5.1. The connection scanner

Spring objects, as discussed in chapter A5, can be used to connect two or more zeolite clusters (building blocks), but one has to select manually the pairs of oxygen atoms that will join to form new Si-O-Si bridges. The Connection Scanner also automates the search for such pairs of oxygen atoms, given two molecular building blocks. In this chapter, we demonstrate the usage of the scanner on the basis of the MFI precursor (precursor.zml).

One or two building blocks must be selected, before activating Object -> Builder -> Connection Scanner. A building block consists of a reference frame that contains the molecular structure of the building block. (This can not be the global reference frame. It must be a subframe.) When only one building block is selected, the scanner will search for possible ways to connect that building block and with an identical copy. After the menu function Object -> Builder -> Connection Scanner is activated, a dialog pops up where one can enter all the scanner parameters. This dialog contains three tabs: Geometry1, Geometry2 and Parameters, which are shown in the figures below. The first two tabs are identical. The second is only applicable when two building blocks are selected. The third tab contains all the parameters that control the behavior of the Connection Scanner algorithm.


The first tab of the Connection Scanner dialog


The third tab of the Connection Scanner dialog


It may be instructive to repeat the chapter discussing the springs, Working with springs, where the condensation algorithm is explained in detail. The remainder of this chapter assumes that the reader is familiar with that concept.