.. : TAMkin is a post-processing toolkit for normal mode analysis, thermochemistry : and reaction kinetics. : Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Toon Verstraelen , An Ghysels : and Matthias Vandichel : Center for Molecular Modeling (CMM), Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium; all : rights reserved unless otherwise stated. : : This file is part of TAMkin. : : TAMkin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or : modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License : as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 : of the License, or (at your option) any later version. : : In addition to the regulations of the GNU General Public License, : publications and communications based in parts on this program or on : parts of this program are required to cite the following article: : : "TAMkin: A Versatile Package for Vibrational Analysis and Chemical Kinetics", : An Ghysels, Toon Verstraelen, Karen Hemelsoet, Michel Waroquier and Veronique : Van Speybroeck, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 2010, 50, : 1736-1750W : http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ci100099g : : TAMkin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, : but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of : MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the : GNU General Public License for more details. : : You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License : along with this program; if not, see : : -- Chemical Physics -- Working with TAMkin ======================================= Macroscopic properties of molecular systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TAMkin describes the partition function of molecular systems starting from the the ideal gas and the harmonic oscillator approximation. Once the partition function is specified, all thermodynamic quantities can be derived as a function of temperature and pressure (or density). Several extensions to the ideal gas and harmonic oscillator approximation are supported to improve the agreement between computational predictions and experimental observations. Definition of the partition function ------------------------------------ In order to compute thermodynamic quantities with TAMkin, it is crucial to specify the correct parameters for the partition function of the molecular system under scrutiny. One must pay special attention to the compatibility of the normal mode analysis (NMA, to compute the vibrational spectrum) and the definition of the partition function. TAMkin will not complain about `unusual` combinations of NMA's and Partition functions. In the tutorial below, all the microscopic computations are all carried out with Gaussian03, but one can replace the ``load_molecule_...`` line with anything suitable to load data from other (quantum) chemistry packages. The same instructions also work starting from Gaussian09 computations. The text below shows `snippets` of Python code to perform certain tasks. When you use these `snippets` in a TAMkin script, do not forget to add the line ``from tamkin import *`` on top of the file. Ideal gas molecules ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following three lines of Python code construct a partition function for an ideal gas molecule using the standard options:: mol = load_molecule_g03fchk("gaussian.fchk") nma = NMA(mol, ConstrainExt()) pf = PartFun(nma, [ExtTrans(), ExtRot()]) In this example, the file ``"gaussian.fchk"`` comes from a Gaussian frequency computation on the optimized geometry of the molecule of interest. The following options can be used to specify the details, but the standard values for these options are suitable for most applications. * **Options for ConstrainExt**. See :class:`tamkin.nma.ConstrainExt` for the details. The ``ConstrainExt()`` object specifies that the normal mode analysis must be performed in 3N-6 (or 3N-5) internal coordinates. This is the default procedure in most programs. The method only gives the correct result when the geometry is sufficiently optimized, i.e. when the gradient of the energy is approximately zero. This condition will be checked by comparing the maximum absolute value of the gradient vector with a threshold value. If the threshold is violated, TAMkin raises an error and your script will abort. The threshold can be specified as an option to ``ConstrainExt``. The following would relax the default threshold:: nma = NMA(mol, ConstrainExt(gradient_threshold=0.01)) The method also checks if the molecule is linear, which is based on the angular moments of inertia. Any angular momentum below the parameter im_threshold is treated as zero. The following setting would allow more deviations from linearity in linear molecules:: nma = NMA(mol, ConstrainExt(im_threshold=10.0)) *Note:* that the im_threshold value is given here in internal (atomic) units. For comparison, the lowest moment of inertia in ethane is about 40435 atomic units. One can always check the log file (see below) of a partition function to see if the molecule was considered to be linear or not. When combining both options, they must be separated by a comma:: nma = NMA(mol, ConstrainExt(gradient_threshold=0.01, im_threshold=10.0)) * **Full instead of ConstrainExt**. See :class:`tamkin.nma.Full` for the details. Instead of constraining the external degrees of freedom, one may also perform the normal mode