Installation ############ Disclaimer ========== MD-Tracks is developed and tested in modern Linux environments. The installation instructions below are given for a Linux system only. If you want to use MD-Tracks on other operating systems such as Windows or OSX, you should have a minimal computer geek status to get it working. We are always interested in hearing from your installation adventures. MolMod dependency ================= `MolMod `_ is a Python library used by most Python programs developed at the CMM. It must be installed before MD-Tracks can be used or installed. Installation and download instructions can be found in the `molmod documentation `_. The instructions below only work if the MolMod package is installed. External dependencies ===================== Some software packages should be installed before MD-Tracks can be installed or used. It is recommended to use the software package management of your Linux distribution to install these dependencies. The following software must be installed: * Python 2.5, 2.6 or 2.7: * Numpy >= 1.0: * MatPlotLib >= 1.0: Most Linux distributions can install this software with just a single terminal command. * Ubuntu 12.4:: sudo apt-get install python python-numpy python-matplotlib * Fedora 17:: sudo yum install python numpy python-matplotlib Installing the latest version of MD-Tracks =========================================== The following series of commands will download the latest version of md-tracks, and will then install it into your home directory. :: cd ~/build/ git clone git:// (cd md-tracks; ./ install --home=~) You are now ready to start using MD-Tracks! Upgrading to the latest version of MolMod and MD-Tracks ======================================================= In case you want to upgrade MD-Tracks to the latests development version after a previous install, then execute the following commands (in the same directory that was originally used to install MD-Tracks):: cd ~/build/ (cd molmod; git pull; rm -r ~/lib*/python/molmod*; ./ install --home=~) (cd md-tracks; git pull; rm -r ~/lib*/python/tracks* ~/bin/tr-*; ./ install --home=~) Testing your installation ========================= For the development and testing one needs to install additional packages: * Nosetests >= 0.11: * Sphinx >= 1.0: Most Linux distributions can install this software with just a single command: * Ubuntu 12.4:: sudo apt-get install python-nose python-sphinx * Debian 5:: su - apt-get install python-nose python-sphinx exit * Fedora 17:: sudo yum install python-nose sphinx * Suse 11.2:: sudo zypper install python-nose sphinx Once these dependencies are installed, execute the following commands to run the tests:: cd ~/build/md-tracks nosetests -v If some tests fail, post the output of the tests on the `MD-Tracks mailing list `_.