[2]
            atoms = [a0[0], a0[1], a1[1], a2[1]]
        if atoms is None:
            raise ValueError('get_atoms not supported for term %s' %self.basename)
            return atoms

    def to_string(self, valence, max_name=38, max_line=72):
        #check if current is master
        assert self.master is None or self.is_master(), \
            'Current term is not the master'
        #collect parameters
        npars = len(valence.get_params(self.index))
        pars = np.zeros([len(self.slaves)+1, npars], float)
        pars[0,:] = np.array(valence.get_params(self.index))
        for i, index in enumerate(self.slaves):
            pars[1+i,:] = np.array(valence.get_params(index))
        #set default config (applicable for harmonic terms)
        means = pars.mean(axis=0)
        stds = pars.std(axis=0)
        formats = [
            'fc = %%5s %s %%4s' %("+-"),
            'rv = %%5s %s %%4s' %("+-"),
        ndigits = [(5,4), (5,4)]
        units = self.units
        #set special config
        if self.kind==1 and self.ics[0].kind==3:#PolyFour for torsc2harm
            fcs = 0.5*pars[:,3].mean()
            rvs = pars[:,0].mean()
            means = fcs.means(), rvs.mean()
            stds = fcs.std(), rvs.std()
            units = [self.units[3], 'deg']
        elif self.kind==3:#cross
            formats = [
                'fc = %%4s %s %%2s' %("+-"),
                'rv0 = %%4s %s %%3s' %("+-"),
                'rv1 = %%4s %s %%3s' %("+-")
            ndigits = [(4,2), (4,3), (4,3)]
        elif self.kind==4:#cosine
            m, fc, rv = pars.mean(axis=0)
            dm, dfc, drv = pars.std(axis=0)
            means = fc, rv, m
            stds = dfc, drv, np.nan
            formats = [
                'fc = %%4s %s %%3s' %("+-"),
                'rv = %%4s %s %%3s' %("+-"),
                'm = %1s%0s'
            units = [self.units[1], self.units[2], 'au']
            ndigits = [(4,3), (4,3), (1,0)]
        elif self.kind in [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]:#chebychev
            sign = pars[:,1].mean()
            fcs = pars[:,0]
            means = fcs.mean(), sign
            stds = fcs.std(), np.nan
            formats = [
                'fc  = %%4s %s %%3s' %("+-"),
                'sgn = %3s%0s',
            units = [self.units[0], 'au']
            ndigits = [(4,3), (3,0)]
        #convert term pars to string
        line = '%s (%s)' %(
            '  '.join([unit.replace('**','^') for unit in self.units])
        line += ' '*(max_line-len(line))
        for fmt, mean, std, ndigit, unit in zip(formats, means, stds, ndigits, units):
            smean = digits(mean/parse_unit(unit), ndigit[0])
            sstd = digits(std/parse_unit(unit), ndigit[1])
            line += '    ' + fmt %(smean, sstd)
        return line

[docs]class ValenceFF(ForcePartValence): ''' Class to collect all valence terms in the force field for which parameters need to be estimated. ''' def __init__(self, system, settings): ''' **Arguments** system an instance of the Yaff System class containing all system properties settings an instance of `Settings` containing all QuickFF settings ''' with log.section('VAL', 2, timer='Initializing'): log.dump('Initializing valence force field') self.system = system self.settings = settings self.terms = [] ForcePartValence.__init__(self, system) if self.settings.do_bonds: self.init_bond_terms() if self.settings.do_bends: self.init_bend_terms() if self.settings.do_dihedrals: self.init_dihedral_terms() if self.settings.do_oops: self.init_oop_terms()
[docs] def add_term(self, pot, ics, basename, tasks, units, diag_term_indexes=[]): ''' Adds new term both to the Yaff vlist object and a new QuickFF list (self.terms) which holds all information about the term for easy access later in QuickFF. **Arguments** pot an instance of ValenceTerm from `` representing the potential chosen for the term ics list of InternalCoordinate instances from `` basename base name for the term, identical for master and each slave tasks List of strings defining all tasks that have to be performed for this term. Possible tasks are: PT_ALL, HC_FC_DIAG, HC_FC_CROSS, EQ_RV. units Units for all parameters in this term (ordered in the same way as parameters are stored in `yaff.vlist.vtab`) **Optional arguments** diag_term_indexes Indexes of the diagonal terms that correspond to the ics composing an off-diagonal term. Empty if the term is diagonal. ''' index = len(self.terms) #search for possible master and update slaves master = None slaves = None for i, term in enumerate(self.terms): if term.basename==basename: if term.is_master(): master = term.index term.slaves.append(index) else: assert master==term.master if master is None: master = index slaves = [] #add term to self.terms and self.vlist.vtab term = Term( index, basename, pot.kind, ics, tasks, units, master=master, slaves=slaves, diag_term_indexes=diag_term_indexes ) self.terms.append(term) if pot.kind==1:#all 4 parameters of PolyFour are given as 1 tuple args = [(None,)*len(units)] + ics elif pot.kind in [5,6,7,8,9]: #Chebychev args = [None] + ics #sign will first be defaulted as -1, but is set to the correct value in init_dihedral_terms else: args = [None,]*len(units) + ics ForcePartValence.add_term(self, pot(*args)) return term