analysis in 3N coordinates and hope that the Hessian is accurate enough to produce 6 zero frequencies. They will be elminated automatically for the vibrational contribution to the partition function. For a proper identification of the zero frequencies, the ``Full`` treatment will also check the linearity of the molecule, just like the ``ConstrainExt`` treatment. One can relax the linearity check as follows:: nma = NMA(mol, Full(im_threshold=10.0)) There are no other options for the full treatment. * **Arguments for the PartFun object**. See :class:`tamkin.partf.PartFun` for the details. The partition function object is merely a definition of the partition function. It can be used to compute the numerical value of the partition function (and many other properties) at a given temperature and pressure. The contributions to the partition function must be specified when the object is created. By default, the vibrational and the electronic part are included. The first argument is a normal mode analysis object. It is used to set up the vibrational and the electronic contribution. Additional contributions are given in a list (square brackets). For gas phase molecules, one typically adds the ``ExtTrans`` and ``ExtRot`` contributions. * **Options for ExtTrans**. See :class:`tamkin.partf.ExtTrans` for the details. The ``ExtTrans`` class defines the translational contribution to the partition function. For practical reasons, this contribution also includes the many body effects of the partition function of the classical (ideal) gas, and the optional contributions for the constant pressure ensemble. The following options can be used: ``cp`` (default ``cp=True``). By default the translational contribution includes the corrections to describe an NpT partition function instead of an NVT partition function. If you are interested in the constant volume boundary conditions (NVY ensemble), use the option ``cp=False``. ``pressure`` (default ``pressure=None``, only allowed when ``cp==True``). The default value of ``pressure`` is 1 bar for 3D gases, 75.64 mNewton/m for 2D gases (surface tension of water) and 1.0 atomic units for any other dimension. *Note:* several quantities derived from the partition function do not explicitly depend on the pressure in the case of ideal gases. If you want to see the (absence of) pressure dependence, use the method ``ExtTrans.set_pressure()`` and recompute the thermodynamic quantities afterwards. ``density`` (default ``density=None``, only allowed when ``cp==False``). The default value of ``density`` is 1 mol/m\ :sub:`dim`, where dim is the dimension of the gas. *Note:* several quantities derived from the partition function do not explicitly depend on the density in the case of ideal gases. If you want to see the (absence of) density dependence, use the method ``ExtTrans.set_density()`` and recompute the thermodynamic quantities afterwards. ``dim`` (default ``dim=3``). The dimension of the gas. For ordinary gases, the dimension is three. ``mobile`` (default ``mobile=None``). One may specify that only a part of the system has translational freedom. This is not relevant for molecules in the gas phase. * **Options for ExtRot**. See :class:`tamkin.partf.ExtRot` for the details. ``symmetry_number`` (default ``symmetry_number=None``). When the symmetry number is not given, it is computed from the molecular geometry and topology. This may not work properly or very slowly for gigantic systems. In that case, specify symmetry_number=1, or whatever the number it should be. ``im_threshold`` (default ``im_threshold=1.0``). The threshold to determine if the molecule is linear or not. If one of the moments of inertia drops below this number, the molecule is considered to be linear. The value 1.0 is in internal (atomic) units. * **Options for Vibrations**. See :class:`tamkin.partf.Vibrations` for the details. One does not have to add a ``Vibrations`` object to the list of contributions in the partition function, unless one wants to modify the options of the vibrational contribution. ``classical`` (default ``classical=False``) When True, the vibrations are treated classically. The QM treatment is the default. This may be useful to compare TAMkin results with Monte Carlo or Molecular Dynamics simulations. ``freq_scaling`` (default ``freq_scaling=1.0``) Scaling factor for the classical part of the vibrational partition function, ie. excluding the zero-point term. ``zp_scaling`` (default ``zp_scaling=1.0``) Scaling factor for the zero-point term in the vibrational contribution [default=1] Immobile adsorbed molecules ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Make sure you first read and understand the section on partition functions for ideal gas molecules. In this section, we show how one defines a partition function for a particle that is adsorbed on a surface (flat or inside a porous material) such that it can not rotate or translate over the surface once adsorbed. It can only adsorb at another site, if it first desorbs from the surface. We assume that the adsorption energy is computed with Gaussian using a cluster approximation for the surface. This means that the cluster is terminated and that the atoms at the termination are fixed in space with constraints during the geometry optimization. The following code can be used to define the partition function for such a system:: fixed = [0, 1, 2, ...] # atom indexes of the fixed