Source code for quickff.settings

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# QuickFF is a code to quickly derive accurate force fields from ab initio input.
# Copyright (C) 2012 - 2018 Louis Vanduyfhuys <>
# Steven Vandenbrande <>,
# Jelle Wieme <>,
# Toon Verstraelen <>, Center for Molecular Modeling
# (CMM), Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium; all rights reserved unless otherwise
# stated.
# This file is part of QuickFF.
# QuickFF is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# QuickFF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <>

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
from io import IOBase
from quickff.log import log
from molmod.units import parse_unit
import os

__all__  = ['Settings']

def is_not_none(key, value):
    if value is None:
        raise IOError('Setting for key %s should be specified, is now None.' %(key))

def has_value(values):
    if values is None: return
    values = [v.lower() for v in values]
    def check(key, value):
        if value is None: return
        if value.lower() not in values:
            raise IOError('Setting for key %s should be one of %s. Got %s' %(key, str(values), value))
    return check

def is_float(key, value):
    if value is None: return
        value = float(value)
    except ValueError:
        raise IOError('Setting for key %s should be of type float. Got %s.' %(key, str(value)))

def is_bool(key, value):
    if not isinstance(value, bool):
        raise IOError('Setting for key %s should be of type bool. Got %s.' %(key, str(value)))

def is_string(key, value):
    if value is None: return
    if not isinstance(value, str):
        raise IOError('Setting for key %s should be of type string. Got %s.' %(key, str(value)))

def is_list_strings(key, value):
    if value is None: return
    if ',' in value:
        value = value.split(',')
        for i,v in enumerate(value):
            if not isinstance(v,str):
                raise IOError('Setting for key %s should be a string or a list of strings. Element %i is %s.' %(key, i, v))
        if not isinstance(value, str):
            raise IOError('Setting for key %s should be a string or a list of strings. Got %s.' %(key, str(value)))

def is_nonexisting_file_name(key, value):
    if value is None: return
    if os.path.isfile(value):
        raise IOError('Setting for key %s should be non-existing file name, got %s which already exists.' %(key, value))

def is_existing_file_name(key, value):
    if value is None: return
    if not os.path.isfile(value):
        raise IOError('Setting for key %s should be existing file name, got %s which does not exist.' %(key, value))

key_checks = {
    'fn_yaff'               : [is_string, is_nonexisting_file_name],
    'fn_charmm22_prm'       : [is_string, is_nonexisting_file_name],
    'fn_charmm22_psf'       : [is_string, is_nonexisting_file_name],
    'fn_sys'                : [is_string, is_nonexisting_file_name],
    'plot_traj'             : [is_string, has_value(['None', 'Final', 'All'])],
    'xyz_traj'              : [is_bool],
    'fn_traj'               : [is_string],
    'log_level'             : [is_not_none, is_string, has_value(['silent','low','medium','high','highest'])],
    'log_file'              : [is_string, is_nonexisting_file_name],
    'program_mode'          : [is_not_none, has_value(['DeriveFF','MakeTrajectories','PlotTrajectories'])],
    'only_traj'             : [is_not_none, is_string],
    'ffatypes'              : [is_list_strings],
    'ei'                    : [is_string, is_existing_file_name],
    'ei_rcut'               : [is_float],
    'vdw'                   : [is_string, is_existing_file_name],
    'vdw_rcut'              : [is_float],
    'covres'                : [is_string, is_existing_file_name],
    'excl_bonds'            : [is_list_strings],
    'excl_bends'            : [is_list_strings],
    'excl_dihs'             : [is_list_strings],
    'excl_oopds'            : [is_list_strings],
    'do_hess_mass_weighting': [is_bool],
    'do_hess_negfreq_proj'  : [is_bool],
    'do_cross_svd'          : [is_bool],
    'cross_svd_rcond'       : [is_float],
    'pert_traj_tol'         : [is_float],
    'pert_traj_energy_noise': [is_float],
    'do_bonds'              : [is_bool],
    'do_bends'              : [is_bool],
    'do_dihedrals'          : [is_bool],
    'do_oops'               : [is_bool],
    'do_cross_ASS'          : [is_bool],
    'do_cross_ASA'          : [is_bool],
    'do_cross_DSS'          : [is_bool],
    'do_cross_DSD'          : [is_bool],
    'do_cross_DAA'          : [is_bool],
    'do_cross_DAD'          : [is_bool],
    'consistent_cross_rvs'  : [is_bool],
    'remove_dysfunctional_cross' : [is_bool],
    'bond_term'             : [is_not_none, is_string, has_value(['bondharm','bondfues','bondmm3'])],
    'bend_term'             : [is_not_none, is_string, has_value(['bendaharm','bendmm3'])],
    'do_squarebend'         : [is_bool],
    'do_bendclin'           : [is_bool],
    'do_sqoopdist_to_oopdist': [is_bool],

