Source code for quickff.perturbation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# QuickFF is a code to quickly derive accurate force fields from ab initio input.
# Copyright (C) 2012 - 2018 Louis Vanduyfhuys <>
# Steven Vandenbrande <>,
# Jelle Wieme <>,
# Toon Verstraelen <>, Center for Molecular Modeling
# (CMM), Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium; all rights reserved unless otherwise
# stated.
# This file is part of QuickFF.
# QuickFF is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# QuickFF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <>

from __future__ import absolute_import

from import XYZWriter
from molmod.units import *
from molmod.periodic import periodic as pt

from yaff.system import System
from yaff.pes.ff import ForceField, ForcePartValence
from yaff.pes.vlist import Chebychev1, Harmonic
from yaff.pes.iclist import Bond, BendAngle, BendCos, DihedAngle, OopDist

from import fitpar
from quickff.log import log

import numpy as np, scipy.optimize, warnings
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', 'The iteration is not making good progress')

__all__ = ['Trajectory', 'RelaxedStrain']

[docs]class Trajectory(object): ''' A class to store a perturbation trajectory ''' def __init__(self, term, start, end, numbers, nsteps=11): ''' **Arguments** term an instance of the Term class for which the perturbation trajectory will be computed numbers list of atom numbers required for dumping xyz coords start a float defining the lower limit of the perturbation value of the given ic. If not given, a standard value is choosen according to the kind of internal coordinate. end a float defining the upper limit of the perturbations value of the given ic. If not given, a standard value is choosen according to the kind of internal coordinate. **Optional Arguments** nsteps an integer defining the number of steps in the perturbation trajectory. The default value is 11 steps. ''' if not term.kind in [0,2,11,12]: raise NotImplementedError('Perturbation trajectory only implemented for Harmonic, Fues, MM3Quartic or MM3Bend terms') self.term = term self.numbers = numbers self.qunit = term.units[1] self.kunit = term.units[0] self.step = (end-start)/(nsteps-1) self.targets = start + (end-start)/(nsteps-1)*np.array(list(range(nsteps)), float) self.values = np.zeros(nsteps, float) self.coords = np.zeros([nsteps, len(numbers), 3], float) = True self.fc = None self.rv = None
[docs] def plot(self, ai, ffrefs=[], valence=None, fn='default', eunit='kjmol', suffix=''): ''' Method to plot the energy contributions along a perturbation trajectory associated to a given ic. This method assumes that the coords, fc and rv attributes have been computed and assigned. **Arguments** ai an instance of the Reference representing the ab initio input **Optional Arguments** ffrefs a list of Reference instances representing possible a priori determined contributions to the force field (such as eg. electrostatics and van der Waals) valence an instance of ValenceFF which will be used to plot the covalent contribution. If not given, only the contribution of the IC corresponding to the trajectory will be plotted using the values of fc and rv fn a string defining the name of the figure eunit a string describing the conversion of the unit of energy. More info regarding possible strings can be found in the `MolMod documentation <>`_. suffix a string to be added to the filename at the end. Is overwritten when fn is specified. ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as pp if 'active' in list(self.