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setup & configuration

Psiflow is easy to set up on most HPCs. The only requirement is a relatively recent container engine:

  • Apptainer >= 1.2
  • SingularityCE >= 3.11

To detect which of these is available on your HPC, execute apptainer --version or singularity --version in a shell on a login or compute node. Note that on some systems, the container runtime is packaged in a module in which case you would first have to load it before it becomes available in your shell. Check your HPC's documentation for more information. If none of these are available, contact your system administrators or set up psiflow manually. Otherwise, proceed with the following steps.

We provide two versions of essentially the same container; one for Nvidia GPUs (based on a PyTorch wheel for CUDA 11.8) and one for AMD GPUs (based on a PyTorch wheel for ROCm 5.6). These images are hosted on the Github Container Registry (abbreviated by ghcr) and can be directly downloaded and cached by the container runtime. For example, if we wish to execute a simple command ls using the container image for Nvidia GPUs, we would write:

apptainer exec oras://ghcr/io/molmod/psiflow:main_cu118 ls
We use psiflow:main_cu118 to get the image which was built from the latest main branch of the psiflow repository, for CUDA 11.8. Similarly, for AMD GPUs and, for example, psiflow v4.0.0-rc1, we would use
apptainer exec oras:// ls
See the Apptainer/SingularityCE documentation for more information.

Python environment

The main Python script which defines the workflow requires a Python 3.10 / 3.11 environment with a recent version of pip and ndcctools.

  • (without existing conda/mamba binary): if you do not know how to set this up yourself, use the following one-line install command:

    curl -L | bash
    This command sets up micromamba (i.e. conda but 1000x faster) in a fully local manner, without messing up your .bashrc or .zshrc file. In addition, it creates a minimal Python environment with all the required packages installed. Activate the environment by sourcing the file which will have been created in the current working directory:

  • (with existing conda binary): create a new 3.10/3.11 environment and make sure pip and ndcctools are available:

    micromamba create -n psiflow_env -y python=3.10 pip ndcctools=7.11.1 -c conda-forge
    Next, activate the environment and install psiflow from its repository:
    micromamba activate psiflow_env
    pip install git+
    Everything else -- i-PI, CP2K, GPAW, Weights & Biases, PLUMED, ... -- is handled by the container images and hence need not be installed manually.

  • (with virtualenv/venv): create a new environment and install psiflow from github using the same command as above. In addition, you will have to compile and install the cctools package manually. See the documentation for the appropriate instructions.

Verify the correctness of your environment using the following commands:

python -c 'import psiflow'  # python import should work
which work_queue_worker     # tests whether ndcctools is available and on PATH


Psiflow scripts are executed as a simple Python process. Internally, it relies on Parsl to analyze the dependencies between different tasks and execute the calculations asynchronously and as fast as possible. To achieve this, it automatically requests the compute resources it needs during execution.

To make this work, it is necessary to define precisely how ML potential training, molecular dynamics, and QM calculations should proceed, and (ii) how the required resources for those calculations should be obtained. These additional parameters are to be specified in a separate 'configuration' .yaml file, which is passed into the main Python workflow script as an argument. The configuration file has a specific structure which is explained in the following sections. In many cases, you will be able to start from one of the example configurations in the repository and adapt it for your cluster. We also suggest you to go through Parsl's documentation on execution first as this will improve your understanding of what follows.

There are three types of calculations:

  • ML potential training (ModelTraining)
  • ML potential inference, i.e. molecular dynamics (ModelEvaluation)
  • QM calculations (CP2K, GPAW, ORCA)

and the structure of a typical config.yaml consequently looks like this

# top level options define the overall behavior
# see below for a full list
container_engine: <singularity or apptainer>
container_uri: <link to container, i.e. oras://>

  # specifies how ML potential training should be performed
  # and which resources it needs to use

  # specifies how MD / geometry optimization / hamiltonian computations are performed
  # and which resources it needs to use

