.. This file is automatically generated. Do not make changes as these will be overwritten. Rather edit the docstrings in the source code. Reference Guide ############### .. _seclab_rg_modules: Modules ======= An overview is provived of all modules included in QuickFF. The information below is based on the documentation provided in the source code. ``quickff.cost`` -- Least-Square cost function for hessian matching ------------------------------------------------------------------- .. automodule:: quickff.cost :members: ``quickff.io`` -- Input/Ouput methods ------------------------------------- .. automodule:: quickff.io :members: .. _seclab_rg_modules_settings: ``quickff.settings`` -- QuickFF configuration settings ------------------------------------------------------ .. automodule:: quickff.settings :members: ``quickff.perturbation`` -- Perturbation trajectories for internal coordinates ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. automodule:: quickff.perturbation :members: .. _seclab_rg_modules_program: ``quickff.program`` -- Program classes implementing a sequence of fitting steps ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. automodule:: quickff.program :members: ``quickff.reference`` -- Representation of the ab initio reference data ----------------------------------------------------------------------- .. automodule:: quickff.reference :members: .. _seclab_rg_modules_tools: ``quickff.tools`` -- Various convenient tools --------------------------------------------- .. automodule:: quickff.tools :members: ``quickff.valence`` -- ValenceFF class storing all valence ff terms ------------------------------------------------------------------- .. automodule:: quickff.valence :members: .. _seclab_rg_scripts: Scripts ======= An overview is provided of the scripts in QuickFF as well as their basic usage and options. The information below can also be obtained by running the script with the :option:`--help` option. .. _seclab_rg_scripts_qff: ``qff.py`` -- Main script to run QuickFF calculation **************************************************** .. program-output:: qff.py --help .. _seclab_rg_scripts_inputei: ``qff-input-ei.py`` -- generate Yaff parameter file for electrostatics ********************************************************************** .. program-output:: qff-input-ei.py --help