1. Installation of TAMkin software

1.1. Disclaimer

TAMkin is mainly developed and tested on Linux systems. If you run any other operating system, some of the instructions below may not work.

1.2. External depedencies

Some other software packages should be installed before TAMkin can be installed or used. It is recommended to use the software package management of your Linux distribution to install these dependencies.

The following software must be installed for TAMkin:

Most Linux distributions can install most required software with a single command. Except for Python, missing dependencies will get automatically installed by pip. (See below.)

  • Ubuntu

    sudo apt-get install python python-numpy python-scipy python-matplotlib python-nose

  • Debian 5 or newer. You first have to become root because the sudo program is not configured by default:

    su -
    apt-get install python python-numpy python-scipy python-matplotlib python-nose
  • Fedora 23 and up

    sudo dnf install python numpy scipy python-matplotlib python-nose

1.3. Installation

TAMkin can be installed with pip (system wide or in a virtual environment):

pip install numpy
pip install tamkin
pip install nose  # only needed to run unit tests

Alternatively, you can install TAMkin in your home directory:

pip install numpy --user
pip install tamkin --user
pip install nose --user  # only needed to run unit tests

Lastly, you can also install TAMkin with conda. (See https://www.continuum.io/downloads)

conda install -c molmod tamkin nose

1.4. Testing your installation

Just run, after installation, the following command to test your copy of TAMkin:

nosetests -v tamkin

If some tests fail, post an issue on https://github.com/molmod/tamkin/issues