  # specifies how CP2K single points need to be performed

  # specifies how GPAW single points need to be performed

  # specifies how ORCA single points need to be performed

1. ML potential training

This defines how model.train() operations are performed. Since training is necessarily performed on a GPU, it is necessary to specify resources in which a GPU is available. Consider the following simple training example

import psiflow
from psiflow.models import load_model
from import Dataset

def main(fraction):
    model = load_model('my_previous_model')
    train, valid = Dataset.load('').split(fraction, shuffle=True)
    model.train(train, valid)'fraction_{}'.format(fraction))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with psiflow.load():    # ensures script waits until everything completes
It will execute three independent training runs, whereby the only difference is in the fraction of training and validation data. Importantly, because their is no dependency between each individual run, they will automatically be executed in parallel. Suppose we are in a terminal on e.g. a login or compute node of a SLURM cluster. Then we can execute the script using the following command:
python config.yaml
The config.yaml file should define how and where the model should be trained and evaluated.

Next, we define how model training should be performed. Internally, Parsl will use that information to construct the appropriate SLURM jobscripts, send them to the scheduler, and once the resources are allocated, start the calculation. For example, assume that the GPU partition on this cluster is named infinite_a100, and it has 12 cores per GPU. Consider the following config

  cores_per_worker: 12
  gpu: true
    partition: "infinite_a100"
    account: "112358"
    nodes_per_block: 1
    cores_per_node: 24
    max_blocks: 1
    walltime: "12:00:00"
    scheduler_options: "#SBATCH --gpus=2"
The top-level keyword ModelTraining indicates that we're defining the execution of model.train(). It has a number of special keywords:

  • cores_per_worker (int): number of CPUs per GPU.
  • gpu (bool): whether to use GPU(s) -- should almost always be true for training.
  • slurm (dict): defines compute resources specifically for a SLURM scheduler (i.e. using sbatch/salloc commands). It should include all parameters which are required to create the actual jobscript. Note that the requested resources for a single slurm job can be larger than the required resources per worker. In this particular example, we ask for a single allocation of 2 GPUs and 24 cores in total, with a walltime of 12 hours, and with a limit on the number of running jobs of this type equal to 1 (max_blocks).

When we execute python config.yaml, psiflow will analyze the script and realize it needs to execute three training runs. Because we use cores_per_worker: 12, it sees that it can fit all three training runs on two SLURM jobs, each with two GPUs. Of course, because max_blocks: 1, it will only submit one job and start two training runs. The third training run will start only when any of the first two have finished running, he will not submit a second SLURM job. The max_blocks setting is useful in scenarios where your cluster imposes tight limits on the number of running jobs per user, or when the queue time is long.

There exist a few additional keywords for ModelTraining which might be useful:

  • max_training_time (float, in minutes): This is the maximum time that any single training run can take. After this time, a SIGTERM is sent to the training process which ensures the training is gracefully interrupted and output models are saved. Sometimes, it is more convenient to use this rather than MACE's built in max_num_epochs parameter.
  • env_vars (dict): additional environment variables which might be necessary to achieve optimal training performance. For example, on some clusters, it is necessary to tune the process/thread affinity a little bit. For example:
      OMP_PROC_BIND: "spread"

2. molecular dynamics

Consider the following example:

import psiflow
from psiflow.sampling import Walker, sample, replica_exchange
from psiflow.geometry import Geometry
from psiflow.hamiltonians import MACEHamiltonian

def main():
    mace = MACEHamiltonian.mace_mp0()
    start = Geometry.load('')

    walkers = Walker(mace, temperature=300).multiply(8)

    outputs = sample(walkers, steps=int(1e9), step=10)   # extremely long
    for i, output in enumerate(outputs):'{i}.xyz')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with psiflow.load():
In this example, we use MACE-MP0 to run 8 molecular dynamics simulations in the NVT ensemble. Since they are all independent from each other, psiflow will attempt to execute them in parallel as much as possible. The configuration section which deals with ML potential inference, including molecular dynamics but also geometry optimization and hamiltonian.compute() calls, is named ModelEvaluation:

  cores_per_worker: 12
  gpu: true
    partition: "infinite_a100"
    account: "112358"
    nodes_per_block: 2
    cores_per_node: 48          # full node; sometimes granted faster than partials
    max_blocks: 1
    walltime: "01:00:00"        # small to try and skip the queue
    scheduler_options: "#SBATCH --gpus=4"
It is in general quite similar to ModelTraining. Because in general, psiflow workflows contain a large number of molecular dynamics simulations, it makes sense to ask for larger allocations for each block (= SLURM job). In this example, we immediately ask for two full GPU nodes, with four GPUs each. This is exactly the amount we need to execute all eight molecular dynamics simulations in parallel, without wasting any resources. As such, when we execute the above example using python config.yaml, Parsl will recognize that we need resources for eight simulations, ask for precisely one allocation according to the above parameters, and start all eight simulations simultaneously.