[docs] def modify_term(self, term_index, pot, ics, basename, tasks, units): ''' Modify the term with given index to a new valence term. ''' #TODO: only allow masters and automatically also modify the slaves with log.section('VAL', 2): #modify in valence.terms old_term = self.terms[term_index] new_term = Term( term_index, basename, pot.kind, ics, tasks, units, master=old_term.master, slaves=old_term.slaves ) self.terms[term_index] = new_term #modify in valence.vlist.vtab vterm = self.vlist.vtab[term_index] if pot.kind==1:#all 4 parameters of PolyFour are given as 1 tuple args = [(None,)*len(units)] + ics elif pot.kind in [5,6,7,8,9]: #chebychev potentials args = [None,]+ics else: args = [None,]*len(units) + ics new = pot(*args) vterm['kind'] = new.kind for i in range(len( vterm['par%i'%i] =[i] ic_indexes = new.get_ic_indexes(self.iclist) for i in range(len(ic_indexes)): vterm['ic%i'%i] = ic_indexes[i]
[docs] def iter_terms(self, label=None, use_re=False): ''' Iterate over all terms in the valence force field. If label is given, only iterate over terms that matches label. ''' for term in self.terms: if label is None: yield term elif use_re: pattern = re.compile(label, re.IGNORECASE) if pattern.match(term.basename): yield term else: continue else: if label.lower() in term.basename.lower(): yield term else: continue
[docs] def iter_masters(self, label=None, use_re=False): ''' Iterate over all master terms in the valence force field. If label is given, only iterate of the terms with the label in its name. ''' for term in self.iter_terms(label=label, use_re=use_re): if term.is_master(): yield term
[docs] def init_bond_terms(self): ''' Initialize all bond terms in the system based on the bonds attribute of the system instance. All bond terms are given harmonic potentials. ''' with log.section('VAL', 3, 'Initializing'): ffatypes = [self.system.ffatypes[fid] for fid in self.system.ffatype_ids] #get the bond terms nbonds = 0 #list of bonds which should be excluded if self.settings.excl_bonds is not None: excl_bonds = self.settings.excl_bonds.split(',') for bond in self.system.iter_bonds(): skip = False bond, types = term_sort_atypes(ffatypes, bond, 'bond') if self.settings.excl_bonds is not None: bond_opt1 = '.'.join(types) bond_opt2 = '.'.join(types[::-1]) for excl in excl_bonds: pattern = re.compile(excl, re.IGNORECASE) if pattern.match(bond_opt1) or pattern.match(bond_opt2): skip = True if not skip: units = ['kjmol/A**2', 'A'] basename = self.settings.bond_term+'/'+'.'.join(types) if self.settings.bond_term.lower() == 'bondharm': pot = Harmonic elif self.settings.bond_term.lower() == 'bondmm3': pot = MM3Quartic elif self.settings.bond_term.lower() == 'bondfues': pot = Fues else: raise ValueError('Bond kind %s not supported' %self.settings.bond_term) term = self.add_term(pot, [Bond(*bond)], basename, ['PT_ALL', 'HC_FC_DIAG'], units) nbonds += 1 else: log.dump('Excluded %s bond'%'.'.join(types)) log.dump('Added %i bond terms' %nbonds)
[docs] def init_bend_terms(self, thresshold=10*deg): ''' Initialize all bend terms in the system based on the bends attribute of the system instance. All bend terms are given harmonic potentials either in the angle or the cosine of the angle. ''' with log.section('VAL', 3, 'Initializing'): #list of bends which should be excluded if self.settings.excl_bends is not None: excl_bends = self.settings.excl_bends.split(',') #get the angle terms ffatypes = [self.system.ffatypes[fid] for fid in self.system.ffatype_ids] angles = {} for angle in self.system.iter_angles(): angle, types = term_sort_atypes(ffatypes, angle, 'dihedral') if types in list(angles.keys()): angles[types].append(angle) else: angles[types] = [angle] #loop over all distinct angle types nabends = 0 ncbends = 0 nsqbends = 0 for types, bends in angles.items(): potkind = None rvs = [] for i, bend in enumerate(bends): if self.system.cell.nvec>0: d10 = self.system.pos[bend[0]] - self.system.pos[bend[1]] d12 = self.system.pos[bend[2]] - self.system.pos[bend[1]] self.system.cell.mic(d10) self.system.cell.mic(d12) rvs.append(_bend_angle_low(d10, d12, 0)[0]) else: rs = np.array([self.system.pos[j] for j in bend]) rvs.append(bend_angle(rs)[0]) #sort rvs in rvs in [90-thresshold, 90+thresshold], rvs in #[180-thresshold,180] and others rvs90 = [rv for rv in rvs if 90*deg-thresshold<rv<90*deg+thresshold] rvs180 = [rv for rv in rvs if 180*deg-thresshold<rv<180*deg] rvsother = [rv for rv in rvs if rv not in rvs90 and rv not in rvs180] #detect whether rvs are centered around 90 and 180, then #use 1-cos(4*theta) term if len(rvs90)>0 and len(rvs180)>0 and len(rvsother)==0: log.dump('%s has equilibrium values around 90/180 deg, using 1-cos(4*theta) potential' %('.'