2. yaff.pes – Force-field potential energy surfaces (PESs)

2.1. yaff.pes.dlist – Short-range neighbor lists for covalent energy terms

Short-range neighbor lists for covalent energy terms

The short-range neighbor lits are called Delta lists. They are used for the covalent energy terms that do not allow for bond breaking.

The delta list contains all relative vectors that are needed to evaluate the covalent energy terms. The minimum image convention (MIC) is used to make sure that periodic boundary conditions are taken into account. The current implementation of the MIC in Yaff works in principle only for orthorhombic cells. In the general case of a triclinic cell, the Yaff implementation is known to fail in some corner cases, e.g. in small and very skewed unit cells. The derivative of the energy towards the components of the relative vectors is computed if the ForceField.compute routine requires energy derivatives.

The class yaff.pes.dlist.DeltaList is intimately related to classes yaff.pes.iclist.InternalCoordinateList and yaff.pes.vlist.ValenceList. They work together, just like layers in a neural network, and they use the back-propagation algorithm to compute partial derivatives. The order of the layers is as follows:

DeltaList <--> InternalCoordinateList <--> ValenceList

The class yaff.pes.ff.ForcePartValence ties these three lists together. The basic idea of the back-propagation algorithm is explained in the section The back-propagation algorithm for the computation of energy derivatives.

class yaff.pes.dlist.DeltaList(system)

Bases: object

Class to store, manage and evaluate the delta list.


A System instance.
add_delta(i, j)

Register a new relative vector in the delta list


i, j
Indexes of the first and second atom. The vector points from i to j.


The row index of the newly registered relative vector, for later reference.
Is -1 when i and j were swapped during the registration. Is +1 otherwise.

Evaluate the relative vectors for self.system.pos

The actual computation is carried out by a low-level C routine.

back(gpos, vtens)

Derive gpos and virial from the derivatives towards the relative vectors

The actual computation is carried out by a low-level C routine.


Look up the atom for a given row index.

2.2. yaff.pes.ff – Force field models

Force field models

This module contains the force field computation interface that is used by the yaff.sampling package.

The ForceField class is the main item in this module. It acts as container for instances of subclasses of ForcePart. Each ForcePart subclass implements a typical contribution to the force field energy, e.g. ForcePartValence computes covalent interactions, ForcePartPair computes pairwise (non-bonding) interactions, and so on. The ForceField object also contains one neighborlist object, which is used by all ForcePartPair objects. Actual computations are done through the compute method of the ForceField object, which calls the compute method of all the ForceParts and adds up the results.

class yaff.pes.ff.ForcePart(name, system)

Bases: object

Base class for anything that can compute energies (and optionally gradient and virial) for a System object.


A name for this part of the force field. This name must adhere to the following conventions: all lower case, no white space, and short. It is used to construct part_* attributes in the ForceField class, where * is the name.
The system to which this part of the FF applies.

Fill in nan values in the cached results to indicate that they have become invalid.


Let the ForcePart object know that the cell vectors have changed.


The new cell vectors.

Let the ForcePart object know that the atomic positions have changed.


The new atomic coordinates.
compute(gpos=None, vtens=None)

Compute the energy and optionally some derivatives for this FF (part)

The only variable inputs for the compute routine are the atomic positions and the cell vectors, which can be changed through the update_rvecs and update_pos methods. All other aspects of a force field are considered to be fixed between subsequent compute calls. If changes other than positions or cell vectors are needed, one must construct new ForceField and/or ForcePart objects.

Optional arguments:

The derivatives of the energy towards the Cartesian coordinates of the atoms. (‘g’ stands for gradient and ‘pos’ for positions.) This must be a writeable numpy array with shape (N, 3) where N is the number of atoms.
The force contribution to the pressure tensor. This is also known as the virial tensor. It represents the derivative of the energy towards uniform deformations, including changes in the shape of the unit cell. (v stands for virial and ‘tens’ stands for tensor.) This must be a writeable numpy array with shape (3, 3).

The energy is returned. The optional arguments are Fortran-style output arguments. When they are present, the corresponding results are computed and added to the current contents of the array.

class yaff.pes.ff.ForceField(system, parts, nlist=None)

Bases: yaff.pes.ff.ForcePart

A complete force field model.


An instance of the System class.
A list of instances of sublcasses of ForcePart. These are the different types of contributions to the force field, e.g. valence interactions, real-space electrostatics, and so on.

Optional arguments:

A NeighborList instance. This is required if some items in the parts list use this nlist object.
classmethod generate(system, parameters, **kwargs)

Create a force field for the given system with the given parameters.


An instance of the System class
Three types are accepted: (i) the filename of the parameter file, which is a text file that adheres to YAFF parameter format, (ii) a list of such filenames, or (iii) an instance of the Parameters class.

See the constructor of the yaff.pes.generator.FFArgs class for the available optional arguments.

This method takes care of setting up the FF object, and configuring all the necessary FF parts. This is a lot easier than creating an FF with the default constructor. Parameters for atom types that are not present in the system, are simply ignored.


See yaff.pes.ff.ForcePart.update_rvecs()


See yaff.pes.ff.ForcePart.update_pos()

class yaff.pes.ff.ForcePartPair(system, nlist, scalings, pair_pot)

Bases: yaff.pes.ff.ForcePart

A pairwise (short-range) non-bonding interaction term.

This part can be used for the short-range electrostatics, Van der Waals terms, etc. Currently, one has to use multiple ForcePartPair objects in a ForceField in order to combine different types of pairwise energy terms, e.g. to combine an electrostatic term with a Van der Waals term. (This may be changed in future to improve the computational efficiency.)


The system to which this pairwise interaction applies.
A NeighborList object. This has to be the same as the one passed to the ForceField object that contains this part.
A Scalings object. This object contains all the information about the energy scaling of pairwise contributions that are involved in covalent interactions. See yaff.pes.scalings.Scalings for more details.
An instance of the PairPot built-in class from yaff.pes.ext.
class yaff.pes.ff.ForcePartEwaldReciprocal(system, alpha, gcut=0.35, dielectric=1.0)

Bases: yaff.pes.ff.ForcePart

The long-range contribution to the electrostatic interaction in 3D periodic systems.


The system to which this interaction applies.
The alpha parameter in the Ewald summation method.

Optional arguments:

The cutoff in reciprocal space.
The scalar relative permittivity of the system.