Of course, we greatly overestimate the number of steps we wish to simulate. The SLURM allocation has a walltime of one hour, which means that if a simulation does not finish in 12 hours, it will be gracefully terminated and the saved trajectories will only cover a fraction of the requested one billion steps. Psiflow will not automatically continue the simulations on a new SLURM allocation.

The available keywords in the ModelEvaluation section are the same as for ModelTraining, except for one:

  • max_simulation_time (float, in minutes):

3. QM calculations

Finally, we need to specify how QM calculations are performed. By default, these calculations are not executed within the container image provided by container_uri at the top level. Users can choose to rely on their system-installed QM software or employ one of the smaller and specialized container images for CP2K or GPAW. We will discuss both cases below.

First, assume we wish to use a system-installed CP2K module, and execute each singlepoint on 32 cores. Assume that the nodes in our cpu partition possess 128 cores:

  cores_per_worker: 32
  max_evaluation_time: 30       # kill calculation after 30 mins; SCF unconverged
  launch_command: "OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 mpirun -np 32 cp2k.psmp"  # force 1 thread/rank
    partition: "infinite_CPU"
    account: "112358"
    nodes_per_block: 16
    cores_per_node: 128
    max_blocks: 1
    walltime: "12:00:00"
    worker_init: "ml CP2K/2024.1"  # activate CP2K module in jobscript!
We asked for a big allocation of 16 nodes, each with 128 cores. On each node, psiflow can concurrently execute four singlepoints, since we specified cores_per_worker: 32.

Consider now the following script:

import psiflow
from import Dataset
from psiflow.reference import CP2K

def main():
    unlabeled = Dataset.load('')

    with open('cp2k_input.txt', 'r') as f:
        cp2k_input =
    cp2k = CP2K(cp2k_input)

    labeled = unlabeled.evaluate(cp2k)'')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with psiflow.load():
Assume is a large XYZ file with, say, 1,000 snapshots. In the above script, we simply load the data, evaluate the energy and forces of each snapshot with CP2K, and save the result as (ext)XYZ. Again, we execute this script by running python config.yaml within a Python environment with psiflow and cctools available. Even though all of these calculations can proceed in parallel, we specified max_blocks: 1 to not overload our resource usage. As such, Parsl will request precisely one block/allocation of 16 nodes, and start executing the singlepoint QM evaluations. At any given moment, there will be (16 nodes x 4 calculations/node = ) 64 calculations running.

Now assume our system administrators did not provide us with the latest and greatest version of CP2K. The installation process is quite long and tedious (even via tools like EasyBuild or Spack), which is why psiflow provides small containers which only contain the QM software. They are separate from the psiflow containers mentioned before in order to improve modularity and reduce individual container sizes. At the moment, such containers are available for CP2K 2024.1 and GPAW 24.1. To use them, it suffices to wrap the launch command inside an apptainer or singularity invocation, whichever is available on your system:

  cores_per_worker: 32
  max_evaluation_time: 30       # kill calculation after 30 mins; SCF unconverged
  launch_command: "apptainer exec -e --no-init oras:// /opt/ mpirun -np 32 cp2k.psmp"
    partition: "infinite_CPU"
    account: "112358"
    nodes_per_block: 16
    cores_per_node: 128
    max_blocks: 1
    walltime: "12:00:00"
    # no more need for module load commands!
The command is quite long but normally self-explanatory if you're somewhat familiar with containers.

SLURM quickstart

Psiflow contains a small script which detects the available SLURM partitions and their hardware and creates a minimal, initial config.yaml which you can use as a starting point to further tune to your liking. To use it, simply activate your psiflow Python environment and execute the following command:

python -c 'import psiflow; psiflow.setup_slurm_config()'

manual setup