.join(types))) potkind='squarebend' elif len(rvs180)>0 and len(rvs90)==0 and len(rvsother)==0: log.dump('%s has equilibrium values around 180 deg, using 1+cos(theta) potential' %('.'.join(types))) potkind='lincos' else: potkind='angleharm' #add term for bend in bends: skip = False if self.settings.excl_bends is not None: bend_opt1 = '.'.join(types) bend_opt2 = '.'.join(types[::-1]) for excl in excl_bends: pattern = re.compile(excl, re.IGNORECASE) if pattern.match(bend_opt1) or pattern.match(bend_opt2): skip = True if not skip: if potkind=='lincos': basename = 'BendCheby1/'+'.'.join(types) term = self.add_term(Chebychev1, [BendCos(*bend)], basename, ['HC_FC_DIAG'], ['kjmol', 'au']) self.set_params(term.index, sign=1) ncbends += 1 elif potkind=='squarebend': basename = 'BendCheby4/'+'.'.join(types) term = self.add_term(Chebychev4, [BendCos(*bend)], basename, ['HC_FC_DIAG'], ['kjmol', 'au']) self.set_params(term.index, sign=-1) nsqbends += 1 elif potkind=='angleharm': basename = self.settings.bend_term+'/'+'.'.join(types) if self.settings.bend_term.lower() == 'bendaharm': pot = Harmonic elif self.settings.bend_term.lower() == 'bendmm3': pot = MM3Bend else: raise ValueError('Bond kind %s not supported' %self.settings.bend_term) self.add_term(pot, [BendAngle(*bend)], basename, ['PT_ALL', 'HC_FC_DIAG'], ['kjmol/rad**2', 'deg']) nabends += 1 else: raise ValueError('') else: log.dump('Excluded %s bend'%'.'.join(types)) log.dump('Added %i bend terms (an)harmonic in the angle, %i bend terms with 1+cos(angle) potential and %i bend terms with 1-cos(4*theta) potential.' %(nabends, ncbends, nsqbends))
[docs] def init_dihedral_terms(self, thresshold=20*deg): ''' Initialize the dihedral potentials from the local topology. The dihedral potential will be one of the two following possibilities: The multiplicity m is determined from the local topology, i.e. the number of neighbors of the central two atoms in the dihedral If the equilibrium value of all instances of the torsion are within `thresshold` of 0 deg or per/2 with per = 180deg/m, the following potential will be chosen: 0.5*K*(1-cos(m*psi-m*psi0)) with psi0 = 0 or 360/(2*m) ''' with log.section('VAL', 3, 'Initializing'): #list of dihedrals which should be excluded if self.settings.excl_dihs is not None: excl_dihs = self.settings.excl_dihs.split(',') #get all dihedrals ffatypes = [self.system.ffatypes[fid] for fid in self.system.ffatype_ids] dihedrals = {} for dihedral in self.system.iter_dihedrals(): dihedral, types = term_sort_atypes(ffatypes, dihedral, 'dihedral') if types in list(dihedrals.keys()): dihedrals[types].append(dihedral) else: dihedrals[types] = [dihedral] #loop over all distinct dihedral types ncheb = 0 ncos = 0 for types, diheds in dihedrals.items(): psi0s = np.zeros(len(diheds), float) ms = np.zeros(len(diheds), float) bendskip = False for i, dihed in enumerate(diheds): if self.system.cell.nvec>0: d10 = self.system.pos[dihed[0]] - self.system.pos[dihed[1]] d12 = self.system.pos[dihed[2]] - self.system.pos[dihed[1]] d23 = self.system.pos[dihed[3]] - self.system.pos[dihed[2]] self.system.cell.mic(d10) self.system.cell.mic(d12) self.system.cell.mic(d23) #check if bending angle is not 180 deg bend012 = _bend_angle_low(d10, d12, 0)[0] bend123 = _bend_angle_low(d12, d23, 0)[0] if bend012>175*deg or bend123>175*deg: bendskip = True continue psi0s[i] = _dihed_angle_low(d10, d12, d23, 0)[0] else: rs = np.array([self.system.pos[j] for j in dihed]) bend012 = bend_angle(rs[:3])[0] bend123 = bend_angle(rs[1:4])[0] if bend012>175*deg or bend123>175*deg: bendskip = True continue psi0s[i] = dihed_angle(rs)[0] n1 = len(self.system.neighs1[dihed[1]]) n2 = len(self.system.neighs1[dihed[2]]) ms[i] = get_multiplicity(n1, n2) if bendskip: log.warning('Dihedral for %s contains bend angle close to 180 deg, skipping' %('.'.join(types))) continue if np.isnan(ms).any() or ms.std()>1e-3: ms_string = str(ms) if np.isnan(ms).any(): ms_string = 'nan' log.warning('missing dihedral for %s (m is %s)' %('.'