This routine must be called after the attribute self.gmax is modified.


See yaff.pes.ff.ForcePart.update_rvecs()

class yaff.pes.ff.ForcePartEwaldReciprocalDD(system, alpha, gcut=0.35)

Bases: yaff.pes.ff.ForcePart

The long-range contribution to the dipole-dipole electrostatic interaction in 3D periodic systems.


The system to which this interaction applies.
The alpha parameter in the Ewald summation method.
The cutoff in reciprocal space.

This routine must be called after the attribute self.gmax is modified.


See yaff.pes.ff.ForcePart.update_rvecs()

class yaff.pes.ff.ForcePartEwaldCorrection(system, alpha, scalings, dielectric=1.0)

Bases: yaff.pes.ff.ForcePart

Correction for the double counting in the long-range term of the Ewald sum.

This correction is only needed if scaling rules apply to the short-range electrostatics.


The system to which this interaction applies.
The alpha parameter in the Ewald summation method.
A Scalings object. This object contains all the information about the energy scaling of pairwise contributions that are involved in covalent interactions. See yaff.pes.scalings.Scalings for more details.

Optional arguments:

The scalar relative permittivity of the system.
class yaff.pes.ff.ForcePartEwaldCorrectionDD(system, alpha, scalings)

Bases: yaff.pes.ff.ForcePart

Correction for the double counting in the long-range term of the Ewald sum.

This correction is only needed if scaling rules apply to the short-range electrostatics.


The system to which this interaction applies.
The alpha parameter in the Ewald summation method.
A Scalings object. This object contains all the information about the energy scaling of pairwise contributions that are involved in covalent interactions. See yaff.pes.scalings.Scalings for more details.
class yaff.pes.ff.ForcePartEwaldNeutralizing(system, alpha, dielectric=1.0)

Bases: yaff.pes.ff.ForcePart

Neutralizing background correction for 3D periodic systems that are charged.

This term is only required of the system is not neutral.


The system to which this interaction applies.
The alpha parameter in the Ewald summation method.

Optional arguments:

The scalar relative permittivity of the system.
class yaff.pes.ff.ForcePartValence(system)

Bases: yaff.pes.ff.ForcePart

The covalent part of a force-field model.

The covalent force field is implemented in a three-layer approach, similar to the implementation of a neural network:

  1. The first layer consists of a yaff.pes.dlist.DeltaList object that computes all the relative vectors needed for the internal coordinates in the covalent energy terms. This list is automatically built up as energy terms are added with the add_term method. This list also takes care of transforming derivatives of the energy towards relative vectors into derivatives of the energy towards Cartesian coordinates and the virial tensor.
  2. The second layer consist of a yaff.pes.iclist.InternalCoordinateList object that computes the internal coordinates, based on the DeltaList. This list is also automatically built up as energy terms are added. The same list is also responsible for transforming derivatives of the energy towards internal coordinates into derivatives of the energy towards relative vectors.
  3. The third layers consists of a yaff.pes.vlist.ValenceList object. This list computes the covalent energy terms, based on the result in the InternalCoordinateList. This list also computes the derivatives of the energy terms towards the internal coordinates.

The computation of the covalent energy is the so-called forward code path, which consists of running through steps 1, 2 and 3, in that order. The derivatives of the energy are computed in the so-called backward code path, which consists of taking steps 1, 2 and 3 in reverse order. This basic idea of back-propagation for the computation of derivatives comes from the field of neural networks. More details can be found in the chapter, The back-propagation algorithm for the computation of energy derivatives.


An instance of the System class.

Add a new term to the covalent force field.


An instance of the class yaff.pes.ff.vlist.ValenceTerm.

In principle, one should add all energy terms before calling the compute method, but with the current implementation of Yaff, energy terms can be added at any time. (This may change in future.)

class yaff.pes.ff.ForcePartPressure(system, pext)

Bases: yaff.pes.ff.ForcePart

Applies a constant istropic pressure.


An instance of the System class.
The external pressure. (Positive will shrink the system.) In case of 2D-PBC, this is the surface tension. In case of 1D, this is the linear strain.

This force part is only applicable to systems that are periodic.

class yaff.pes.ff.ForcePartGrid(system, grids)

Bases: yaff.pes.ff.ForcePart

Energies obtained by grid interpolation.


An instance of the System class.
A dictionary with (ffatype, grid) items. Each grid must be a three-dimensional array with energies.

This force part is only applicable to systems that are 3D periodic.

2.3. yaff.pes.generator – Automatically generate force field models

Automatically generate force field models

This module contains all the machinery needed to support the yaff.pes.ff.ForceField.generate() method.

class yaff.pes.generator.FFArgs(rcut=18.89726133921252, tr=<yaff.pes.ext.Switch3 object>, alpha_scale=3.5, gcut_scale=1.1, skin=0, smooth_ei=False, reci_ei='ewald')

Bases: object

Data structure that holds all arguments for the ForceField constructor

The attributes of this object are gradually filled up by the various generators based on the data in the ParsedPars object.

Optional arguments:

Some optional arguments only make sense if related parameters in the parameter file are present.

The real space cutoff used by all pair potentials.
Default truncation model for everything except the electrostatic interactions. The electrostatic interactions are not truncated by default.
Determines the alpha parameter in the Ewald summation based on the real-space cutoff: alpha = alpha_scale / rcut. Higher values for this parameter imply a faster convergence of the reciprocal terms, but a slower convergence in real-space.
Determines the reciprocale space cutoff based on the alpha parameter: gcut = gcut_scale * alpha. Higher values for this parameter imply a better convergence in the reciprocal space.
The skin parameter for the neighborlist.
Flag for smooth truncations for the electrostatic interactions.
The method to be used for the reciprocal contribution to the electrostatic interactions in the case of periodic systems. This must be one of ‘ignore’ or ‘ewald’. The ‘ewald’ option is only supported for 3D periodic systems.

The actual value of gcut, which depends on both gcut_scale and alpha_scale, determines the computational cost of the reciprocal term in the Ewald summation. The default values are just examples. An optimal trade-off between accuracy and computational cost requires some tuning. Dimensionless scaling parameters are used to make sure that the numerical errors do not depend too much on the real space cutoff and the system size.

add_electrostatic_parts(system, scalings, dielectric)
class yaff.pes.generator.Generator

Bases: object

Creates (part of a) ForceField object automatically.

