# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# QuickFF is a code to quickly derive accurate force fields from ab initio input.
# Copyright (C) 2012 - 2018 Louis Vanduyfhuys <Louis.Vanduyfhuys@UGent.be>
# Steven Vandenbrande <Steven.Vandenbrande@UGent.be>,
# Jelle Wieme <Jelle.Wieme@UGent.be>,
# Toon Verstraelen <Toon.Verstraelen@UGent.be>, Center for Molecular Modeling
# (CMM), Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium; all rights reserved unless otherwise
# stated.
# This file is part of QuickFF.
# QuickFF is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# QuickFF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
from __future__ import absolute_import
from molmod.units import *
from quickff.tools import boxqp
from quickff.log import log
import numpy as np
__all__ = ['HessianFCCost']
[docs]class HessianFCCost(object):
A class to implement the least-square cost function to fit the force
field hessian to the ab initio hessian.
def __init__(self, system, ai, valence, fit_indices, ffrefs=[], do_mass_weighting=True):
a Yaff system object
an instance of the Reference representing the ab initio input
A ValenceFF object containing all valence terms.
a list of indices indicating the terms for which the force
constants should be determined.
**Optional Arguments**
a list of Reference instances representing possible a priori
determined contributions to the force field (such as eg.
electrostatics and van der Waals)
self.init = np.zeros(len(fit_indices), float)
self.upper = np.zeros(len(fit_indices), float)+np.inf
self.lower = np.zeros(len(fit_indices), float)
self.A = np.zeros([len(fit_indices), len(fit_indices)], float)
self.B = np.zeros([len(fit_indices)], float)
ndofs = 3*system.natom
masses3 = np.array([[mass,]*3 for mass in system.masses]).reshape(len(system.masses)*3)
masses3_inv_sqrt = np.diag(1.0/np.sqrt(masses3))
#compute the reference hessian
if do_mass_weighting:
href = np.dot(masses3_inv_sqrt, np.dot(ai.phess0.reshape([ndofs, ndofs]).copy(), masses3_inv_sqrt))
href = ai.phess0.reshape([ndofs, ndofs]).copy()
for ffref in ffrefs:
if do_mass_weighting:
href -= np.dot(masses3_inv_sqrt, np.dot(ffref.hessian(system.pos).reshape([ndofs, ndofs]), masses3_inv_sqrt))
href -= ffref.hessian(system.pos).reshape([ndofs, ndofs])
#loop over valence terms and add to reference (if not in fit_indices or
#its slaves) or add to covalent hessians hcovs (if in fit_indices)
hcovs = [None,]*len(fit_indices)
for master in valence.iter_masters():
if master.index in fit_indices:
i = fit_indices.index(master.index)
#self.init[i] = valence.get_params(master.index, only='fc')
#add to covalent hessians (includes slaves as well)
if do_mass_weighting:
hcov = np.dot(masses3_inv_sqrt, np.dot(valence.get_hessian_contrib(master.index, fc=1.0), masses3_inv_sqrt))
hcov = valence.get_hessian_contrib(master.index, fc=1.0)
hcovs[i] = hcov
#set upper and lower
if master.kind==4:
self.upper[i] = 200*kjmol
if master.kind==3:
self.lower[i] = -np.inf
if do_mass_weighting:
hcov = np.dot(masses3_inv_sqrt, np.dot(valence.get_hessian_contrib(master.index), masses3_inv_sqrt))
hcov = valence.get_hessian_contrib(master.index)
href -= hcov
#construct the cost matrices A and B
for index1, hcov1 in enumerate(hcovs):
self.B[index1] = np.sum(href*hcov1)
self.A[index1,index1] = np.sum(hcov1*hcov1)
for index2, hcov2 in enumerate(hcovs[:index1]):
tmp = np.sum(hcov1*hcov2)
self.A[index1,index2] = tmp
self.A[index2,index1] = tmp
[docs] def estimate(self, init=None, lower=None, upper=None, do_svd=False, svd_rcond=0.0):
Estimate the force constants by minimizing the cost function
if init is None:
assert self.init is not None, 'No initial fcs defined'
init = self.init.copy()
if lower is None:
assert self.lower is not None, 'No lower limit fcs defined'
lower = self.lower.copy()
if upper is None:
assert self.upper is not None, 'No upper limit fcs defined'
upper = self.upper.copy()
if do_svd:
#perform SVD
U, S, Vt = np.linalg.svd(self.A, full_matrices=True)
mask = S/max(S)>svd_rcond
a = np.diag(S[mask])
b = np.dot(U.T, self.B)[mask]
vtx0 = np.dot(Vt, init)[mask]
vtlower = -np.inf*np.ones(len(b),float)
vtupper = np.inf*np.ones(len(b),float)
vtx = boxqp(a, b, vtlower, vtupper, vtx0)
x = np.dot(Vt.T[:,mask], vtx)
x = boxqp(self.A, self.B, lower, upper, init)
return x