.join(types), ms_string)) continue m = int(np.round(ms.mean())) rv = get_restvalue(psi0s, m, thresshold=thresshold, mode=1) if rv is not None: do_chebychev = True chebypot = None if m==1: chebypot = Chebychev1 if abs(rv) <1e-6: sign = -1 elif abs(rv-180.0*deg)<1e-6: sign = 1 else: do_chebychev = False elif m==2: chebypot = Chebychev2 if abs(rv) <1e-6: sign = -1 elif abs(rv-90.0*deg)<1e-6: sign = 1 else: do_chebychev = False elif m==3: chebypot = Chebychev3 if abs(rv) <1e-6: sign = -1 elif abs(rv-60.0*deg)<1e-6: sign = 1 else: do_chebychev = False elif m==4: chebypot = Chebychev4 if abs(rv) <1e-6: sign = -1 elif abs(rv-45.0*deg)<1e-6: sign = 1 else: do_chebychev = False elif m==6: chebypot = Chebychev6 if abs(rv) <1e-6: sign = -1 elif abs(rv-30.0*deg)<1e-6: sign = 1 else: do_chebychev = False else: do_chebychev = False for dihed in diheds: skip = False if self.settings.excl_dihs is not None: dih_opt1 = '.'.join(types) dih_opt2 = '.'.join(types[::-1]) for excl in excl_dihs: pattern = re.compile(excl, re.IGNORECASE) if pattern.match(dih_opt1) or pattern.match(dih_opt2): skip = True if not skip: if do_chebychev: assert chebypot is not None basename = 'TorsCheby%i/' %m+'.'.join(types) term = self.add_term(chebypot, [DihedCos(*dihed)], basename, ['HC_FC_DIAG'], ['kjmol', 'au']) self.set_params(term.index, sign=sign) ncheb += 1 else: basename = 'Torsion/'+'.'.join(types) term = self.add_term(Cosine, [DihedAngle(*dihed)], basename, ['HC_FC_DIAG'], ['au', 'kjmol', 'deg']) self.set_params(term.index, rv0=rv, m=m) ncos += 1 else: log.dump('Excluded %s dihedral'%'.'.join(types)) else: #no dihedral potential could be determine, hence it is ignored log.warning('missing dihedral for %s (could not determine rest value from %s)' %('.'.join(types), str(psi0s/deg))) continue log.dump('Added %i Cosine dihedral terms (of which %i are described using Chebychev terms)' %(ncos+ncheb, ncheb))
[docs] def init_oop_terms(self, thresshold_zero=5e-2*angstrom): ''' Initialize all out-of-plane terms in the system based on the oops attribute of the system instance. All oops are given harmonic potentials. ''' with log.section('VAL', 3, 'Initializing'): #list of oopds which should be excluded if self.settings.excl_oopds is not None: excl_oopds = self.settings.excl_oopds.split(',') #get all out-of-plane distances from molmod.ic import opbend_dist, _opdist_low ffatypes = [self.system.ffatypes[fid] for fid in self.system.ffatype_ids] opdists = {} for opdist in self.system.iter_oops(): opdist, types = term_sort_atypes(ffatypes, opdist, 'opdist') if types in list(opdists.keys()): opdists[types].append(opdist) else: opdists[types] = [opdist] #loop over all distinct opdist types nharm = 0 nsq = 0 for types, oops in opdists.items(): skip = False if self.settings.excl_oopds is not None: oopd_opt1 = '.'.join(types) oopd_opt2 = '.'.join([types[0],types[2],types[1],types[3]]) oopd_opt3 = '.'.join([types[1],types[0],types[2],types[3]]) oopd_opt4 = '.'.join([types[1],types[2],types[0],types[3]]) oopd_opt5 = '.'.join([types[2],types[0],types[1],types[3]]) oopd_opt6 = '.'.join([types[2],types[1],types[0],types[3]]) for excl in excl_oopds: pattern = re.compile(excl, re.IGNORECASE) if pattern.match(oopd_opt1) or pattern.match(oopd_opt2) or pattern.match(oopd_opt3) or pattern.match(oopd_opt4) or pattern.match(oopd_opt5) or pattern.match(oopd_opt6): skip = True if not skip: d0s = np.zeros(len(oops), float) for i, oop in enumerate(oops): if self.system.cell.nvec>0: d01 = self.system.pos[oop[1]]-self.system.pos[oop[0]] d02 = self.system.pos[oop[2]]-self.system.pos[oop[0]] d03 = self.system.pos[oop[3]]-self.system.pos[oop[0]] self.system.cell.mic(d01) self.system.cell.mic(d02) self.system.cell.mic(d03) d0s[i] = abs(_opdist_low(d01, d02, d03, 0)[0]) else: rs = np.array([#mind the order, is(or was) wrongly documented in molmod self.system.pos[oop[0]], self.system.pos[oop[1]], self.system.pos[oop[2]], self.system.pos[oop[3]], ]) d0s[i] = abs(opbend_dist(rs)[0]) if d0s.mean()<thresshold_zero: #TODO: check this thresshold #add regular term harmonic in oopdist for oop in oops: basename = 'Oopdist/'+'.'.join(types) term = self.add_term(Harmonic, [OopDist(*oop)], basename, ['HC_FC_DIAG'], ['kjmol/A**2', 'A']) self.set_params(term.index, rv0=0.0) nharm += 1 else: #add term harmonic in square of oopdist log.dump('Mean absolute value of OopDist %s is %.3e A, used SQOOPDIST' %('.'.join(types), d0s.mean()/angstrom)) for oop in oops: basename = 'SqOopdist/'+'.'.join(types) self.add_term(Harmonic, [SqOopDist(*oop)], basename, ['PT_ALL', 'HC_FC_DIAG'], ['kjmol/A**4', 'A**2']) nsq += 1 else: log.dump('Excluded %s oopd'%'.'.join(types)) log.dump('Added %i Harmonic and %i SquareHarmonic out-of-plane distance terms' %(nharm, nsq))