A generator is a class that describes how a part of a parameter file must be turned into a part of ForceField object. As the generator proceeds, it will modify and extend the current arguments of the FF. They should be implemented such that the order of the generators is not important.

Important class attributes:

The prefix string that must match the prefix in the parameter file. If this is None, it is assumed that the Generator class is abstract. In that case it will be ignored by the apply_generators function at the bottom of this module.
A description of the parameters on a single line (PARS suffix)
The supported suffixes
Whether multiple PARS lines with the same atom types are allowed. This is rarely the case, except for the TORSIONS and a few other weirdos.
prefix = None
par_info = None
suffixes = None
allow_superposition = False
__call__(system, parsec, ff_args)

Add contributions to the force field from this generator


The System object for which a force field is being prepared
An instance of the ParameterSection class
An instance of the FFargs class

Load parameter conversion information


An instance of the ParameterDefinition class.

Returns a dictionary with (name, converion) pairs.

process_pars(pardef, conversions, nffatype, par_info=None)

Load parameter and apply conversion factors


An instance of the ParameterDefinition class.
A dictionary with (name, conversion) items.
The number of ffatypes per line of parameters.

Optional arguments:

A custom description of the parameters. If not present, self.par_info is used. This is convenient when this method is used to parse other definitions than PARS.
iter_equiv_keys_and_pars(key, pars)

Iterates of all equivalent re-orderings of a tuple of ffatypes (keys) and corresponding parameters.

class yaff.pes.generator.ValenceGenerator

Bases: yaff.pes.generator.Generator

All generators for diagonal valence terms derive from this class.

More important attributes:

The number of atoms involved in the internal coordinates. Hence this is also the number ffatypes in a single row in the force field parameter file.
The InternalCoordinate class. See yaff.pes.iclist.
The ValenceTerm class. See yaff.pes.vlist.
suffixes = ['UNIT', 'PARS']
nffatype = None
ICClass = None
VClass = None
__call__(system, parsec, ff_args)

Add contributions to the force field from a ValenceGenerator


The System object for which a force field is being prepared
An instance of the ParameterSection class
An instance of the FFargs class
apply(par_table, system, ff_args)

Generate terms for the system based on the par_table


A dictionary with tuples of ffatypes is keys and lists of parameters as values.
The system for which the force field is generated.
An instance of the FFArgs class.
get_vterm(pars, indexes)

Return an instance of the ValenceTerm class with the proper InternalCoordinate instance


The parameters for the ValenceTerm class.
The atom indices used to define the internal coordinate

Iterate over all tuples of indices for the internal coordinate

class yaff.pes.generator.BondGenerator

Bases: yaff.pes.generator.ValenceGenerator

par_info = [('K', <type 'float'>), ('R0', <type 'float'>)]
nffatype = 2

alias of Bond

VClass = None
iter_equiv_keys_and_pars(key, pars)
class yaff.pes.generator.BondHarmGenerator

Bases: yaff.pes.generator.BondGenerator

prefix = 'BONDHARM'

alias of Harmonic

class yaff.pes.generator.BondFuesGenerator

Bases: yaff.pes.generator.BondGenerator

prefix = 'BONDFUES'

alias of Fues

class yaff.pes.generator.MM3QuarticGenerator

Bases: yaff.pes.generator.BondGenerator

prefix = 'MM3QUART'

alias of MM3Quartic

class yaff.pes.generator.BondDoubleWellGenerator

Bases: yaff.pes.generator.ValenceGenerator

par_info = [('K', <type 'float'>), ('R1', <type 'float'>), ('R2', <type 'float'>)]
nffatype = 2

alias of Bond

prefix = 'DOUBWELL'

alias of BondDoubleWell

iter_equiv_keys_and_pars(key, pars)
class yaff.pes.generator.BondMorseGenerator

Bases: yaff.pes.generator.ValenceGenerator

prefix = 'BONDMORSE'
par_info = [('E0', <type 'float'>), ('K', <type 'float'>), ('R0', <type 'float'>)]
nffatype = 2

alias of Bond


alias of Morse

iter_equiv_keys_and_pars(key, pars)
class yaff.pes.generator.BondDoubleWell2Generator

Bases: yaff.pes.generator.ValenceGenerator

nffatype = 2
prefix = 'DOUBWELL2'

alias of Bond


alias of PolySix

par_info = [('K', <type 'float'>), ('R1', <type 'float'>), ('R2', <type 'float'>)]
iter_equiv_keys_and_pars(key, pars)
process_pars(pardef, conversions, nffatype, par_info=None)

Transform the 3 parameters given in the parameter file to the 6 parameters required by PolySix. The parameters of PolySix are given as a single argument (a list) containing all 6 parameters, not 6 arguments with each a parameter.

class yaff.pes.generator.BendGenerator

Bases: yaff.pes.generator.ValenceGenerator

nffatype = 3
ICClass = None

alias of Harmonic

iter_equiv_keys_and_pars(key, pars)
class yaff.pes.generator.BendAngleHarmGenerator

Bases: yaff.pes.generator.BendGenerator

par_info = [('K', <type 'float'>), ('THETA0', <type 'float'>)]
prefix = 'BENDAHARM'

alias of BendAngle

class yaff.pes.generator.BendCosHarmGenerator

Bases: yaff.pes.generator.BendGenerator

par_info = [('K', <type 'float'>), ('COS0', <type 'float'>)]
prefix = 'BENDCHARM'

alias of BendCos

class yaff.pes.generator.MM3BendGenerator

Bases: yaff.pes.generator.BendGenerator

nffatype = 3
par_info = [('K', <type 'float'>), ('THETA0', <type 'float'>)]

alias of BendAngle


alias of MM3Bend

prefix = 'MM3BENDA'
class yaff.pes.generator.UreyBradleyHarmGenerator

Bases: yaff.pes.generator.BendGenerator

par_info = [('K', <type 'float'>), ('R0', <type 'float'>)]
prefix = 'UBHARM'

alias of UreyBradley

class yaff.pes.generator.BendCosGenerator

Bases: yaff.pes.generator.BendGenerator

par_info = [('M', <type 'int'>), ('A', <type 'float'>), ('PHI0', <type 'float'>)]
prefix = 'BENDCOS'

alias of BendAngle


alias of Cosine

class yaff.pes.generator.TorsionCosHarmGenerator

Bases: yaff.pes.generator.ValenceGenerator

nffatype = 4
par_info = [('A', <type 'float'>), ('COS0', <type 'float'>)]
prefix = 'TORSCHARM'

alias of DihedCos


alias of Harmonic

iter_equiv_keys_and_pars(key, pars)
class yaff.pes.generator.TorsionGenerator

Bases: yaff.pes.generator.ValenceGenerator

nffatype = 4
par_info = [('M', <type 'int'>), ('A', <type 'float'>), ('PHI0', <type 'float'>)]
prefix = 'TORSION'

alias of DihedAngle


alias of Cosine

allow_superposition = True
iter_equiv_keys_and_pars(key, pars)
get_vterm(pars, indexes)
class yaff.pes.generator.TorsionCos2HarmGenerator