[docs]class Settings(object): 'Class to control the behaviour of a Quickff run' def __init__(self, fn=None, **kwargs): ''' **Keyword Arguments** fn file name of a config file from which settings can be read. Each line contains a single setting (except the lines starting with a #) and should have the following syntax key: value kwargs each setting can also be parsed directly through the use of keyword arguments in the __init__ constructor with the syntax key=value. The settings parsed through the use of kwargs overwrite those in the config file. ''' #first read general RC settings from .quickffrc file from .context import context self.read_config_file(context.get_fn('quickffrc')) #if a config file is provided, read settings from this file and #overwrite the general RC settings if fn is not None: self.read_config_file(fn) #if settings are defined through keyword arguments to this init #constructor, read these settings and overwrite general RC as #wel as config file settings for key, value in kwargs.items(): #don't impose keyword argument that hasn't been set if value is None: continue key = key.lstrip().rstrip() if key=='suffix': continue self.set(key, value) if 'suffix' in list(kwargs.keys()) and kwargs['suffix'] is not None: self._set_suffix(kwargs['suffix']) self.check() self._set_log() with log.section('SETT', 2, 'Initializing'): self.dump_log() def read_config_file(self, fn): with open(fn, 'r') as f: for iline, line in enumerate(f.readlines()): line = line.split('#')[0].lstrip().rstrip().rstrip('\n') if len(line)==0: continue elif not ':' in line: raise IOError('Line %i in %s does not contain a colon' %(iline, fn)) else: key, value = line.split(':') key = key.lstrip().rstrip() value = value.lstrip().rstrip() value = value.lstrip().rstrip() if value.lower()=='none': value = None elif value.lower()=='true': value = True elif value.lower()=='false': value = False else: dtypes = [int, float] found_dtype = False for dtype in dtypes: try: value = dtype(value) found_dtype = True break except ValueError: try: value = parse_unit(value) found_dtype = True break except ValueError: pass self.set(key, value) def _set_suffix(self, suffix): for key, fn in self.__dict__.items(): if fn is None or not key.startswith('fn_') or key=='fn_traj': continue prefix, extension = fn.split('.') self.__dict__[key] = '%s%s.%s' %(prefix, suffix, extension) def _set_log(self): log.set_level(self.log_level) f = self.log_file if f is not None and (isinstance(f, str) or isinstance(f, IOBase)): log.write_to_file(f) def set(self, key, value): if key not in list(key_checks.keys()): IOError('Key %s is not allowed in settings routine' %key) if isinstance(value, str) and value.lower()=='default': return self.__dict__[key] = value def check(self): for key, value in self.__dict__.items(): for check_function in key_checks[key]: check_function(key,value) def dump_log(self): sorted_keys = sorted(self.__dict__.keys()) with log.section('SETT', 3): for key in sorted_keys: value = str(self.__dict__[key]) log.dump('%s %s' %(key+' '*(30-len(key)), value)) def dump_file(self, fn): sorted_keys = sorted(self.__dict__.keys()) with open(fn, 'w') as f: for key in sorted_keys: value = str(self.__dict__[key]) print('%s: %s' %(key+' '*(30-len(key)), value), file=f)