def get_term_index(self, label): # Find index of master term(s) matching given label pattern = re.compile(label, re.IGNORECASE) candidates = [] for iterm, term in enumerate(self.terms): if pattern.match(term.basename) and term.is_master(): candidates.append(iterm) assert len(candidates)<2, 'Multiple masters found for %s: %s' %(label, ','.join([self.terms[iterm].basename for iterm in candidates])) if len(candidates)==0: if label.startswith('^Bond') or label.startswith('^Bend') or label.startswith('^Tors'): sublabels = label.split('|') prefix0, types0 = sublabels[0].lstrip('^').rstrip('$').split('/') label = '^'+prefix0+'/'+'\.'.join(types0.split('.')[::-1])+'$' if len(sublabels)>1: prefix1, types1 = sublabels[1].lstrip('^').rstrip('$').split('/') label += '|' label += '^'+prefix1+'/'+'\.'.join(types1.split('.')[::-1])+'$' pattern = re.compile(label, re.IGNORECASE) for iterm, term in enumerate(self.terms): if pattern.match(term.basename) and term.is_master(): candidates.append(iterm) assert len(candidates)<2, 'Multiple masters found for %s: %s' %(label, ','.join([self.terms[iterm].basename for iterm in candidates])) assert (len(candidates))==1, "Could not find term for %s" % (label) return candidates[0]
[docs] def init_cross_angle_terms(self): ''' Initialize cross terms between bonds and bends. ''' with log.section('VAL', 3, 'Initializing'): #list of bonds which should be excluded if self.settings.excl_bonds is not None: excl_bonds = self.settings.excl_bonds.split(',') #list of bends which should be excluded if self.settings.excl_bends is not None: excl_bends = self.settings.excl_bends.split(',') ffatypes = [self.system.ffatypes[i] for i in self.system.ffatype_ids] #add cross terms for angle patterns nss = 0 nsa = 0 for angle in self.system.iter_angles(): skip = False angle, types = term_sort_atypes(ffatypes, angle, 'angle') anglekind = None if self.settings.excl_bends is not None: bend_opt1 = '.'.join(types) bend_opt2 = '.'.join(types[::-1]) for excl in excl_bends: pattern = re.compile(excl, re.IGNORECASE) if pattern.match(bend_opt1) or pattern.match(bend_opt2): skip = True if not skip: for term in self.iter_masters('^.*/'+'\.'.join(types)+'$', use_re=True): if len(term.get_atoms())!=3: continue if len(term.ics)>1: continue assert anglekind is None, '2 masters detected for angle %s' %('.'.join(types)) anglekind = term.ics[0].kind assert anglekind is not None, 'No master found for angle %s' %('.'.join(types)) bond0, btypes0 = term_sort_atypes(ffatypes, angle[:2], 'bond') bond1, btypes1 = term_sort_atypes(ffatypes, angle[1:], 'bond') if self.settings.excl_bonds is not None: bond_opt1 = '.'.join(btypes0) bond_opt2 = '.'.join(btypes0[::-1]) bond_opt3 = '.'.join(btypes1) bond_opt4 = '.'.join(btypes1[::-1]) for excl in excl_bonds: pattern = re.compile(excl, re.IGNORECASE) if pattern.match(bond_opt1) or pattern.match(bond_opt2) or pattern.match(bond_opt3) or pattern.match(bond_opt4): skip = True if not skip: # Find indexes of diagonal terms corresponding to ics # appearing here diag_term_indexes = [] for btypes in [btypes0,btypes1]: label = '^Bond.*/%s$' %('.'.join(btypes)) diag_term_indexes.append(self.get_term_index(label)) label = '^Bend.*/%s$' %('.'.join(types)) diag_term_indexes.append(self.get_term_index(label)) #add stretch-stretch if self.settings.do_cross_ASS: self.add_term( Cross, [Bond(*bond0), Bond(*bond1)], 'Cross/'+'.'.join(types)+'/bb', ['HC_FC_CROSS_ASS'], ['kjmol/A**2', 'A', 'A'], diag_term_indexes=diag_term_indexes[:2], ) nss += 1 #add stretch-bends if self.settings.do_cross_ASA: if anglekind == 2: basename = 'Cross/'+'.'.join(types) ic = BendAngle(*angle) unit = 'deg' #elif anglekind == 1: #TODO: this is switched off, does not make much difference and #gives issues in the case of diagonal BendCheby4 terms # basename = 'CrossCBend/'+'.'.join(types) # ic = BendCos(*angle) # unit = 'au' else: log.dump('Skipped stretch-angle cross term for %s due to incompatible diagonal bend term with ickind=%i' %('.'.join(types), anglekind)) continue self.add_term( Cross, [Bond(*bond0), ic], basename+'/b0a', ['HC_FC_CROSS_ASA'], ['kjmol/A', 'A', unit], diag_term_indexes=[diag_term_indexes[0],diag_term_indexes[2]], ) self.add_term( Cross, [Bond(*bond1), ic], basename+'/b1a', ['HC_FC_CROSS_ASA'], ['kjmol/A', 'A', unit], diag_term_indexes=[diag_term_indexes[1],diag_term_indexes[2]], ) nsa += 2 log.dump('Added %i stretch-stretch and %i stretch-angle cross terms from angle patterns' %(nss, nsa))
[docs] def init_cross_dihed_terms(self): ''' Initialize cross terms between diheds and bonds,bends. ''' from yaff.pes.iclist import DihedCos2, DihedCos3, DihedCos4, DihedCos6 with log.section('VAL', 3, 'Initializing'): ffatypes = [self.system.ffatypes[i] for i in self.system.ffatype_ids] #add cross terms for dihedral patterns nss = 0 nsd = 0 naa = 0 nad = 0 for dihed in self.system.iter_dihedrals(): bond01, btypes01 = term_sort_atypes(ffatypes, dihed[0:2], 'bond') bond12, btypes12 = term_sort_atypes(ffatypes, dihed[1:3], 'bond') bond23, btypes23 = term_sort_atypes(ffatypes, dihed[2:4], 'bond') angle012, atypes012 = term_sort_atypes(ffatypes, dihed[0:3], 'angle') angle123, atypes123 = term_sort_atypes(ffatypes, dihed[1:4], 'angle') dihed, types = term_sort_atypes(ffatypes, dihed, 'dihedral') # Find indexes of diagonal terms corresponding to ics # appearing here diag_term_indexes = [] for btypes in [btypes01,btypes12,btypes23]: label = '^Bond.