Bases: yaff.pes.generator.ValenceGenerator

A term harmonic in the cos(2*psi)

nffatype = 4
par_info = [('A', <type 'float'>), ('COS0', <type 'float'>)]
prefix = 'TORSC2HARM'

alias of DihedCos


alias of PolyFour

iter_equiv_keys_and_pars(key, pars)
process_pars(pardef, conversions, nffatype, par_info=None)

Transform the 2 parameters given in the parameter file to the 4 parameters required by PolyFour. The parameters of PolyFour are given as a single argument (a list) containing all 4 parameters, not 4 arguments with each a parameter.

class yaff.pes.generator.OopAngleGenerator

Bases: yaff.pes.generator.ValenceGenerator

nffatype = 4
par_info = [('K', <type 'float'>), ('PSI0', <type 'float'>)]
prefix = 'OOPAngle'

alias of OopAngle


alias of Harmonic

allow_superposition = True
iter_equiv_keys_and_pars(key, pars)
class yaff.pes.generator.OopMeanAngleGenerator

Bases: yaff.pes.generator.ValenceGenerator

nffatype = 4
par_info = [('K', <type 'float'>), ('PSI0', <type 'float'>)]
prefix = 'OOPMANGLE'

alias of OopMeanAngle


alias of Harmonic

allow_superposition = True
iter_equiv_keys_and_pars(key, pars)
class yaff.pes.generator.OopCosGenerator

Bases: yaff.pes.generator.ValenceGenerator

nffatype = 4
par_info = [('A', <type 'float'>)]
prefix = 'OOPCOS'

alias of OopCos


alias of Chebychev1

allow_superposition = True
iter_equiv_keys_and_pars(key, pars)
get_vterm(pars, indexes)
class yaff.pes.generator.OopMeanCosGenerator

Bases: yaff.pes.generator.ValenceGenerator

nffatype = 4
par_info = [('A', <type 'float'>)]
prefix = 'OOPMCOS'

alias of OopMeanCos


alias of Chebychev1

allow_superposition = True
iter_equiv_keys_and_pars(key, pars)
get_vterm(pars, indexes)
class yaff.pes.generator.OopDistGenerator

Bases: yaff.pes.generator.ValenceGenerator

nffatype = 4
par_info = [('K', <type 'float'>), ('D0', <type 'float'>)]
prefix = 'OOPDIST'

alias of OopDist


alias of Harmonic

allow_superposition = False
iter_equiv_keys_and_pars(key, pars)
class yaff.pes.generator.ValenceCrossGenerator

Bases: yaff.pes.generator.Generator

All generators for cross valence terms derive from this class.

More important attributes:

The number of atoms involved in the internal coordinates. Hence this is also the number ffatypes in a single row in the force field parameter file.
The first InternalCoordinate class. See yaff.pes.iclist.
The second InternalCoordinate class. See yaff.pes.iclist.
The third InternalCoordinate class. See yaff.pes.iclist.
The ValenceTerm class for the cross term between IC0 and IC1. See yaff.pes.vlist.
The ValenceTerm class for the cross term between IC0 and IC2. See yaff.pes.vlist.
The ValenceTerm class for the cross term between IC1 and IC2. See yaff.pes.vlist.
suffixes = ['UNIT', 'PARS']
nffatype = None
ICClass0 = None
ICClass1 = None
ICClass2 = None
VClass01 = None
VClass02 = None
VClass12 = None
__call__(system, parsec, ff_args)

Add contributions to the force field from a ValenceCrossGenerator


The System object for which a force field is being prepared
An instance of the ParameterSection class
An instance of the FFargs class
apply(par_table, system, ff_args)

Generate terms for the system based on the par_table


A dictionary with tuples of ffatypes is keys and lists of parameters as values.
The system for which the force field is generated.
An instance of the FFArgs class.

Iterate over all tuples of indexes for the pair of internal coordinates


Get the indexes for the first internal coordinate from the whole


Get the indexes for the second internal coordinate from the whole


Get the indexes for the third internal coordinate from the whole

class yaff.pes.generator.CrossGenerator

Bases: yaff.pes.generator.ValenceCrossGenerator

prefix = 'CROSS'
par_info = [('KSS', <type 'float'>), ('KBS0', <type 'float'>), ('KBS1', <type 'float'>), ('R0', <type 'float'>), ('R1', <type 'float'>), ('THETA0', <type 'float'>)]
nffatype = 3

alias of Bond


alias of Bond


alias of BendAngle


alias of Cross


alias of Cross


alias of Cross

iter_equiv_keys_and_pars(key, pars)
class yaff.pes.generator.NonbondedGenerator

Bases: yaff.pes.generator.Generator

All generators for the non-bonding interactions derive from this class

One more important class attribute:

A dictionary with (par_name, rule_name): (narg, rule_id) items
mixing_rules = None

Process the SCALE definitions


An instance of the ParameterDefinition class.

Returns a dictionary with (numbonds, scale) items.


Process mixing rules


An instance of the ParameterDefinition class.