atoms, counting from zero mol_both = load_molecule_g03fchk("gaussian_both.fchk") nma_both = NMA(mol_both, PHVA(fixed)) pf_both = PartFun(nma_both, []) Compared to the gas phase, external translation and rotation are removed. The file ``"gaussian_both.fchk"`` comes from a frequency computation of the adsorbed molecule on the cluster model of the surface. The list ``fixed`` contains all atom indexes that fixed in space during the optimization. The partition function of the surface without absorbed species is defined as follows:: fixed = [0, 1, 2, ...] # atom indexes of the fixed atoms, counting from zero mol_surf = load_molecule_g03fchk("gaussian_surf.fchk") nma_surf = NMA(mol_surf, PHVA(fixed)) pf_surf = PartFun(nma_surf, []) The surface is treated as a cluster fixed in space, i.e. there are no external rotation and translation contributions to the partition function. The file ``"gaussian_surf.fchk"`` comes from a frequency computation on the surface cluster model. The geometry of the cluster must be optimized with constraints on the atoms that terminate the cluster. The list ``fixed`` contains all atom indexes that fixed in space during the optimization. One may load the indexes of the fixed atoms from a Gaussian ``.com`` file as follows:: fixed = load_fixed_g03com("gaussian.com") Be aware that the fixed atom indexes may be different in the two computations, but we recommend some consistency in this context. The following convention avoids a lot of confusion: put all your surface atoms in the beginning of the geometry definition, and within this group of surface atoms, put all fixed atoms first, then the free atoms. Mobile adsorbed molecules ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Make sure you first read and understand the section on partition functions for ideal gas molecules. In this section, we show how one defines a partition function for a particle that is adsorbed on a surface. We assume that the particle can still hover over the surface and that this translational motion can be modeled with a 2D ideal gas partition function with a constant surface area. We also assume that the adsorbed molecule is free to rotate as it can do in the gas phase. Further we assume that the adsorption energy is computed with Gaussian using a cluster approximation for the surface. This means that the cluster is terminated and that the atoms at the termination are fixed in space with constraints during the geometry optimization. The following code can be used to define the partition function for such a system:: fixed = [0, 1, 2, ...] # atom indexes of the fixed atoms, counting from zero mobile = [5, 6, 7, ...] # atom indexes of the mobile atoms, counting from zero mol_both = load_molecule_g03fchk("gaussian_both.fchk") nma_both = NMA(mol_both, PHVA(fixed)) pf_both = PartFun(nma_both, [ExtTrans(cp=False, dim=2, mobile=mobile), ExtRot()]) In this code, the file ``"gaussian_both.fchk"`` comes from a frequency computation of the adsorbed molecule on the cluster model of the surface. The list ``fixed`` contains all atom indexes that fixed in space during the optimization. The ``mobile`` atoms refer to those of the adsorbed species that has 2D translational motion on the surface. The partition function of the surface without the adsorbed molecule is constructed as follows:: fixed = [0, 1, 2, ...] # atom indexes of the fixed atoms, counting from zero mol_surf = load_molecule_g03fchk("gaussian_surf.fchk") nma_surf = NMA(mol_surf, PHVA(fixed)) pf_surf = PartFun(nma_surf, []) The surface is treated as a cluster fixed in space, i.e. there are not external rotation and translation contributions to its partition function. The file ``"gaussian_surf.fchk"`` comes from a frequency computation on the surface cluster model. The geometry of the cluster must be optimized with constraints on the atoms that terminate the cluster. The list ``fixed`` contains all atom indexes that fixed in space during the optimization. One may load the indexes of the fixed atoms from a Gaussian ``.com`` file as follows:: fixed = load_fixed_g03com("gaussian.com") Be aware that the fixed atom indexes may be different in the two computations, but we recommend some consistency in this context. The following convention avoids a lot of confusion: put all your surface atoms in the beginning of the geometry definition, and within this group of atoms, put all fixed atoms first, then the free atoms. Free or hindered internal rotors ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Make sure you first read and understand the section on partition functions for ideal gas molecules. TODO The Partition function dump file -------------------------------- Once a partition function is defined in your script, one can write an extensive description to a text file for later reference:: pf.write_to_file("partfun.txt") It is recommended to double check the contents of the file. Computation of thermodynamic quantities --------------------------------------- Once a partition function object is created, one can start computing thermodynamic quantities at different temperatures and pressures (or densities). Overview of standard quantities ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Thermodynamic quantities can be computed for a given ``PartFun`` object by calling the appropriate methods. All extensive quantities, i.e. all quantities except the chemical potential, are transformed into