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QM calculations

The energy and gradients of the ground-state Born-Oppenheimer surface can be obtained using varying levels of approximation. In psiflow, the calculation of the energy and its gradients can be performed for both Geometry and Dataset instances, using different software packages:

  • CP2K (periodic, mixed PW/lcao): very fast, and very useful for pretty much any periodic structure. Its forces tend to be quite noisy with the default grid settings so some level of caution is advised. Also, even though it uses both plane waves and atomic basis sets, it does suffer from BSSE.
  • GPAW (periodic/cluster, PW/lcao/grid): slower but more numerically stable than CP2K; essentially a fully open-source (and therefore transparant), free, and well-tested alternative to VASP. Particularly useful for applications in which BSSE is a concern (e.g. adsorption).
  • ORCA (cluster, lcao): useful for accurate high-level quantum chemistry calculations, e.g. MP2 and CCSD(T). TODO


Because the 'correct' compilation and installation of quantum chemistry software is notoriously cumbersome, we host separate container images for each of the packages on Github, which are ready to use with psiflow on HPCs with either a Singularity or Apptainer container runtime. The Docker files used to generate those images are available in the respository; CP2K or GPAW. See the configuration section for more details.

For each software package, psiflow provides a corresponding class which implements the appropriate input file manipulations, launch commands, and output parsing functionalities. They all inherit from the Reference base class, which provides a few key functionalities:

  • data.evaluate(reference): this is the most common operation involving QM calculations; given a Dataset of atomic geometries, compute the energy and its gradients and insert them into the dataset such that they are saved for future reuse.
  • reference.compute_atomic_energy: provides the ability to compute isolated atom reference energies, as this facilitates ML potential training to datasets with varying number of atoms.
  • reference.compute(data): this is somewhat equivalent to the hamiltonian compute method, except that its argument data must be a Dataset instance, and the optional batch_size defaults to 1 (in order to maximize parallelization). It does not insert the computed properties into the data, but returns them as numpy arrays.

From a distance, QM reference objects look almost identical to hamiltonians, in the sense that they both take atomic geometries as input and return energies and gradients as output. The (imposed) distinction between both can be summarized in the following points.

  • hamiltonians can compute energies and forces for pretty much any structure. There is no reason they would fail. QM calculations on the other hand can fail due to unconverged SCF cycles and/or time limit constraints. In fact, this happens relatively often when performing active learning workflows. Reference objects take this into account by returning a unique NullState whenever a calculation has failed.
  • hamiltonians are orders of magnitude faster, and can be employed in meaningfully long molecular dynamics simulations. This is not the case for QM calculations. As such, they cannot be used in combination with walker sampling or geometry optimizations. If the purpose is to perform molecular simulation at the DFT level, then the better approach is to train an ML potential to any desired level of accuracy (almost always possible in psiflow) and use that as proxy for the QM interaction energy. For the same reason, the default batch size for reference.compute calls is 1, i.e. each the QM calculation for each structure in the dataset is immediately scheduled independently from the other ones. With hamiltonians, that batch size defaults to 100 (split data in chunks of 100 and evaluate each set of 100 states serially).

CP2K 2024.1

A CP2K reference instance can be created based on a (multiline) input string. Only the FORCE_EVAL section of the input is important since the atomic coordinates and cell parameters are automatically inserted for every calculation. All basis set, pseudopotential, and D3 parameters from the official CP2K repository are directly available in the container image (i.e. no need to download or provide these files separately). Choose which one you would like to use by using the corresponding filename in the input file (i.e. omit any preceding filepaths). A typical input file is provided in the examples.

from psiflow.reference import CP2K

# create reference instance
with open('cp2k_input.txt', 'r') as f:
    force_eval_input_str =
cp2k = CP2K(force_eval_input_str)

# compute energy and forces, and store them in the geometries
evaluated_data = data.evaluate(cp2k)

for geometry in evaluated_data.geometries().result():
    print('energy: {} eV'.format(
    print('forces: {} eV/A'.format(geometry.per_atom.forces))

GPAW 24.1

a GPAW reference is created in much the same way as a traditional GPAW 'calculator' instance, with support for entirely the same keyword arguments:

from psiflow.reference import GPAW

gpaw = GPAW(mode='fd', nbands=0, xc='PBE')  # see GPAW calculator on gitlab for full list
energies = gpaw.compute(data, 'energy')
A notable feature from GPAW is that it already outputs all energies as formation energies, i.e. it internally subtracts the sum of the energies of the isolated atoms. As such, the compute_atomic_energy for a GPAW reference always just returns 0 eV.