__dict__.keys()) and not return fig, ax = pp.subplots() def add_plot(xs, ys, prefix, kwargs): pars = fitpar(xs, ys, rcond=1e-6) k = 2*pars[0] if k==0: q0 = np.nan else: q0 = -pars[1]/k label = '%s (K=%.0f q0=%.3f)' %(prefix, k/parse_unit(self.kunit), q0/parse_unit(self.qunit)) kwargs['label'] = label ax.plot(xs/parse_unit(self.qunit), ys/parse_unit(eunit), **kwargs) #ai data = np.array([ for pos in self.coords]) e_max = max(np.ceil(max(data-min(data))/parse_unit(eunit)), 1.0) add_plot(self.values, data-min(data), 'AI ref', {'linestyle': 'none', 'marker': 'o', 'markerfacecolor': 'k', 'markersize': 12, 'markeredgecolor': 'k'}) #ffrefs totff = np.zeros([len(self.coords)], float) colors = ['b', 'g', 'm', 'y', 'c'] for i, ffref in enumerate(ffrefs): data = np.array([ for pos in self.coords]) totff += data add_plot(self.values, data-min(data),, {'linestyle': ':', 'color': colors[i], 'linewidth': 2.0}) #residual valence model if given if valence is not None: for term in valence.iter_terms(): valence.check_params(term, ['all']) fc = valence.get_params(self.term.index, only='fc') rv = valence.get_params(self.term.index, only='rv') valence.set_params(self.term.index, fc=0.0) valence.set_params(self.term.index, rv0=0.0) data = np.array([valence.calc_energy(pos) for pos in self.coords]) #- 0.5*fc*(self.values-rv)**2 valence.set_params(self.term.index, fc=fc) valence.set_params(self.term.index, rv0=rv) totff += data add_plot(self.values, data-min(data), 'Residual Valence', {'linestyle': '--', 'color': 'r', 'linewidth':2.0}) else: fc = self.fc rv = self.rv #plot contribution of current term data = 0.5*fc*(self.values-rv)**2 totff += data add_plot(self.values, data-min(data), 'PT Term', {'linestyle': '-', 'color': 'r', 'linewidth':2.0}) add_plot(self.values, totff-min(totff), 'Total FF', {'linestyle': '-', 'color': [0.4,0.4,0.4], 'linewidth':3.0}) #decorate plot ax.set_xlim([(min(self.values)-self.step)/parse_unit(self.qunit), (max(self.values)+self.step)/parse_unit(self.qunit)]) ax.set_title('%s-%i' %(self.term.basename, self.term.index)) ax.set_xlabel('%s [%s]' % (self.term.basename.split('/')[0], self.qunit), fontsize=16) ax.set_ylabel('Energy [%s]' %eunit, fontsize=16) ax.set_ylim([-0.2, e_max]) ax.grid() ax.legend(loc='upper center', fontsize=16) fig.set_size_inches([8, 8]) if fn is 'show': else: if fn is 'default': fn = 'trajectory-%s-%i%s.png' %(self.term.basename.replace('/', '-'),self.term.index,suffix) fig.savefig(fn) pp.close()
[docs] def to_xyz(self, fn=None): ''' Method to write the given trajectory to an XYZ file. This method assumes that the coords attribute has been assigned. **Optional Arguments** fn a string defining the name of the output file ''' if 'active' in list(self.__dict__.keys()) and not return if fn is None: fn = '' %(self.term.basename.replace('/', '-'),self.term.index) f = open(fn, 'w') xyz = XYZWriter(f, [pt[Z].symbol for Z in self.numbers]) for frame, coord in enumerate(self.coords): xyz.dump('frame %i' %frame, coord) f.close()
class RelaxedStrain(object): def __init__(self, system, valence, settings): ''' **Arguments** system a Yaff `System` object defining the system valence an instance of ValenceFF defining the valence force field settings a `Settings` instance defining all QuickFF settings ''' self.system0 = system self.system_rvecs = system.cell.rvecs.copy() self.valence = valence self.settings = settings def _get_system_copy(self): 'Routine to get a copy of the equilibrium system' numbers = self.system0.numbers.copy() coords = self.system0.pos.copy() rvecs = self.system_rvecs.copy() masses = self.system0.masses.copy() bonds = self.system0.bonds.copy() ffatypes = self.system0.ffatypes.copy() ffatype_ids = self.system0.ffatype_ids.copy() return System( numbers, coords, rvecs=rvecs, ffatypes=ffatypes, ffatype_ids=ffatype_ids, masses=masses, bonds=bonds ) system = property(_get_system_copy) def prepare(self, do_terms): ''' Method to initialize trajectories and configure everything required for the generate method. ''' trajectories = [] for term in do_terms: assert term.kind in [0,2,11,12], 'Only Harmonic, Fues, MM3Quartic or MM3Bend terms supported for pert traj, got term.kind=%i' %term.kind ic = self.valence.iclist.ictab[self.valence.vlist.vtab[term.index]['ic0']] kunit, qunit = term.units if ic['kind'] in [0]: start=ic['value']-0.02*angstrom end=ic['value']+0.02*angstrom if start<0.0: start = 0.0 elif ic['kind'] in [2,4]: start=ic['value']-2*deg end=ic['value']+2*deg if start<0*deg: start = 0.0 if end>180*deg: end=180*deg elif ic['kind'] in [10]: start=-0.01*angstrom end=0.01*angstrom elif ic['kind'] in [11]: start=ic['value']-0.01*angstrom**2 end=ic['value']+0.01*angstrom**2 if start<0.0: start=0.0 else: raise NotImplementedError trajectories.append(Trajectory(term, start, end, self.system0.numbers.copy(), nsteps=7)) return trajectories def generate(self, trajectory, remove_com=True): ''' Method to calculate the perturbation trajectory, i.e. the trajectory that scans the geometry along the direction of the ic figuring in the term with the given index (should be a diagonal term). This method should be implemented in the derived classes. **Arguments** trajectory instance of Trajectory class representing the perturbation trajectory **Optional Arguments** remove_com if set to True, removes the center of mass translation from the resulting perturbation trajectories [default=True]. ''' #TODO: find out why system.cell is not parsed correctly when using scoop #force correct rvecs self.system0.cell.update_rvecs(self.system_rvecs) with log.section('PTGEN', 4, timer='PT Generate'): log.dump(' Generating %s(atoms=%s)' %(trajectory.term.basename, trajectory.term.get_atoms())) strain = Strain(self.system, trajectory.term, self.valence.terms) natom = self.system0.natom q0 = self.valence.iclist.ictab[self.valence.vlist.vtab[trajectory.term.index]['ic0']]['value'] diag = np.array([0.1*angstrom,]*3*natom+[abs(q0-trajectory.targets[0])]) sol = None for iq, target in enumerate(trajectory.targets): log.dump(' Frame %i (target=%.3f)' %(iq, target)) strain.constrain_target = target if abs(target-q0)<1e-6: sol = np.zeros([strain.ndof+1],float) #call strain.gradient once to compute/store/log relevant information strain.gradient(sol) else: if sol is not None: init = sol.copy() else: init = np.zeros([3*natom+1], float) init[-1] = np.sign(q0-target) sol, infodict, ier, mesg = scipy.optimize.fsolve(strain.gradient, init, xtol=self.settings.pert_traj_tol, full_output=True, diag=diag) if ier!=1: #fsolve did not converge, try again after adding small random noise log.dump(' %s' %mesg.replace('\n', ' ')) log.dump(' Frame %i (target=%.3f) %s(%s) did not converge. Trying again with slightly perturbed initial conditions.' %( iq, target, trajectory.term.basename, trajectory.term.get_atoms() )) #try one more time init = sol.copy() init[:3*natom] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.01, [3*natom])*angstrom sol, infodict, ier, mesg = scipy.optimize.fsolve(strain.gradient, init, xtol=self.settings.pert_traj_tol, full_output=True, diag=diag) #fsolve did STILL not converge, flag this frame for deletion if ier!=1: log.dump(' %s' %mesg.replace('\n', ' ')) log.dump(' Frame %i (target=%.3f) %s(%s) STILL did not converge.' %( iq, target, trajectory.term.basename, trajectory.term.get_atoms() )) trajectory.targets[iq] = np.nan continue x = self.system0.pos.copy() + sol[:3*natom].reshape((-1,3)) trajectory.values[iq] = strain.constrain_value log.dump(' Converged (value=%.3f, lagmult=%.3e)' %(strain.constrain_value,sol[3*natom])) if remove_com: com = (x.T*self.system0.masses.copy()).sum(axis=1)/self.system0.masses.sum() for i in range(natom): x[i,:] -= com trajectory.coords[iq,:,:] = x #delete flagged frames targets = [] values = [] coords = [] for target, value, coord in zip(trajectory.targets, trajectory.values, trajectory.coords): if