intensive quantities by dividing through the number of particles. The following table relates the methods to the meaning of the returned numbers for two common ensembles. ========================= ====================== ======================================================================================== ==================================================== ``PartFun`` method Internal unit NVT Ensemble (3D gas) NpT Ensemble (3D gas) ========================= ====================== ======================================================================================== ==================================================== ``internal_heat`` Hartree/particle Internal energy (per particle) Enthalpy (per particle) ``heat_capacity`` Hartree/(K*particle) Heat capacity at constant volume (per particle) Heat capacity at constant pressure (per particle) ``free_energy`` Hartree/particle Helmholtz free energy (per particle) Gibbs free energy (per particle) ``chemical_potential`` Hartree/particle Chemical potential (idem) ``entropy`` Hartree/particle Entropy (per particle) (idem) ``log`` 1/particle Logarithm of the partition function (per particle) (idem) ``logt`` 1/(K*particle) First derivative of ``log`` towards temperature (idem) ``logtt`` 1/(K^2*particle) Second derivative of ``log`` towards temperature (idem) ``logn`` 1/particle Derivative of the logarithm of the partition function towards the number of particles (idem) ``logv`` 1/particle ``logn`` - :math:`\ln(V/N)` (idem) ========================= ====================== ======================================================================================== ==================================================== One can print any of these quantities in a TAMkin script:: from molmod import * # for the unit conversion pf = ... print "The internal heat at 300K [kJ/mol]", pf.internal_heat(300)/kjmol print "The heat capacity at 300K [J/mol/K]", pf.heat_capacity(300)/(joule/(mol*kelvin)) Poking under the hood ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Besides the standard thermodynamic functions, all internal quantities of the partition function and its contributions are also accessible. For example, one computes the translational contribution to the free energy as follows:: from molmod import * # for the unit conversion pf = ... print "The free energy at 300K due to translation [kJ/mol]", pf.translational.internal_heat(300)/kjmol A complete overview of internals can be found in the reference documentation of the :mod:`tamkin.partf` module, or by reading the source code. Generating tables ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ See :class:`tamkin.pftools.ThermoAnalysis` for the details. Tables of thermodynamic quantities can be computed for given temperatures and sorting out all contributions from the components of the partition function to each quantity. The example below generates a CSV file that can be loaded into spreadsheet software. :: from tamkin import * molecule = load_molecule_g03fchk("gaussian.fchk") nma = NMA(molecule, ConstrainExt()) pf = PartFun(nma, [ExtTrans(), ExtRot()]) ta = ThermoAnalysis(pf, [300, 400, 500, 600]) ta.write_to_file("thermo.csv") The CSV file contains tables with thermodynamic quantities, at the temperatures in the second argument of the ``ThermoAnalysis`` constructor, corresponding to the ``PartFun`` methods as explained the table below. =============================================================================== ===================== ========================== Name in CSV file Unit ``PartFun`` method name =============================================================================== ===================== ========================== Internal Heat kJ/mol ``internal_heat`` Heat capacity J/(mol*K) ``heat_capacity`` Free energy kJ/mol ``free_energy`` Chemical potential kJ/mol ``chemical_potential`` Entropy J/(mol*K) ``entropy`` log= :math:`\frac{log(Z_N)}{N}` 1 ``log`` logt= :math:`\frac{\partial}{\partial T}\left(\frac{log(Z_N)}{N}\right)` 1/K ``logt`` logtt= :math:`\frac{\partial^2}{\partial T^2}\left(\frac{log(Z_N)}{N}\right)` 1/K^2 ``logtt`` logn= :math:`\frac{\partial log(Z_N)}{\partial N}` 1 ``logn`` logv= :math:`\frac{\partial log(Z_N)}{\partial N} - \ln(V/N)` 1 or ln(bohr^-dim) ``logv`` =============================================================================== ===================== ========================== Thermodynamic equilibrium ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ See :class:`tamkin.chemmod.ThermodynamicModel` for the details. Given a list of partition functions of reactants (``pfs_react``) and a list of product partition functions (``pfs_prod``), one can construct a ``ThermodynamicModel`` object. :: tm = ThermodynamicModel(pfs_react, pfs_prod) With a ``ThermodynamicModel`` object one can compute the following quantities: * **The equilibrium constant** is computed at a given temperature, ``temp``, as follows:: kc = tm.equilibrium_constant(temp) This function takes one optional argument: ``do_log``, which is by default ``False``. When set to True, the logarithm of the equilibrium constant is returned. The name of the SI unit of the equilibrium constant and the corresponding conversion factor are attributes of the ``ThermodymanicModel`` object. This can be used to facilitate the output of equilibrium constants. For example:: print "K_c at 350K [%s] = %.5e" % (tm.unit_name, kc/tm.unit) Currently TAMkin only