*/%s$' %('.'.join(btypes)) diag_term_indexes.append(self.get_term_index(label)) for atypes in [atypes012,atypes123]: label = '^Bend.*/%s$' %('.'.join(atypes)) diag_term_indexes.append(self.get_term_index(label)) label = '^Tors.*/%s$' %('.'.join(types)) diag_term_indexes.append(self.get_term_index(label)) #get multiplicity of dihedral term to determine which DihedCos m, DihedIC = None, None for term in self.iter_masters('^.*/'+'\.'.join(types)+'$', use_re=True): if term.kind == 4: assert DihedIC is None and m is None m=self.get_params(term.index, only='m') if m==1: DihedIC = DihedCos elif m==2: DihedIC = DihedCos2 elif m==3: DihedIC = DihedCos3 elif m==4: DihedIC = DihedCos4 elif m==6: DihedIC = DihedCos6 elif term.kind == 5: assert DihedIC is None and m is None m, DihedIC = 1, DihedCos elif term.kind == 6: assert DihedIC is None and m is None m, DihedIC = 2, DihedCos2 elif term.kind == 7: assert DihedIC is None and m is None m, DihedIC = 3, DihedCos3 elif term.kind == 8: assert DihedIC is None and m is None m, DihedIC = 4, DihedCos4 elif term.kind == 9: assert DihedIC is None and m is None m, DihedIC = 6, DihedCos6 if m is None or DihedIC is None: log.dump('No multiplicity found for %s, skipping' %'.'.join(types)) continue #get type of angle012 and angle123 angle012_type = None angle123_type = None for term in self.iter_masters('^.*/'+'\.'.join(atypes012)+'$', use_re=True): if len(term.get_atoms())!=3: continue if len(term.ics)>1: continue assert angle012_type is None, 'Two masters found for angle %s' %(str(types[:4])) angle012_type = term.ics[0].kind for term in self.iter_masters('^.*/'+'\.'.join(atypes123)+'$', use_re=True): if len(term.get_atoms())!=3: continue if len(term.ics)>1: continue assert angle123_type is None, 'Two masters found for angle %s' %(str(types[1:])) angle123_type = term.ics[0].kind #add stretch-stretch term: if self.settings.do_cross_DSS: if self.settings.excl_bonds is not None: raise NotImplementedError if self.settings.excl_bends is not None: raise NotImplementedError if self.settings.excl_dihs is not None: raise NotImplementedError basename = 'CrossBondDih%i/'%m+'.'.join(types) self.add_term( Cross, [Bond(*bond01), Bond(*bond23)], basename+'/bb', ['HC_FC_CROSS_DSS'], ['kjmol/A**2', 'A', 'A'], diag_term_indexes=[diag_term_indexes[0],diag_term_indexes[2]] ) nss += 1 #add stretch-dihedral terms: if self.settings.do_cross_DSD: basename = 'CrossBondDih%i/'%m+'.'.join(types) self.add_term( Cross, [Bond(*bond01), DihedIC(*dihed)], basename+'/b0d', ['HC_FC_CROSS_DSD'], ['kjmol/A', 'A', 'au'], diag_term_indexes=[diag_term_indexes[0],diag_term_indexes[5]] ) self.add_term( Cross, [Bond(*bond12), DihedIC(*dihed)], basename+'/b1d', [], ['kjmol/A', 'A', 'au'], diag_term_indexes=[diag_term_indexes[1],diag_term_indexes[5]] ) self.add_term( Cross, [Bond(*bond23), DihedIC(*dihed)], basename+'/b2d', ['HC_FC_CROSS_DSD'], ['kjmol/A', 'A', 'au'], diag_term_indexes=[diag_term_indexes[2],diag_term_indexes[5]] ) nsd += 3 #add angle-angle term: if self.settings.do_cross_DAA: if self.settings.excl_bonds is not None: raise NotImplementedError if self.settings.excl_bends is not None: raise NotImplementedError if self.settings.excl_dihs is not None: raise NotImplementedError assert angle012_type is not None, 'No master found for angle012 in %s' %('.'.join(types)) assert angle123_type is not None, 'No master found for angle123 in %s' %('.'.join(types)) #add angle-angle term: if angle012_type == 2 and angle123_type == 2: self.add_term( Cross, [BendAngle(*angle012), BendAngle(*angle123)], 'CrossBendDih%i/'%m+'.'.join(types)+'/aa', ['HC_FC_CROSS_DAA'], ['kjmol', 'deg', 'deg'], diag_term_indexes=[diag_term_indexes[3],diag_term_indexes[4]] ) nad += 1 else: log.dump('Skipped angle-angle cross term for %s due to incompatible bend kinds' %('.'.join(types))) continue if self.settings.do_cross_DAD: #add angle-dihedral terms: if angle012_type == 2: self.add_term( Cross, [BendAngle(*angle012), DihedIC(*dihed)], 'CrossBendDih%i/'%m+'.'.join(types)+'/a0d', ['HC_FC_CROSS_DAD'], ['kjmol', 'deg', 'au'], diag_term_indexes=[diag_term_indexes[3],diag_term_indexes[5]] ) nad += 1 elif angle012_type == 1: self.add_term( Cross, [BendCos(*angle012), DihedIC(*dihed)], 'CrossCBendDih%i/'%m+'.'.join(types)+'/a0d', ['HC_FC_CROSS_DAD'], ['kjmol', 'au', 'au'], diag_term_indexes=[diag_term_indexes[4],diag_term_indexes[5]] ) nad += 1 else: log.dump('Skipped angle-dihedral cross term for %s due to incompatible diagonal bend term with ickind=%i' %('.'.join(types), angle012_type)) continue if angle123_type == 2: self.add_term( Cross, [BendAngle(*angle123), DihedIC(*dihed)], 'CrossBendDih%i/'%m+'.'