not np.isnan(target): targets.append(target) values.append(value) coords.append(coord) trajectory.targets = np.array(targets) trajectory.values = np.array(values) trajectory.coords = np.array(coords) return trajectory def estimate(self, trajectory, ai, ffrefs=[], do_valence=False, energy_noise=None, Nerrorsteps=100): ''' Method to estimate the FF parameters for the relevant ic from the given perturbation trajectory by fitting a harmonic potential to the covalent energy along the trajectory. **Arguments** trajectory a Trajectory instance representing the perturbation trajectory ai an instance of the Reference representing the ab initio input **Optional Arguments** ffrefs a list of Reference instances representing possible a priori determined contributions to the force field (such as eg. electrostatics and van der Waals) do_valence If set to True, the current valence force field (stored in self.valence) will be used to compute the valence contribution energy_noise If set to a float, the parabolic fitting will be repeated Nerrorsteps times including normal noise on top of the reference value. The mean of the noise is 0, while the std equals the number given by energy_noise. The resulting fits give a distribution of force constants and rest values instead of single value, the std is used to identify bad estimates, the mean is used for the actual FF parametrs. If set to nan, the parabolic fit is performed only once without any noise. ''' with log.section('PTEST', 3, timer='PT Estimate'): term = trajectory.term index = term.index basename = term.basename if 'active' in list(trajectory.__dict__.keys()) and not log.dump('Trajectory of %s was deactivated: skipping' %(basename)) return qs = trajectory.values.copy() AIs = np.zeros(len(trajectory.coords)) FFs = np.zeros(len(trajectory.coords)) RESs = np.zeros(len(trajectory.coords)) for istep, pos in enumerate(trajectory.coords): AIs[istep] = for ref in ffrefs: FFs[istep] += if do_valence: fc = self.valence.get_params(index, only='fc') rv = self.valence.get_params(index, only='rv') self.valence.set_params(index, fc=0.0) self.valence.set_params(index, rv0=0.0) for istep, pos in enumerate(trajectory.coords): RESs[istep] += self.valence.calc_energy(pos) #- 0.5*fc*(qs[istep]-rv)**2 self.valence.set_params(index, fc=fc) self.valence.set_params(index, rv0=rv) pars = fitpar(qs, AIs-FFs-RESs-min(AIs-FFs-RESs), rcond=-1) if energy_noise is None: if pars[0]!=0.0: trajectory.fc = 2.0*pars[0] trajectory.rv = -pars[1]/(2.0*pars[0]) else: trajectory.fc = 0.0 trajectory.rv = qs[len(qs)//2] log.dump('force constant of %s is zero: rest value set to middle value' %basename) else: with log.section('PTEST', 4, timer='PT Estimate'): log.dump('Performing noise analysis for trajectory of %s' %basename) As = [pars[0]] Bs = [pars[1]] for i in range(Nerrorsteps): pars = fitpar(qs, AIs-FFs-RESs-min(AIs-FFs-RESs)+np.random.normal(0.0, energy_noise, size=AIs.shape), rcond=-1) As.append(pars[0]) Bs.append(pars[1]) if 0.0 in As: log.dump(' force constant of zero detected, removing the relevant runs from analysis') Bs = np.array([b for a,b in zip(As,Bs) if a!=0.0]) As = np.array([a for a in As if a!=0.0]) ks = As*2.0 q0s = -Bs/(2.0*As) kunit = trajectory.term.units[0] qunit = trajectory.term.units[1] log.dump(' k = %8.3f +- %6.3f (noisefree: %8.3f) %s' %(ks.mean()/parse_unit(kunit), ks.std()/parse_unit(kunit), ks[0]/parse_unit(kunit), kunit)) log.dump(' q0 = %8.3f +- %6.3f (noisefree: %8.3f) %s' %(q0s.mean()/parse_unit(qunit), q0s.std()/parse_unit(qunit), q0s[0]/parse_unit(qunit), qunit)) if q0s.std()/q0s.mean()>0.01: with log.section('PTEST', 3, timer='PT Estimate'): fc, rv = self.valence.get_params(trajectory.term.index) if rv is None: log.dump('Noise on rest value of %s to high, using ab initio rest value' %basename) pars = fitpar(qs, AIs-FFs-RESs-min(AIs-FFs-RESs)+np.random.normal(0.0, energy_noise, size=AIs.shape), rcond=-1) if pars[0]!