supports ideal gases in the translational partition function which means that :math:`K_c` does not depend on the pressure set in ``ExtTrans.pressure`` or the density set in ``ExtTrans.density``. (When no translational freedom is included in the partition function, there is no pressure or density to worry about.) * **The change in free energy** is computed (and printed) as follows:: delta_fr = tm.free_energy_change(temp) print "Change in free energy [kJ/mol] = %.3f" % (delta_fr/kjmol) The change in free energy does depend on the pressure (or density) in the translational part of the partition functions of the reactants and products. * **The electronic energy difference** between the reactants (-) and the products (+) can be computed as follows:: delta_e = tm.energy_difference(temp) * **The zero-point energy difference** between the reactants (-) and the products (+) can also be computed:: delta_zpe = tm.zero_point_energy_difference(temp) A complete overview of the thermodynamic model, including the specification of the partition functions, is written to file as follows:: tm.write_to_file("thermodynamic_model.txt") Reaction kinetics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ See :class:`tamkin.chemmod.KineticModel` for the details. All kinetic properties in TAMkin are computed with the ``KineticModel`` object. For a given list of reactant partition functions, ``pfs_react`` and a transition state partition function, ``pf_trans``, the ``KineticModel`` object is created as follows:: km = KineticModel(pfs_react, pf_trans) The following kinetic properties can be computed with a ``KineticModel`` object: * **The rate constant** is the main property of interest. The following two lines print the rate constant at 303K in SI units for a given kinetic model. :: rc = km.rate_constant(303) print "Rate constant [%s] at 303K = %.5e" % (km.unit_name, rc/km.unit) In the case of ideal gases, the rate constant does not depend on the pressure (or density) set in the translation partition functions. * **The change in free energy** when going from reactants to products is computed as follows for a given temperature ``temp``:: delta_fr = km.free_energy_change(temp) * **The electronic energy difference** between the reactants (-) and the transition state (+) is computed as follows:: delta_e = km.energy_difference(temp) * **The zero-point energy difference** between the reactants (-) and the transition state (+) can also be computed:: delta_zpe = km.zero_point_energy_difference(temp) A complete overview of the kinetic model, including the specification of the partition functions, is written to file as follows:: km.write_to_file("kinetic_model.txt") Tunneling corrections --------------------- Three tunneling correction models are implemented in :mod:`tamkin.tunneling`. One can include tunneling corrections in the kinetic model by giving a ``TunnelingCorrection`` object as the third argument to the ``KineticModel`` constructor. One must first create the tunneling object:: # Just take one of the three following tunneling = Eckart(pfs_react, pf_trans, pfs_prod) tunneling = Wigner(pf_trans) tunneling = Miller(pf_trans) # Then create a kinetic model km = KineticModel(pfs_react, pf_trans, tunneling) In this snippet ``pfs_prod`` is the list of product partition functions. All rate constants computed with such a kinetic model include the tunneling correction. The other properties computed by the kinetic model are not affected. ReactionAnalysis objects -- fitting kinetic parameters A and E\ :sub:`a` ------------------------------------------------------------------------ See :class:`tamkin.pftools.ReactionAnalysis` for the details. The ultimate purpose of a ``KineticModel`` object is to estimate the kinetic parameters :math:`A` and :math:`E_a` in the empirical Arrhenius law. This can be accomplished with a ReactionAnalysis object. As soon as a reaction analysis object is created, the kinetic parameters are fitted and stored internally for post-processing or direct output: ra = ReactionAnalysis(km, temp_low, temp_high) The first argument is a kinetic model, which may include a tunneling correction. The two following arguments are the boundaries for the grid on the temperature axis used to fit the kinetic parameters. A fourth optional argument fixes the spacing of the temperature grid. The default spacing is 10K. The kinetic parameters and some related data are accessible as attributes: * ``A`` and ``Ea`` -- The kinetic parameters in atomic units. * ``R2`` -- The Pearson R^2 of the fit. * ``temps`` -- An array with the temperature grid in Kelvin * ``rate_consts`` -- the rate constants at the grid points in atomic units * ``ln_rate_consts`` -- the logarithm of `the rate constants in atomic units` The pre-exponential factor can be printed in SI units, knowing that it has the same unit as the rate constant itself:: print "Pre-exponential factor [%s] = %.5e" % (km.unit_name, ra.A/km.unit) print "The activation energy [kJ/mol] = %.2f" % (ra.Ea/kjmol) When performing a high-throughput level-of-theory study, it is very convenient to use the attributes of the ``ReactionAnalysis`` in a post-processing program. One can write an overview of the reaction analysis to a text file as follows:: ra.write_to_file("reaction_analysis.txt") The computed rate constants and the linear fit can be plotted in a typical Arrhenius plot as follows:: ra.plot_arrhenius("arrhenius.txt")