Returns a dictionary of (par_name, (rule_id, rule_args)) items.

class yaff.pes.generator.LJGenerator

Bases: yaff.pes.generator.NonbondedGenerator

prefix = 'LJ'
suffixes = ['UNIT', 'SCALE', 'PARS']
par_info = [('SIGMA', <type 'float'>), ('EPSILON', <type 'float'>)]
__call__(system, parsec, ff_args)
apply(par_table, scale_table, system, ff_args)
class yaff.pes.generator.MM3Generator

Bases: yaff.pes.generator.NonbondedGenerator

prefix = 'MM3'
suffixes = ['UNIT', 'SCALE', 'PARS']
par_info = [('SIGMA', <type 'float'>), ('EPSILON', <type 'float'>), ('ONLYPAULI', <type 'int'>)]
__call__(system, parsec, ff_args)
apply(par_table, scale_table, system, ff_args)
class yaff.pes.generator.ExpRepGenerator

Bases: yaff.pes.generator.NonbondedGenerator

prefix = 'EXPREP'
suffixes = ['UNIT', 'SCALE', 'MIX', 'PARS', 'CPARS']
par_info = [('A', <type 'float'>), ('B', <type 'float'>)]
mixing_rules = {('B', 'ARITHMETIC_COR'): (1, 1), ('A', 'GEOMETRIC_COR'): (1, 1), ('A', 'GEOMETRIC'): (0, 0), ('B', 'ARITHMETIC'): (0, 0)}
__call__(system, parsec, ff_args)
iter_equiv_keys_and_pars(key, pars)
apply(par_table, cpar_table, scale_table, mixing_rules, system, ff_args)
class yaff.pes.generator.DampDispGenerator

Bases: yaff.pes.generator.NonbondedGenerator

prefix = 'DAMPDISP'
suffixes = ['UNIT', 'SCALE', 'PARS', 'CPARS']
par_info = [('C6', <type 'float'>), ('B', <type 'float'>), ('VOL', <type 'float'>)]
cpar_info = [('C6', <type 'float'>), ('B', <type 'float'>)]
__call__(system, parsec, ff_args)
iter_equiv_keys_and_pars(key, pars)
apply(par_table, cpar_table, scale_table, system, ff_args)
class yaff.pes.generator.D3BJGenerator

Bases: yaff.pes.generator.NonbondedGenerator

prefix = 'D3BJ'
suffixes = ['UNIT', 'SCALE', 'CPARS', 'GLOBALPARS']
par_info = [('C6', <type 'float'>), ('C8', <type 'float'>), ('S6', <type 'float'>), ('S8', <type 'float'>), ('A1', <type 'float'>), ('A2', <type 'float'>)]
pairpar_info = [('C6', <type 'float'>), ('C8', <type 'float'>)]
globalpar_info = [('S6', <type 'float'>), ('S8', <type 'float'>), ('A1', <type 'float'>), ('A2', <type 'float'>)]
__call__(system, parsec, ff_args)
iter_equiv_keys_and_pars(key, pars)
apply(par_table, globalpar_table, scale_table, system, ff_args)
class yaff.pes.generator.FixedChargeGenerator

Bases: yaff.pes.generator.NonbondedGenerator

prefix = 'FIXQ'
suffixes = ['UNIT', 'SCALE', 'ATOM', 'BOND', 'DIELECTRIC']
par_info = [('Q0', <type 'float'>), ('P', <type 'float'>), ('R', <type 'float'>)]
__call__(system, parsec, ff_args)
process_atoms(pardef, conversions)
process_bonds(pardef, conversions)
apply(atom_table, bond_table, scale_table, dielectric, system, ff_args)
yaff.pes.generator.apply_generators(system, parameters, ff_args)

Populate the attributes of ff_args, prepares arguments for ForceField


A System instance for which the force field object is being made
An instance of the FFArgs class.
An instance of the Parameters, typically made by Parmaeters.from_file('parameters.txt').

2.4. yaff.pes.iclist – Internal-coordinate lists for covalent energy terms

Internal-coordinate lists for covalent energy terms

An InternalCoordinateList object contains a table, where each row corresponds to one internal coordinate. This object also contains a yaff.pes.dlist.DeltaList object that holds all the input relative vectors for the internal coordinates.

Each row in the table contains all the information to compute the internal coordinate with the forward method. Each row can also hold the derivative of the energy towards the internal coordinate (computed elsewhere), in order to transform this derivative to derivatives of the energy towards the relative vectors in the DeltaList object. (See back method.)

Furthermore, a series of InternalCoordinate classes are defined in this module to facilitate the setup of the table in the InternalCoordinateList object. An instance of a subclass of InternalCoordinate can be passed to the add_ic method to register a new internal coordinate in the table. The add_ic method returns the row index of the internal new coordinate. If the internal coordinate is already present, no new row is added and the index of the existing row is returned. When a new internal coordinate is registered, the required relative vectors are registered automatically in the DeltaList object.

The class yaff.pes.iclist.InternalCoordinateList is intimately related to classes yaff.pes.dlist.DeltaList and yaff.pes.vlist.ValenceList. They work together, just like layers in a neural network, and they use the back-propagation algorithm to compute partial derivatives. The order of the layers is as follows:

DeltaList <--> InternalCoordinateList <--> ValenceList

The class yaff.pes.ff.ForcePartValence ties these three lists together. The basic idea of the back-propagation algorithm is explained in the section The back-propagation algorithm for the computation of energy derivatives.

class yaff.pes.iclist.InternalCoordinateList(dlist)

Bases: object

Contains a table of all internal coordinates used in a covalent force field. All computations related to internal coordinates are carried out in coordination with a DeltaList object.


An instance of the DeltaList class.

Register a new or find an existing internal coordinate.


An instance of a subclass of the InternalCoordinate class.

This method returns the row of the new/existing internal coordinate.


Compute the internal coordinates based on the relative vectors in self.dlist. The result is stored in the table, self.ictab.

The actual computation is carried out by a low-level C routine.


Transform the derivative of the energy (in self.ictab) to derivatives of the energy towards the components of the relative vectors in self.dlist.

The actual computation is carried out by a low-level C routine.


Look up the atom for a given row index.

class yaff.pes.iclist.InternalCoordinate(index_pairs)

Bases: object

Base class for the internal coordinate ‘descriptors’.

The subclasses are merely used to request a new/existing internal coordinate in the InternalCoordinateList class. These classes do not carry out any computations.

The kind class attribute refers to an integer ID that identifies the internal coordinate kind (bond, angle, …) in the low-level C code.

Although all of the internal coordinates below are typically associated with certain topological patterns, one is free to add internal coordinates that have no direct relation with the molecular topology, e.g. to define restraints that pull a system over a reaction barrier.


A list of pairs of atom indexes. Each pair corresponds to a relative vector used for the computation of the internal coordinate.
kind = None

Request row indexes and sign flips from a delta list


A DeltaList instance.

Auxiliary routine that allows base classes the specify the unit conversion associated with the internal coordinate.