.join(types)+'/a1d', ['HC_FC_CROSS_DAD'], ['kjmol', 'deg', 'au'], diag_term_indexes=[diag_term_indexes[3],diag_term_indexes[5]] ) nad += 1 elif angle123_type == 1: self.add_term( Cross, [BendCos(*angle123), DihedIC(*dihed)], 'CrossCBendDih%i/'%m+'.'.join(types)+'/a1d', ['HC_FC_CROSS_DAD'], ['kjmol', 'au', 'au'], diag_term_indexes=[diag_term_indexes[4],diag_term_indexes[5]] ) nad += 1 else: log.dump('Skipped angle-dihedral cross term for %s due to incompatible diagonal bend term with ickind=%i' %('.'.join(types), angle132_type)) continue log.dump('Added %i stretch-stretch, %i stretch-dihedral, %i angle-angle and %i angle-dihedral cross terms from dihedral patterns' %(nss, nsd, naa, nad))
[docs] def apply_constraints(self, constraints): ''' Routine to apply equality constraints in the force field fitting **Arguments** contraints A dictionairy containing (master: slaves) definitions in which master is a string defining the master basename and slaves is a list of strings defining the slave basenames. ''' for mastername, slavenames in constraints.items(): masters = [term for term in self.iter_masters(mastername)] assert len(masters)==1, 'Master %s is not uniquely defined' %mastername master = masters[0] for slavename in slavenames: for slave in self.iter_terms(slavename): slave.basename = master.basename slave.master = master.index slave.slaves = [] master.slaves.append(slave.index)
def calc_energy(self, pos): old = self.system.pos.copy() self.system.pos = pos.copy() self.dlist.forward() self.iclist.forward() energy = self.vlist.forward() #energy = self.compute() self.system.pos = old self.dlist.forward() self.iclist.forward() self.vlist.forward() return energy
[docs] def get_hessian_contrib(self, index, fc=None): ''' Get the contribution to the covalent hessian of term with given index (and its slaves). If fc is given, set the fc of the master and its slave to the given fc. ''' val = ForcePartValence(self.system) kind = self.vlist.vtab[index]['kind'] masterslaves = [index]+self.terms[index].slaves if kind in [5,6,7,8,9]:#Chebychev potentials={5: Chebychev1, 6: Chebychev2, 7: Chebychev3, 8: Chebychev4, 9: Chebychev6} k, sign = self.get_params(index, only='all') if fc is not None: k = fc for jterm in masterslaves: ics = self.terms[jterm].ics pot = potentials[kind] args = (k,) + tuple(ics) val.add_term(pot(*args,sign=sign)) elif kind==4:#Cosine m, k, rv = self.get_params(index) if fc is not None: k = fc for jterm in masterslaves: ics = self.terms[jterm].ics args = (m, k, rv) + tuple(ics) val.add_term(Cosine(*args)) elif kind==3:#cross k, rv0, rv1 = self.get_params(index) if fc is not None: k = fc for jterm in masterslaves: ics = self.terms[jterm].ics args = (k, rv0, rv1) + tuple(ics) val.add_term(Cross(*args)) elif kind==1:#Polyfour a0, a1, a2, a3 = list(self.get_params(index)) if fc is not None: a3 = 2.0*fc a1 = -4.0*fc*np.cos(a0)**2 for jterm in masterslaves: ics = self.terms[jterm].ics args = ([0.0,a1,0.0,a3],)+tuple(ics) val.add_term(PolyFour(*args)) elif kind in [0,2,11,12]:#[Harmonic,Fues,MM3Quartic,MM3Bend] potentials={0:Harmonic,2:Fues,11:MM3Quartic,12:MM3Bend} k, rv = self.get_params(index) if fc is not None: k = fc for jterm in masterslaves: ics = self.terms[jterm].ics args = (k, rv) + tuple(ics) val.add_term(potentials[kind](*args)) else: raise ValueError('Term kind %i not supported' %kind) ff = ForceField(self.system, [val]) hcov = estimate_cart_hessian(ff) return hcov
def set_params(self, term_index, fc=None, rv0=None, rv1=None, m=None, a0=None, a1=None, a2=None, a3=None, sign=None, ediss=None, exp=None): term = self.vlist.vtab[term_index] if term['kind'] in [0,2,11,12]:#['Harmonic', 'Fues', 'MM3Quartic', 'MM3Bend'] if fc is not None: term['par0'] = fc if rv0 is not None: term['par1'] = rv0 elif term['kind'] in [1]:#['PolyFour'] if a0 is not None: term['par0'] = a0 if a1 is not None: term['par1'] = a1 if a2 is not None: term['par2'] = a2 if a3 is not None: term['par3'] = a3 if fc is not None or rv0 is not None: if fc is None: fc = self.get_params(term_index, only='fc') if rv0 is None: rv0 = self.get_params(term_index, only='rv') term['par0'] = rv0 term['par1'] = -4.0*fc*np.cos(rv0)**2 term['par2'] = 0.0 term['par3'] = 2.0*fc elif term['kind'] in [4]:#['Cosine'] if m is not None: term['par0'] = m if fc is not None: term['par1'] = fc if rv0 is not None: term['par2'] = rv0 elif term['kind'] in [5,6,7,8,9]: #Chebychevs if fc is not None: term['par0'] = fc if sign is not None: term['par1'] = sign elif term['kind'] in [3]:#['Cross'] if fc is not None: term['par0'] = fc if rv0 is not None: term['par1'] = rv0 if rv1 is not None: term['par2'] = rv1 elif term['kind'] in [14]: #Morse if ediss is not None: term['par0'] = ediss if fc is not None: if exp is