ML potentials

Once we know how to represent datasets of atomic geometries and label with them with target QM energy and force values, we can start defining and training ML potentials. Psiflow defines an abstract Model interface which each particular ML potential should subclass, though at the moment only MACE is implemented. In addition, psiflow provides configuration dataclasses for each model with reasonable defaults.

A Model has essentially three methods:

  • initialize: compute energy shifts and scalings as well as the average number of neighbors (and any other network normalization metrics) using a given training dataset, and initialize model weights.
  • train: train the parameters of a model using two separate datasets, one for actual training and one for validation. The current model parameters are used as starting parameters for the training
  • create_hamiltonian: spawn a hamiltonian in order to use the model with its current weights in molecular dynamics simulations

The following is a minimal illustration:

from import Dataset
from psiflow.models import MACE

# load data with energy and force labels included as extxyz
train, valid = Dataset.load('').split(0.9, shuffle=True)

model = MACE(                   # for full arg list, see psiflow/models/_mace:MACEConfig

# initialize, train
model.initialize(train)         # this will calculate the scale/shifts, and average number of neighbors
model.train(train, valid)       # train using supplied datasets'./')                # saves model and config to current working directory!

hamiltonian = model.create_hamiltonian()
forces_pred = hamiltonian.compute(valid, 'forces')
forces_target = valid.get('forces')

rmse = compute_rmse(forces_pred, forces_target)  # this is a Future!
print('forces RMSE: {} eV/A'.format(rmse.result()))
Note that will save both a .yaml file with all hyperparameters as well as the actual .pth model which is needed to reconstruct the corresponding PyTorch module (possibly outside of psiflow if needed). As such, it expects a directory as argument (which may either already exist or will be created).

In many cases, it is generally recommended to provide these models with some estimate of the absolute energy of an isolated atom for the specific level of theory and basis set considered (and this for each element). Instead of having the model learn the absolute total energy of the system, we first subtract these atomic energies in order to train the model on the formation energy of the system instead, as this generally improves the generalization performance of the model towards unseen stoichiometries.

model.add_atomic_energy('H', -13.7)     # add atomic energy of isolated hydrogen atom

model.add_atomic_energy('O', -400)      # will raise an exception; model needs to be reinitialized first
model.reset()                           # removes current model, but keeps raw config
model.add_atomic_energy('O', -400)      # OK!
model.initialize(some_training_data)    # offsets total energy with given atomic energy values per atom
Whenever atomic energies are available, Model instances will automatically offset the potential energy in a (labeled) Dataset by the sum of the energies of the isolated atoms; the underlying PyTorch network is then initialized/trained on the formation energy of the system instead. In order to avoid artificially high energy discrepancies between models trained on the formation energy on one hand, and reference potential energies as obtained from any BaseReference, the evaluate method will first perform the converse operation, i.e. add the energies of the isolated atoms to the model's prediction of the formation energy. Similarly, create_hamiltonian() also passes any atomic energies which were added to the model.