Describe the internal coordinate in a format that is suitable for screen logging.

class yaff.pes.iclist.Bond(i, j)

Bases: yaff.pes.iclist.InternalCoordinate

Bond length.


i, j
The indexes of the atoms involved in the covalent bond.
kind = 0
class yaff.pes.iclist.BendCos(i, j, k)

Bases: yaff.pes.iclist.InternalCoordinate

Cosine of a bending (or valence) angle.


i, j, k
The indexes of the atoms involved in the angle. (i-j-k)
kind = 1
class yaff.pes.iclist.BendAngle(i, j, k)

Bases: yaff.pes.iclist.InternalCoordinate

Bending (or valence) angle.


i, j, k
The indexes of the atoms involved in the angle. (i-j-k)
kind = 2
class yaff.pes.iclist.DihedCos(i, j, k, l)

Bases: yaff.pes.iclist.InternalCoordinate

Cosine of a dihedral (or torsion) angle.


i, j, k, l
The indexes of the atoms involved in the dihedral angle. (i-j-k-l)
kind = 3
class yaff.pes.iclist.DihedAngle(i, j, k, l)

Bases: yaff.pes.iclist.InternalCoordinate

A dihedral (or torsion) angle.


i, j, k, l
The indexes of the atoms involved in the dihedral angle. (i-j-k-l)
kind = 4
class yaff.pes.iclist.UreyBradley(i, j, k)

Bases: yaff.pes.iclist.InternalCoordinate

A Urey-Bradley distance, i.e. the distance over a bending angle


i, j, k
The indexes of the atoms involved in the angle. (i-j-k)
kind = 5
class yaff.pes.iclist.OopCos(i, j, k, l)

Bases: yaff.pes.iclist.InternalCoordinate

Cosine of an out-of-plane angle.


i, j, k, l
The indexes of the atoms involved in the out-of-plane angle. The central atom is given by the last index (l). This IC gives the angle between the plane formed by atoms i, j and l and the bond between l and k.
kind = 6
class yaff.pes.iclist.OopMeanCos(i, j, k, l)

Bases: yaff.pes.iclist.InternalCoordinate

Mean of cosines of all 3 out-of-plane angles in a oop pattern.


i, j, k, l
The indexes of the atoms involved in the out-of-plane angle. The central atom is given by the last index (l). This IC gives the angle between the plane formed by atoms i, j and l and the bond between l and k.
kind = 7
class yaff.pes.iclist.OopAngle(i, j, k, l)

Bases: yaff.pes.iclist.InternalCoordinate

An out-of-plane angle.


i, j, k, l
The indexes of the atoms involved in the out-of-plane angle. The central atom is given by the last index (l). This IC gives the angle between the plane formed by atoms i, j and l and the bond between l and k.
kind = 8
class yaff.pes.iclist.OopMeanAngle(i, j, k, l)

Bases: yaff.pes.iclist.InternalCoordinate

Mean of all 3 out-of-plane angles in an oop pattern.


i, j, k, l
The indexes of the atoms involved in the out-of-plane angle. The central atom is given by the last index (l). This IC gives the angle between the plane formed by atoms i, j and l and the bond between l and k.
kind = 9
class yaff.pes.iclist.OopDist(i, j, k, l)

Bases: yaff.pes.iclist.InternalCoordinate

Distance from an atom to the plane formed by three other atoms


i, j, k, l
The indexes of the atoms involved in the out-of-plane distance. The central atom is given by the last index (l). The plane is formed by the other three atoms i,j and k.
kind = 10

2.5. yaff.pes.nlist – Neighbor lists for pairwise (non-bonding) interactions

Neighbor lists for pairwise (non-bonding) interactions

Yaff works with half neighbor lists with relative vector information and with support for Verlet skin.

Yaff supports only one neighbor list, which is used to evaluate all non-bonding interactions. The neighbor list is used by the ForcePartPair objects. Each ForcePartPair object may have a different cutoff, of which the largest one determines the cutoff of the neighbor list. Unlike several other codes, Yaff uses one long neighbor list that contains all relevant atom pairs.

The NeighborList object contains algorithms to detect whether a full rebuild of the neighbor list is required, or whether a recomputation of the distances and relative vectors is sufficient.

class yaff.pes.nlist.NeighborList(system, skin=0)

Bases: object

Algorithms to keep track of all pair distances below a given rcut


A System instance.

Optional arguments:


A margin added to the rcut parameter. Only when atoms are displaced by half this distance, the neighbor list is rebuilt from scratch. In the other case, the distances of the known pairs are just recomputed. If set to zero, the default, the neighbor list is rebuilt at each update.

A reasonable skin setting can drastically improve the performance of the neighbor list updates. For example, when rcut is 10*angstrom, a skin of 2*angstrom is reasonable. If the skin is set too large, the updates will become very inefficient. Some tuning of rcut and skin may be beneficial.


Make sure the internal rcut parameter is at least is high as rcut.


Recompute the rmax attribute.

rmax determines the number of periodic images that are considered. when building the neighbor list. Along the a direction, images are taken from -rmax[0] to rmax[0] (inclusive). The range of images along the b and c direction are controlled by rmax[1] and rmax[2], respectively.

Updating rmax may be necessary for two reasons: (i) the cutoff has changed, and (ii) the cell vectors have changed.


Rebuild or recompute the neighbor lists

Based on the changes of the atomic positions or due to calls to update_rcut and update_rmax, the neighbor lists will be rebuilt from scratch.

The heavy computational work is done in low-level C routines. The neighbor lists array is reallocated if needed. The memory allocation is done in Python for convenience.


Transform current neighbor list into a dictionary.

This is slow. Use this method for debugging only!


Perform a slow internal consistency test.

Use this for debugging only. It is assumed that self.rmax is set correctly.

2.6. yaff.pes.parameters – Object-oriented representation of parameter files

Object-oriented representation of parameter files

class yaff.pes.parameters.Complain(filename='__nofile__')

Bases: object

Class for complain method of ParameterFile and ParameterSection

__call__(counter, message)
class yaff.pes.parameters.Parameters(sections=None)

Bases: object

Object that represents a force field parameter file

The parameter file is first parsed by this object into a convenient data structure with dictionaries. The actual force field is then generated based on these dictionaries.