not None: raise IOError('When fc is set in Morse, exp cannot be set, but will be adapted to Ediss and fc') term['par1'] = np.sqrt(fc/(2.0*term['par0'])) if exp is not None: if fc is not None: raise IOError('When exp is set in Morse, fc cannot be set, but will be adapted to Ediss and exp') term['par1'] = exp if rv0 is not None: term['par2'] = rv0 else: raise NotImplementedError('set_params not implemented for Yaff %s term' %term['kind']) def get_params(self, term_index, only='all'): term = self.vlist.vtab[term_index] if term['kind'] in [0,2,11,12]:#['Harmonic', 'Fues', 'MM3Quartic', 'MM3Bend'] if only.lower()=='all': return term['par0'], term['par1'] elif only.lower()=='fc': return term['par0'] elif only.lower()=='rv': return term['par1'] else: raise ValueError('Invalid par kind definition %s' %only) elif term['kind'] in [1]:#['PolyFour'] if only.lower()=='all': return term['par0'], term['par1'], term['par2'], term['par3'] elif only.lower()=='a0': return term['par0'] elif only.lower()=='a1': return term['par1'] elif only.lower()=='a2': return term['par2'] elif only.lower()=='a3': return term['par3'] elif only.lower()=='fc': return 0.5*term['par3'] elif only.lower()=='rv': return term['par0'] else: raise ValueError('Invalid par kind definition %s' %only) elif term['kind'] in [4]:#['Cosine'] if only.lower()=='all': return term['par0'], term['par1'], term['par2'] elif only.lower()=='m': return term['par0'] elif only.lower()=='fc': return term['par1'] elif only.lower()=='rv': return term['par2'] else: raise ValueError('Invalid par kind definition %s' %only) elif term['kind'] in [5,6,7,8,9]: #Chebychevs if only.lower()=='all': return term['par0'], term['par1'], elif only.lower()=='fc': return term['par0'] elif only.lower()=='sign': return term['par1'] else: raise ValueError('Invalid par kind definition %s' %only) elif term['kind'] in [3]:#['Cross'] if only.lower()=='all': return term['par0'], term['par1'], term['par2'] elif only.lower()=='fc': return term['par0'] elif only.lower()=='rv0': return term['par1'] elif only.lower()=='rv1': return term['par2'] else: raise ValueError('Invalid par kind definition %s' %only) elif term['kind'] in [14]: #Morse if only.lower()=='all': return term['par0'], term['par1'], term['par2'] elif only.lower()=='ediss': return term['par0'] elif only.lower()=='exp': return term['par1'] elif only.lower()=='rv0': return term['par2'] elif only.lower()=='fc': return 2.0*term['par0']*term['par1']**2 else: raise ValueError('Invalid par kind definition %s' %only) else: raise NotImplementedError( 'get_params not implemented for Yaff %s term' % term['kind'])
[docs] def is_negligible(self, term_index): """Return True if the given term can be neglected (e.g. in parameter files).""" # Note that the units may not be strictly correct: below per angstrom, radian # squared, etc should be used. Because that would not affect the order of # magnitude of the threshold, it is not worth adding such complications to the # code. term = self.vlist.vtab[term_index] if term['kind'] in [0, 2, 11, 12]: # ['Harmonic', 'Fues', 'MM3Quartic', 'MM3Bend'] return abs(term['par0']) < 1e-6*kjmol elif term['kind'] in [14]: #['Morse'] return abs(2.0*term['par0']*term['par1']**2) < 1e-6*kjmol elif term['kind'] in [1,13]: # ['PolyFour', 'BondDoubleWell'] # Not sure how to handle this one... # For now, never neglect. return False elif term['kind'] in [4]: # ['Cosine'] return abs(term['par1']) < 1e-6*kjmol elif term['kind'] in [3]: # ['Cross'] return abs(term['par0']) < 1e-6*kjmol elif term['kind'] in [5,6,7,8,9]: #chebychev return abs(term['par0']) < 1e-6*kjmol else: raise NotImplementedError( 'is_negligible not implemented for Yaff %s term' % term['kind'])
[docs] def check_params(self, term, labels): ''' Check whether the given term has all given pars defined in labels. **Arguments** term An instance of the Term class defining the term that has to be checked labels A list of strings defining which parameters should be checked. only arguments of the `only` option of Valence.get_params are allowed. ''' for label in labels: value = self.get_params(term.index, only=label) if label=='all': for i, par in enumerate(value): assert not np.isnan(par), 'Par%i of %s is not set' %(i, term.basename) else: assert not np.isnan(value), '%s of %s is not set' %(label, term.basename)
def dump_logger(self, print_level=1): if log.log_level<print_level: return with log.section('', print_level): sequence = [ 'bondharm', 'bondmm3', 'bondfues', 'bendaharm', 'bendmm3', 'bendcheby1', 'bendcheby4', 'bendcharm', 'torscheby', 'torsion', 'torsc2harm', 'dihedharm', 'oopdist', 'cross' ] log.dump('') for label in sequence: lines = [] for term in self.iter_masters(label=label): lines.append(term.to_string(self)) for line in sorted(lines): log.dump(line) log.dump('')