=0.0: trajectory.fc = 2.0*pars[0] trajectory.rv = -pars[1]/(2.0*pars[0]) else: trajectory.fc = 0.0 trajectory.rv = qs[len(qs)//2] log.dump('AI force constant of %s is zero: rest value set to middle value' %basename) else: log.dump('Noise on rest value of %s to high, using previous value' %basename) trajectory.fc = fc trajectory.rv = rv else: trajectory.fc = ks.mean() trajectory.rv = q0s.mean() #no negative rest values for all ics except dihedrals and bendcos if term.ics[0].kind not in [1,3,4,11]: if trajectory.rv<0: trajectory.rv = 0.0 log.dump('rest value of %s was negative: set to zero' %basename) class Strain(ForceField): def __init__(self, system, term, other_terms, cart_penalty=1e-3*angstrom): ''' A class deriving from the Yaff ForceField class to implement the strain of a molecular geometry associated with the term defined by term_index. **Arguments** system A Yaff System instance containing all system information. term a Term instance representing the term of the perturbation trajectory of the current strain other_terms a list of Term instances representing all other terms for ICs for which a strain contribution should be added **Keyword Arguments** cart_penalty Magnitude of an extra term added to the strain that penalises a deviation of the cartesian coordinates of each atom with respect to the equilibrium coordinates. This penalty is equal to norm(R-R_eq)**2/(2.0*3*Natoms*cart_penalty**2) and prevents global translations, global rotations as well as rotations of molecular fragments far from the IC under consideration. ''' self.coords0 = system.pos.copy() self.ndof = self.cart_penalty = cart_penalty self.cons_ic_atindexes = term.get_atoms() #construct main strain strain = ForcePartValence(system) for other in other_terms: if other.kind == 3: continue #no cross terms strain.add_term(Harmonic(1.0, None, other.ics[0])) #set the rest values to the equilibrium values strain.dlist.forward() strain.iclist.forward() for iterm in range(strain.vlist.nv): vterm = strain.vlist.vtab[iterm] ic = strain.iclist.ictab[vterm['ic0']] vterm['par1'] = ic['value'] ForceField.__init__(self, system, [strain]) #Abuse the Chebychev1 polynomial to simply get the value of q-1 and #implement the contraint constraint = ForcePartValence(system) constraint.add_term(Chebychev1(-2.0,term.ics[0])) self.constraint = ForceField(system, [constraint]) self.constrain_target = None self.constrain_value = None self.value = None def gradient(self, X): ''' Compute the gradient of the strain w.r.t. Cartesian coordinates of the system. For the ic that needs to be constrained, a Lagrange multiplier is included. ''' #initialize return value grad = np.zeros((len(X),)) #compute strain gradient gstrain = np.zeros(self.coords0.shape) self.update_pos(self.coords0 + X[:self.ndof].reshape((-1,3))) self.value = self.compute(gpos=gstrain) #compute constraint gradient gconstraint = np.zeros(self.coords0.shape) self.constraint.update_pos(self.coords0 + X[:self.ndof].reshape((-1,3))) self.constrain_value = self.constraint.compute(gpos=gconstraint) + 1.0 #construct gradient grad[:self.ndof] = gstrain.reshape((-1,)) + X[self.ndof]*gconstraint.reshape((-1,)) grad[self.ndof] = self.constrain_value - self.constrain_target #cartesian penalty, i.e. extra penalty for deviation w.r.t. cartesian equilibrium coords indices = np.array([[3*i,3*i+1,3*i+2] for i in range(self.ndof//3) if i not in self.cons_ic_atindexes]).ravel() if len(indices)>0: grad[indices] += X[indices]/(self.ndof*self.cart_penalty**2) with log.section('PTGEN', 4, timer='PT Generate'): log.dump(' Gradient: rms = %.3e max = %.3e cnstr = %.3e' %(np.sqrt((grad[:self.ndof]**2).mean()), max(grad[:self.ndof]), grad[self.ndof])) return grad