The parameter file has a purely line-based syntax. The order of the lines has no meaning. Comments begin with a hash sign (#) and continue till the end of a line. If the line is empty after stripping the comments, it is ignored. Every non-empty line should have the following format:


The prefix is used for sections, the suffix for definitions and the remainder of the line contains arguments for the definition. Definitions may be repeated with different or the same arguments.


Return an independent copy

classmethod from_file(filenames)

Create a Parameters instance from one or more text files.


A single filename or a list of filenames

Write the parameters back to a file

The outut file will not contain any comments.

class yaff.pes.parameters.ParameterSection(prefix, definitions=None, complain=None)

Bases: object

Object that represents one section in a force field parameter file


Return an independent copy

class yaff.pes.parameters.ParameterDefinition(suffix, lines=None, complain=None)

Bases: object

Object that represents a set of data lines from a parameter file


2.7. yaff.pes.scaling – Short-range scaling of pairwise interactions

Short-range scaling of pairwise interactions

The Scalings class describe scaling or exclusion of short-range non-bonding pairwise interactions for atom pairs that are involved in covalent energy terms.

A Scaling object can be attached to any ForcePartPair class and, as a special case, also to the ForcePartEwaldCorrection. A Scaling object describes which 1-2 (scale1), 1-3 (scale2) and 1-4 (scale3) pairs should have their interactions scaled down or excluded (scaling=0.0).

In order to avoid ambiguities, each scaled pair should only correspond to one unique bond path to the periodic image. If this is not the case an AssertionError is raised to inform the user that he/she should switch to a larger supercell. Yaff can simply not handle such cases correctly. (The same problem may be present in other codes, but we do not know to what extent they handle such cases gracefully.)

class yaff.pes.scaling.Scalings(system, scale1=0.0, scale2=0.0, scale3=1.0, scale4=1.0)

Bases: object

Describes the scaling of short-range pairwise interactions for atom pairs involved in covalent energy terms.


The system to which the scaling rules apply.
scale1, scale2, scale3
The scaling of the 1-2. 1-3 and 1-4 pairs, respectively.

Check if each scale2 and scale3 are uniquely defined.


An instance of the system class, i.e. the one that is used to create this scaling object.

This check is done by constructing for each scaled pair, all possible bond paths between the two atoms. For each path, the bond vectors (after applying the minimum image convention) are added. If for a given pair, these sums of bond vectors differ between all possible paths, the differences are expanded in cell vectors which can be used to construct a proper supercell in which scale2 and scale3 pairs are all uniquely defined.

yaff.pes.scaling.iter_paths(system, ib, ie, nbond)

Iterates over all paths between atoms ib and ie with the given number of bonds


The system that contains the bond graph
ib, ie
The indexes of the beginning and end atoms.
The length of the path, in number of bonds.

2.8. yaff.pes.vlist – Module for the complete list of covalent energy terms.

Module for the complete list of covalent energy terms.

A ValenceList object contains a table with all the energy terms that contribute (additively) to the total energy. The values of the internal coordinates, needed to compute the energy, are taken from an yaff.pes.iclist.InternalCoordinateList class.

Each row in the table contains all the information to evaluate one energy term, which is done by the forward method. The back method adds the derivative of the energy towards the internal coordinate to the right entry in the InternalCoordinateList object.

A series of ValenceTerm classes is defined. These are used to register new energy terms in a ValenceList object. Each subclass of ValenceList represents a kind of energy term, e.g. harmonic, Fues, class-2 cross term, etc. Instances of these classes are passed to the add_term method, which will append a new row to the table and register the required internal coordinates in the InternalCoordinateList object. (That will in turn register the requires relative vectors in a DeltaList object.)

The class yaff.pes.vlist.ValenceList is intimately related to classes yaff.pes.dlist.DeltaList and yaff.pes.iclist.InternalCoordinateList. They work together, just like layers in a neural network, and they use the back-propagation algorithm to compute partial derivatives. The order of the layers is as follows:

DeltaList <--> InternalCoordinateList <--> ValenceList

The class yaff.pes.ff.ForcePartValence ties these three lists together. The basic idea of the back-propagation algorithm is explained in the section The back-propagation algorithm for the computation of energy derivatives.

class yaff.pes.vlist.ValenceList(iclist)

Bases: object

Contains a complete list of all valence energy terms. Computations are carried out in coordination with an InternalCoordinateList object.


An instance of the InternalCoordinateList object.

Register a new covalent energy term


An instance of a subclass of the ValenceTerm class.

Compute the values of the energy terms, based on the values of the internal coordinates list, and store the result in the self.vtab table.

The actual computation is carried out by a low-level C routine.


Compute the derivatives of the energy terms towards the internal coordinates and store the results in the self.iclist.ictab table.

The actual computation is carried out by a low-level C routine.


Look up the atom for a given row index.

class yaff.pes.vlist.ValenceTerm(pars, ics)

Bases: object

Base class for valence energy terms ‘descriptors’.

The subclasses are merely used to request a new covalent energy terms in the ValenceList class. These classes do not carry out any computations.

The kind class attribute refers to an integer ID that identifies the valence term kind (harmonic, fues, …) in the low-level C code.


A list of parameters to be stored for this energy term. This list may at most contain four elements.
A list of row indexes in the table of internal coordinates. This list may contain either one or two elements.
kind = None

Request row indexes for the internal coordinates from the given InternalCoordinateList object.


Describe the covalent energy term in a format that is suitable for screen logging.

class yaff.pes.vlist.Harmonic(fc, rv, ic)

Bases: yaff.pes.vlist.ValenceTerm

The harmonic energy term: 0.5*K*(q-q0)^2


The force constant (in atomic units).
The rest value (in atomic units).
An InternalCoordinate object.
kind = 0
class yaff.pes.vlist.PolyFour(pars, ic)

Bases: yaff.pes.vlist.ValenceTerm

Fourth-order polynomical term: par0*q + par1*q^2 + par2*q^3 + par3*q^4


The constant linear coefficients of the polynomial, in atomic units, starting from first order. This list may at most contain four coefficients.
An InternalCoordinate object.
kind = 1
class yaff.pes.vlist.Fues(fc, rv, ic)

Bases: yaff.pes.vlist.ValenceTerm

The Fues energy term: 0.5*K*q0^2*(1-q/q0)^2


The force constant (in atomic units).
The rest value (in atomic units).
An InternalCoordinate object.
kind = 2
class yaff.pes.vlist.Cross(fc, rv0, rv1, ic0, ic1)

