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online learning

Psiflow allows for the seamless development and scalable execution of online learning algorithms for ML potentials. The Learning class provides an interface based on which such algorithms can be implemented. They keep track of the generated data, error metrics, optional Weights & Biases logging, and provide basic restart functionalities in case something goes wrong. Learning objects are instantiated using the following arguments:

  • reference (type Reference): the Reference instance which will be used to evaluate ground-truth energy/force labels for each of the samples generated.
  • path_output (type str | Path): the location to a folder in which intermediate models, datasets, walker states, and restart files can be saved.
  • train_valid_split (type float): fraction of generated data which should be used for the training set (as opposed to validation).
  • error_thresholds_for_reset (type list[Optional[float]]): during online learning, it is not uncommon to have walkers explore unphysical regions in phase space due to irregularities in the intermediate potential, excessive temperatures/pressures, ... In those cases, it is beneficial to reset walkers to their starting configurations, of which it is known to be a physically sound starting point. The decision to reset walkers is made every time the 'exact' energy and forces have been computed from a sampled state. If the error between the corresponding walker's model (i.e. the previous model) and the QM-evaluated energy and forces exceeds a certain threshold (both on energies and forces), the walker is reset. This argument expects a list of length two (threshold on energy error, and threshold on force error), with optional None values if no reset is desired. For example: [None, 0.1] indicates to reset whenever the force RMSE exceeds 100 meV/A, and ignore any energy discrepancy.
  • error_thresholds_for_discard (type list[Optional[float]]): states which are entirely unphysical do not contribute to the accuracy of the model, and sometimes even hinder proper training. If these error thresholds are exceeded, the state is discarded and the walker is reset.
  • wandb_group (type str): if specified, the computed dataset metrics will be logged to Weights & Biases in the corresponding group of runs for easy visual analysis.
  • wandb_project (type str): if specified, the computed dataset metrics will be logged to Weights & Biases in the corresponding project for easy visual analysis.
  • initial_data (type Dataset): existing, labeled data from which the learning can be bootstrapped. Note that all states in this dataset must be labeled, and that this is only sensible if the labeling agrees with the given Reference instance. (Same level of theory, same basis set, grid settings, ... ).
Image title
Illustration of what the Weights & biases logging looks like. The graph on top simply shows the force RMSE on each data point versus a unique 'identifier' per data point. The bottom plot shows the same data points, but now grouped according to which walker generated them. In this case, walkers were sorted according to temperature (lower walker index were lower temperature), and this is seen in the fact that walkers with a higher index generated data with on average higher errors, as they explored more out-of-equilibrium configurations.

The core business of a Learning instance is the following sequence of operations:

  1. use walkers in a sample() call to generate atomic geometries
  2. evaluate those atomic geometries with the provided reference to obtain QM energy and forces
  3. include those geometries to the training data, or discard them if they exceed error_thresholds_for_discard. Reset walkers if they exceed error_thresholds_for_reset.
  4. Train the model using the new data.
  5. Compute metrics for the trained model across the new dataset and optionally log them to W&B.

Currently, there are two variants of this implemented: passive and active learning.

passive learning

During passive learning, walkers are propagated using an external and 'fixed' Hamiltonian which is not trained at any point (e.g. a pre-trained universal potential or a hessian-based Hamiltonian).

model, walkers = learning.passive_learning(
    hamiltonian=MACEHamiltonian.mace_mp0(),     # fixed hamiltonian
Walkers are propagated for a total of 20,000 steps, and samples are drawn every 2,000 steps which are QM evaluated by the reference and added to the training data. If the walkers contain bias contributions, their total hamiltonian is simply the sum of the existing bias contributions and the hamiltonian given to the passive_learning() call. Additional keyword arguments to this function are passed directly into the sample function (e.g. for specifying the log level or the center-of-mass behavior).

The returned model is the one trained on all data generated in the passive_learning() call as well as all data which was already present in the learning instance (for example if it had been initialized with initial_data, see above). The returned walkers are identical to the ones passed into the method, but this is done to emphasize that internally, they do change due to calling passive_learning (because they are either propagated or reset, or their metadynamics bias has changed because there are more hills present than before).

active learning

During active learning, walkers are propagated with a Hamiltonian generated using the current model. They are propagated for a given number of steps after which their final state is passed into the reference for correct labeling. Different from passive learning, active learning does not allow for subsampling of the trajectories of the walkers. The idea behind this is that if you wish to propagate the walker for 10 ps, and sample a structure every 1 ps to let each walker generate 10 states, it is likely much better to instead increase the number of walkers (to cover more regions in phase space) and propagate them in steps of 1 ps. Active learning is ideally suited for massively parallel workflows (maximal number of walkers, with minimal sampling time per walker) and we encourage users to exploit this.

model, walkers = learning.active_learning(
    model,                      # used to generate hamiltonian
    steps=2000,                 # no more 'step' argument!

restarting a run

Learning has first-class support for restarted runs -- simply resubmit your calculation! It will detect whether or not the corresponding output folder has already fully logged the each of the iterations, and if so, load the final state of the model, the walkers, and the learning instance without actually doing any calculations.