Bases: yaff.pes.vlist.ValenceTerm

A traditional class-2 cross term: K*(x-x0)*(y-y0)


The force constant (in atomic units).
rv0, rv1
The rest values (in atomic units).
ic0, ic1
The InternalCoordinate objects. ic0 corresponds to rv0, and ic1 corresponds to rv1.
kind = 3
class yaff.pes.vlist.Cosine(m, a, phi0, ic)

Bases: yaff.pes.vlist.ValenceTerm

A cosine energy term: 0.5*a*(1-cos(m*(phi-phi0)))


The multiplicity of the cosine function, which may be useful for torsional barriers.
The amplitude of the cosine function (in atomic units).
The rest angle of cosine term (in radians).
An InternalCoordinate object. This must be an internal coordinate that computes some angle in radians.
kind = 4
class yaff.pes.vlist.Chebychev1(A, ic, sign=-1)

Bases: yaff.pes.vlist.ValenceTerm

A first degree polynomial: 0.5*A*(1 -+ T1) where T1=x is the first Chebychev polynomial of the first kind.

This is used for a computationally efficient implementation of torsional energy terms, because the only computation of the cosine of the dihedral angle is needed, not the angle itself.

This term corresponds to multiplicity 1. The minus sign corresponds to a rest value of 0 degrees. With a the plus sign, the rest value becomes 180 degrees.


The energy scale of the function (in atomic units).
An InternalCoordinate object.
Choose positive or negative sign in the polynomial.
kind = 5
class yaff.pes.vlist.Chebychev2(A, ic, sign=-1)

Bases: yaff.pes.vlist.ValenceTerm

A second degree polynomial: 0.5*A*(1 -+ T2) where T2=2*x**2-1 is the second Chebychev polynomial of the first kind.

This is used for a computationally efficient implementation of torsional energy terms, because the only computation of the cosine of the dihedral angle is needed, not the angle itself.

This term corresponds to multiplicity 2. The minus sign corresponds to a rest value of 0 degrees. With a the plus sign, the rest value becomes 90 degrees.


The energy scale of the function (in atomic units).
An InternalCoordinate object.
Choose positive or negative sign in the polynomial.
kind = 6
class yaff.pes.vlist.Chebychev3(A, ic, sign=-1)

Bases: yaff.pes.vlist.ValenceTerm

A third degree polynomial: 0.5*A*(1 -+ T3) where T3=4*x**3-3*x is the third Chebychev polynomial of the first kind.

This is used for a computationally efficient implementation of torsional energy terms, because the only computation of the cosine of the dihedral angle is needed, not the angle itself.

This term corresponds to multiplicity 3. The minus sign corresponds to a rest value of 0 degrees. With a the plus sign, the rest value becomes 60 degrees.


The energy scale of the function (in atomic units).
An InternalCoordinate object.
Choose positive or negative sign in the polynomial.
kind = 7
class yaff.pes.vlist.Chebychev4(A, ic, sign=-1)

Bases: yaff.pes.vlist.ValenceTerm

A fourth degree polynomial: 0.5*A*(1 -+ T4) where T4=8*x**4-8*x**2+1 is the fourth Chebychev polynomial of the first kind.

This is used for a computationally efficient implementation of torsional energy terms, because the only computation of the cosine of the dihedral angle is needed, not the angle itself.

This term corresponds to multiplicity 4. The minus sign corresponds to a rest value of 0 degrees. With a the plus sign, the rest value becomes 45 degrees.


The energy scale of the function (in atomic units).
An InternalCoordinate object.
Choose positive or negative sign in the polynomial.
kind = 8
class yaff.pes.vlist.Chebychev6(A, ic, sign=-1)

Bases: yaff.pes.vlist.ValenceTerm

A sixth degree polynomial: 0.5*A*(1 -+ T6) where T6=32*x**6-48*x**4+18*x**2-1 is the sixth Chebychev polynomial of the first kind.

This is used for a computationally efficient implementation of torsional energy terms, because the only computation of the cosine of the dihedral angle is needed, not the angle itself.

This term corresponds to multiplicity 6. The minus sign corresponds to a rest value of 0 degrees. With a the plus sign, the rest value becomes 30 degrees.


The energy scale of the function (in atomic units).
An InternalCoordinate object.
Choose positive or negative sign in the polynomial.
kind = 9
class yaff.pes.vlist.PolySix(pars, ic)

Bases: yaff.pes.vlist.ValenceTerm

Sixth-order polynomical term: par0*q + par1*q^2 + par2*q^3 + par3*q^4 + par4*q^5 + par5*q^6


The constant linear coefficients of the polynomial, in atomic units, starting from first order. This list may at most contain six coefficients.
An InternalCoordinate object.
kind = 10
class yaff.pes.vlist.MM3Quartic(fc, rv, ic)

Bases: yaff.pes.vlist.ValenceTerm

The quartic energy term used for the bond stretch in MM3: 0.5*K*(q-q0)^2*(1-2.55*(q-q0)^2+7/12*(2.55*(q-q0))^2)


The force constant (in atomic units).
The rest value (in atomic units).
An InternalCoordinate object.
kind = 11
class yaff.pes.vlist.MM3Bend(fc, rv, ic)

Bases: yaff.pes.vlist.ValenceTerm

The sixth-order energy term used for the bends in MM3: 0.5*K*(q-q0)^2*(1-0.14*(q-q0)+5.6*10^(-5)*(q-q0)^2-7*10^(-7)*(q-q0)^3+2.2*10^(-7)*(q-q0)^4)


The force constant (in atomic units).
The rest value (in atomic units).
An InternalCoordinate object.
kind = 12
class yaff.pes.vlist.BondDoubleWell(K, r1, r2, ic)

Bases: yaff.pes.vlist.ValenceTerm

Sixth-order polynomial term: K/(2*(r1-r2)^4)*(r-r1)^2*(r-r2)^4


Force constant corresponding with V-O double bond
r1, r2
Two rest values for the V-O chain (r1, ‘double bond’, r2, ‘weak bond’)
An “InternalCoordinate” object (here bond distance)
kind = 13
class yaff.pes.vlist.Morse(E0, k, r1, ic)

Bases: yaff.pes.vlist.ValenceTerm

The morse potential: E0*( exp(-2*k*(r-r1)) - 2*exp(-k*(r-r1)) )


The well depth
The well width
The rest value
An “InternalCoordinate” object, typically a distance
kind = 14